Vehemence - Chapter 17 - CherryMiley - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text


Katsuki fell asleep a while ago. I was excited to sleep in my new bed a few nights ago, but when I climb under my soft sheets, I find that I can’t get comfortable despite my tiredness from training. I keep my back to the rest of the room, but I am still incredibly aware of Katsuki shifting in his bed a few feet away. Every rustle of his sheets, every breath, and each minuscule noise reach my ears in the silence. To distract myself into slumber, I pull out my phone. I finally open the social media app I downloaded a few days ago.

When the home page opens, I scroll through a few pictures and articles mindlessly roving my eyes over the content. Until a picture of Hawks comes across my feed, his wings are spread wide with feathers darting around, red smudges in the photo. I quickly read the caption beneath it: ‘The President Keeps Saving Lives!’ The President? It’s dated about a year ago when he evacuated civilians during a villain attack.

The information spurs me to search for the blonde on the internet. A helpful article spells out what I need to know about Hawks. He’s currently the president of the Hero Public Safety Commission. Before that, he worked as an agent of theirs, enforcing rules and invading villain groups, including the League of Villains. The League? What a dumb name. When the last president was assassinated, the Commission fell apart. The public disapproved of their methods and secrecy which caused the Commission to go under. Within a few months, there was a grand re-opening led by none other than Hawks.

There are a few quotes from his speech outlining his new goal for the Hero Public Safety Commission: ‘With the war behind us, we get to move forward…There will not be another All For One…or another Lady Nagant…We have finally reached a time of peace, and we will protect it. Together.’ Was there a war recently? I need to look into the history that I’ve missed.

Next time I speak to Hawks, I need to ask him exactly what he does as President of the Commission. We also have to discuss what he has to offer little ol’ me. There are a few pictures of Hawks collaborating with other Pros during missions. One includes Uraraka at his back helping lift debris during a nasty storm. I faintly hear Katsuki turn in his sheets again.

That’s what her costume looks like? It’s cute with the black and pink design. It accentuates her figure too. What was her Hero name again? I type Uraraka in the search bar and hit enter. Right, Uravity. I scroll for a second before a recent article catches my eye. The title reads: ‘Uravity Finally Dating Dynamight?!’ My interest is piqued so I click it, and the website shows me the full article starting with a picture. It depicts Katsuki leaving the Hero Club with Uraraka on his back, using his Quirk to blast into the night sky.

Saturday night, Dynamight was spotted going into the Heroes’ Club building with Red Riot, but Dynamight didn’t leave with his friend. After spending a few hours in the club, Dynamight emerged with Uravity close behind. She eagerly mounted his back, and the two took off rather quickly into the night. It seems they were in a rush to get somewhere~ Has the duo finally started seeing each other?

That’s not what happened. Damn reporters are always looking for a story where there isn’t one. The rest of the article spells out the history between the two, and how the public has wanted them together since they were teens. They were in the same class in high school, and they battled against each other in their first sports festival. Originally, everyone in attendance viewed Katsuki as a monster for attacking so viciously. They quickly changed their tune when they realized he respected her strength as an opponent, even theorizing that he had a soft spot for the girl. There are a few other events where they worked together as they grew up that made the public want them to date even more.

At the end of the article in the credits, there’s some small print that catches my attention: Photo officially provided by Dynamight Agency. Does he have his own agency? Why did they give this picture to the press? To start a dating scandal?

Behind me, Katsuki makes a quiet noise resembling a whine. I peek over my shoulder, but since I was looking at the light of my screen, all I see is darkness. Turning my phone’s flashlight to its lowest setting, I point the beam at the ceiling to disperse the light over the room. It provides enough light to see Katsuki’s sleeping form in his bed. He lays on his back shirtless, but his face is turned away from me. “Kat, are you awake?” I whisper as I look over his body. His hands are tightly clenching his blanket, and his legs shift around. When he finally turns his face to me, my heart squeezes in my chest.

His eyes are pinched shut. His mouth forms a frown with his bottom lip slightly shaking. Leaving my phone behind, I toss my sheets aside and approach his bed. Katsuki is panting now, and I don’t think when I reach my hand towards him. His ruby eyes snap open, and he snatches my wrist before I can touch him, squeezing painfully. The other palm is held threateningly in my face. His eyes shakily look over my face before trailing down to where he clutches my wrist tightly. I let out a small hiss from his grip on me, and Katsuki releases me with a worried expression.

“F-f*ck Sora. Did I hurt you?” The blonde quickly sits up in his bed keeping his hands clenched in his lap while I rub my wrist gently. “N-No. I’m okay.” “What were you doing?” His eyes watch me, suddenly wary of my presence. Did he think I would do something bad? The thought stings in my chest before I answer, “I was just checking on you. I thought something was wrong.”

“It was…just a weird dream. Forget about it.” His eyes well with unshed tears and drop to the floor to my left before darting back to me. His tone sounds absolute and unquestioning, but I know that he isn’t telling the truth. “It seems like more than that, Kat. You can talk to me.” I sit on the edge of his bed and place my hand atop the covers over his shin. “No. It was nothing.” He tries to convince me along with himself. I stare at my best friend for a minute. “Kat,” I speak gently, “You’re crying.” He blinks at me before whispering “I-I am?” Katsuki wipes the tears out of his eyes with a sniff.

“Wanna…talk about it?” I lean closer. “I-uh…” He quietly contemplates, occasionally glancing in my direction. “There’s…some things I haven’t told you about me. I’ve changed since then, but the memories still haunt me sometimes. And now, they’re mixing with the present in a nasty way. I guess the thing with my dad has me shaken up a little.” He speaks loud enough for me to hear. I silently wait for him to continue. “When we were kids, I told Izuku to jump off the roof of a building.” Katsuki mumbles, voice full of regret. My eyes widen as I look at the man in front of me. I knew they didn’t get along very well, but it was to that extreme?

“He’s forgiven me for it, but I haven’t. That was really f*cked up…I was really f*cked up.” He takes a breath. “In my dream, I was standing on top of my middle school. Izuku, All Might, my parents, and you were there.” Katsuki turns his face away from me. I don’t know who All Might is but now is not the time to ask. “You were all mad and disappointed, and everyone was screaming at me to jump.” The muscles in his jaw flex, and his throat tightens. “Then, this one villain, Shigaraki mixed with All For One, reached out and touched all of you. Even as your skin peeled away and you were breaking down into nothing, you all still screamed at me to off myself. That I deserved it.” His voice cracks, and my heart aches.

I crawl on the bed quickly and wrap my arms around my best friend’s shoulders. Under my touch, his body shakes, and his breathing quickens. “Kat. I’m right here.” I hold his head to my chest with one hand, gently stroking his hair. He exhales shakily, and my tank top feels damp beneath his cheek. I repeat the phrase, unsure of what else to say.

I pull his head away and tug him to face me, but Katsuki doesn’t budge. “Look at me.” My voice deepens, surprising myself with the commanding tone. He obediently turns to face me, still keeping his head bowed so I can’t see his face. “Katsuki,” His ears perk up from his name. “You don’t deserve that. I would never tell you something like that.” I rub his shoulders gently. “I care about you too much to lose you.” The words leave my mouth easily, without reservations or worry.

Katsuki tilts his head to finally meet my gaze, and my chest tightens at the sight. His cheeks are red and tear-stained. Even his nose dribbles a bit before he sniffles. “You’re not just saying sh*t, right? Ya mean that?” He softly whispers. “With my whole being.” Katsuki straightens slightly. He eyes me briefly before quickly leaning forward to capture me in a bone-crushing hug. The air leaves my lungs in a huff before Katsuki eases his grip. His fingers clutch to my tank, and I bring my hands around to his back.

We sit like that for a while, and I enjoy having my arms around Katsuki, his bare torso bringing heat into my touch. I stroke his spine as the blonde clings to me. He occasionally sniffs and trembles. In response, I tighten my hold on my best friend until it passes. Katsuki exhales a sigh onto my shoulder. “I really didn’t hurt you earlier, right? I don’t know what I’d do if–” “No Kat. I’m fine. See?” I hold my wrist to the side for him to see. He grabs my palm, turning my hand to inspect for bruises or heat blisters. Then, he threads his fingers through my own.

“Thank you,” He mumbles against my tank top. “What did I do?” I jerk my head to look at his pointy hair. He squeezes my hand before twisting his head to peek at me. “Just be grateful,” He says. I smile softly at the blonde before nodding, “Okay. You’re welcome.” He looks at my smile before locking eyes with me. With our close proximity and him holding my hand, I blush under his attention.

“Do you think…you’d want to…sleep with me?” He blushes lightly, “I-If you want to.” My blush darkens. “Huh?” “Y’know…in case you get a nightmare.” He shrugs and leans out of our hug. Oh, that’s what he meant. “Um, I don’t want to intrude.” Katsuki rolls his eyes at me before flopping back on his pillows. “You comin’ or what?” I peek over my shoulder at my bed. I wasn’t sleeping anytime soon in that thing. Wordlessly, I hop off of Katsuki’s bed before trotting over to mine.

I glance over my shoulder to see the blonde frowning in his blanket. With a chuckle, I grab my phone and flick off the flashlight, plunging the room into darkness again. I tip-toe over to Kat’s bed again before climbing onto his sheets. “Oh no, Kat. I think I’m getting scared.” I giggle. “Shut the hell up and get in here.” I blindly feel around the bed before my fingers land on something that feels warm and hard. Katsuki’s hand wraps around my wrist gently before tugging it up to his chest. “H-Hands up here you damn dumbass.” “What did I touch?” “Don’t worry about it. Just shut up and go to sleep.”

I wiggle underneath Katsuki’s blanket and keep some distance between us as I face the blonde. In the darkness, I’m unsure where he is or if he’s even facing me. “Hey, I thought you were gonna be my Teddybear,” Katsuki whispers as I hear his hands pat the sheets in front of me. “Your Teddybear?” I giggle and scoot a little closer. I like the sound of that. “Well yeah. I sleep better with you.” He mumbles. “Me too, Kitty Kat,” I whisper and slide my hands across the sheets till I tap his bare chest. He laughs in the darkness.

“The hell? Kitty Kat? Really?” He asks between chuckles. I shrug, “If you have a nickname for me, I’ve gotta have one for you.” I wrap my legs around his, the soft material of his sweatpants rubbing against my shins. “Or…I could just call you mine?” I blush bright red, but keep my tone playful and light. “Tsk, whatever you want dumbass,” Katsuki mumbles complacently and brings his arms around my waist, tugging me into his chest. The warmth of his skin hits me before his caramelized scent fills my senses. I feel like my brain is short-circuiting since he didn’t deny the claim. I poke at one of Katsuki’s ribs, earning a flinch from the man.

“I’m not tired.” How could I be when I’m wrapped up in Katsuki’s arms while he’s shirtless? And I keep remembering that night at the club. What would have happened had we continued that dance? “Me either,” Kat whispers. “Why did you give the press that picture of you and Uraraka?” I find myself asking into the darkness. Was I jealous? No, I know there’s nothing between the two of them, but something bothers me that the public thinks so.

“That? That was just damage control.” I tilt my head at his answer and tap on his rib again. “Damage control for what?” “The press got ahold of some photos of you at the mall with me, Mina, and Kirishima, and a few more with just me. You don’t need them digging around your life or anyone targeting you, so I asked my social media manager to take care of it. That was their solution. A diversion.” His voice rumbles beneath my fingertips with a shrug. He did it to protect me. Warmth spreads across my chest at the thought. Dummy, it’s because you're his friend. My ego deflates a bit. I just want to be someone special to him…but I also don’t want him to have to protect me. I want to be able to be by his side.

I rhythmically tap on his ribs, the blonde flinching beneath my fingers. That night, it felt like something would have happened, and I can’t get the thought out of my head. Maybe he hasn’t made a move on me or anything because he doesn’t want to? Is that because he’s not gonna break the peace between us or because he just doesn’t like me like that?

I consider his personality for a moment. I doubt Katsuki would let anyone this close to him, see him this vulnerable. From my understanding, even those who have known him for years are kept at arms reach. So why me? Why let me in like this? Why let me be this close if I’m not special? The question conflicts me. A part of me grows giddy because I might be special to him, but another part grows a little irritated with the blondie under my fingertips. He’s had friends before me. Could this possibly be just how he is with his best friends? Maybe I should ask Kirishima or even Izuku about it.

“Why are you so tense? Is that why you’re not tired?” Katuski mumbles into my hair, his fingers rubbing circles on my spine. “I guess,” I shrug. “I’ve just got a lot on my mind at the moment.”

“Wanna talk about it?” He drags a finger from the base of my spine to the center of my back, edging along the top of my tank top. “N-Not yet. It’s just a jumble of random thoughts.” I sigh. It’s silent for a moment then Katsuki says, “Want me to get your mind off of it?” My face turns red from the implications of his offer. “Um, sure.” Yes, please.

“Lay on your stomach,” Katsuki orders as he slips away from me. I grow excited as I roll over. “Close your eyes for a sec. I’m gonna turn on my flashlight.” He warns me before a beam of light flicks to the ceiling, similar to how I had my phone earlier. “No promises that I’m any good at this, but I know it can make you feel better.” My cheeks burn red, and I squeeze my thighs together in anticipation. I cross my arms in front of me and lay my head on them. “It’s fine Kat. I’m sure you’ll be good at it. You’re good at everything,” I mumble into my arm as the blanket is removed from my back to bundle around my thighs.

“Heh, you’re damn right I am.” Katsuki chuckles before his hands land on my upper back. He brushes my hair away, and the spaghetti-strap tank top I wear leaves my shoulders exposed to my best friend. His fingers dig into the muscles by my neck, massaging the tension away. It’s just a massage. I really need to get my mind out of the gutter. I sigh from the pressure.

Katsuki works at my upper back, massaging each muscle into relaxation. He finds a particularly tense area, and I let out a quiet moan as he rubs. His hands still for a moment before finishing the area. “Um…” Katsuki mumbles and I turn my head to look at the blonde. “What’s up?” His cheeks are red and he won’t look me in the eyes. “Is it okay if I move your shirt? It’s in my way.” He points to my back and chews the inside of his lip.

“Oh, yeah. That’s fine Kat. You don’t have to ask,” I turn my head and mutter the last phrase. The tank top is actually a thin material, but I’ll take any excuse for him to touch my skin. Maybe it’d be fun to tease him since I can’t see his face and vice versa. Katsuki lightly lifts my shirt, pushing over my shoulder blades, and I shudder under the gentle touch. Goosebumps rise on my skin before his warm hands return to my back.

He runs his fingers over my skin before stopping again. “No, keep going,” I whine childishly. “I can’t get a good angle from here,” Katsuki explains before trying to rub my muscles again, but his fingers don’t run over them right. “Do whatever you gotta do. I’m enjoying this,” I giggle. Katsuki sits silently for a moment before mumbling, “Excuse me.” I quirk my brow before I feel the mattress shift.

Katsuki throws one leg over my hips before sitting on the back of my thighs. Heat floods my face and I squeeze my thighs together again. Katuski wastes no time before sliding his hands onto my lower back, massaging tenderly. “Mmm~” I moan into my arm. Each touch shoots electricity straight between my legs. I remember that Kat is shirtless this whole time, and now he’s inches away from my ass.

Katsuki rubs a spot on my spine, and I squirm under his touch. I slip out another moan. “Stop f*ckin’ moving will ya?” Katsuki presses his hands into my back, dragging them up my spine before going back down painfully slow.

“S-Sorry. It just feels really good,” I swallow thickly. He chuckles behind me before continuing his movements, “And you need to chill out with those noises.” “What noises? Ah~” I smirk before squeaking under the pressure of his palm above my hip. “Those.” He scoffs.

“I thought you’d want to know what a good job you’re doing.” I tiredly shrug before burying my face back into my crossed arms. “I know that I’m doing a good job.” He emphasizes his point with a rough rub down my spine that pulls a gasp from me. “Yes, you are~” I purr under his fingers.

After thoroughly massaging away all tension from my back, Katsuki rubs his hands down my sides and rests them low on my hips. “Better?” He whispers, and I nod my head with a sleepy grin. “Better.” Katsuki tenderly tugs my tank top back down. He climbs off of me, and I stretch my limbs.

“I’ll give you a massage next time,” I chuckle as Katsuki settles next to me under the blanket. “Yeah, whatever. Let’s just go to sleep.” He mumbles. I expect him to pull me into his chest again, but the blonde turns his back to me before turning off his flashlight. “Oi, I thought we were cuddling.” I prop myself up on my elbow and poke the man’s bare back.

“We can. Like this.” Katsuki reaches back into the darkness and finds my arm. Tugging it, he brings my arm around his waist, and my cheek presses against his back. We intertwine our legs again. I never thought of Katsuki as a little spoon, but I smile to myself and rub my face against his skin, settling into the big spoon position. I breathe in his scent. Katsuki slides his hand over mine and locks our fingers together. “G’night Sora,” he whispers into the inky darkness. “Night Kitty Kat.”


In the early hours of the morning, I feel Katsuki slip out of my arms. With him sleeping between me and the wall, he’s forced to crawl over me gently before landing on the floor. I turn to the blonde and whine tiredly while reaching my hand to him. He chuckles before going over to his dresser.

He grabs some clothes to change into before heading back in my direction. “Come back to bed~” I whine again. Katsuki places a warm hand on my head and ruffles my hair with another chuckle, “I’ve got work, but I’ll be back a little early. Remember, we’re going to my parent’s house for dinner.” I cross my arms over my chest before cuddling back into his pillows. “Right, that’s today,” I mumble into the fluff. “Just go back to sleep. I’ll see you later, Teddybear.” He laughs before dropping his voice back to a whisper. “See you later, baby. Drive safe.” I mumble and wave him off before burying my face back into the pillows. Before I close my eyes, Katsuki chokes on air and blushes cutely.

I finally wake up around ten a.m. When I check my phone for the time, I’m greeted by a few missed texts. I hum curiously as I tap on the various conversations.

Kat 💥: Try not to sleep the whole day dumbass

Mina 💋: Gurl what did you do to Bakugou? He’s walking around with a big dopey grin behind his collar thinking we can’t see it. Did you finally get some?

Awesome Hawks: Hey do you think you could come around to the Commission today? I’ll be in the office and maybe you’d like to get some answers now?

I don’t even remember putting Hawks’s number into my phone. I change his name to Bird Boy 🐥 before texting back: I’ve only got a few hours but I’ll be there. Send the address. I sit up on the side of the bed and stretch my arms to the ceiling. In my sleep, my tank top shifted, almost leaving my chest uncovered. I straighten the fabric before standing up.

I quickly change into some black ripped jeans and a black graphic tee with an orange and teal design. After Hawks sends the address, I jog down to the station to catch the train. I shoot a text to Kat letting him know that I’m heading to the city for a bit. On the ride over, I continue reading a book on my phone that Mina previously recommended. Once I arrive in the city, I order a ride to the Commission building. The sleek grey car parks on the street, and I exit the vehicle, looking up to the skyscraper before me.

I follow Hawks’s instructions to the elevator and go up to one of the highest floors. When the door opens, I’m greeted by a receptionist sitting behind a desk. “Go on in. He’s expecting you.” The boy points to the pair of double doors to his right. “Um, right.” I take a breath before entering Hawks’s office space.

I’m not sure what I was expecting, but I thought the office of the bird man would be a lot more…flashy. I’m a little disappointed that the large room is rather plain: a few shelves of books and binders, a comfy-looking couch, and Hawks sitting at his desk to the right of the glass balcony doors. “Oh, hey Songbird. Long time no see,” Hawks grins with a wave as he pushes some papers to the side. “You just saw me the other day,” I mumble and drop into the chair across from his desk.

Hawks leans over and grabs a file from a drawer on his left. “I know you don’t have a lot of time today, so I’ll cut right to the chase.” He smiles and flops the folder onto his desk. “We’ve had an employee finally give us the details of your case, and it’s come to our attention that you were quite the project for the Doctor.” Hawks shuffles the papers until he finds the correct one. “You see, Quirks tend to get stronger as the generations pass, but there are cases of Quirks weakening due to genetics or even chance. The Doctor collected a few select Quirks to combine them into one. He was hoping to have it completed for All For One, but the project was abandoned after his capture…but not before giving that Quirk to you.”

“What?” I stare at Hawks. His face remains neutral which unsettles me. “What are you saying?” “To put it into simple terms, the Doctor engineered a rare Quirk. Teleportation.” Hawks folds his hands together and watches me. “T-Teleport?” I arch a brow at the winged man before me. “He carefully combined the right Quirks to get that ability and safely stored it in your body to develop. This specific Quirk is pretty uncommon and is highly regulated. Y’know, considering all you could do with it.” Hawks shrugs casually.

“But I already have a Quirk: Impact Absorption.” I hold my hand in my lap, rubbing at my palm nervously. “Ah, yeah. That’s in your file. I understand you don’t have many memories before you woke up right? Have you remembered anything since then?” I shake my head at his question. “Well, we dug up all that we could about your childhood. You were often seen accompanying your parents to social gatherings, but not much outside of that. From what they’ve told us, you were rather sheltered. Combine that with your type of Quirk, and that led us to believe that you never received enough force as a child to activate your Quirk. Hence, everyone thought you were Quirkless.” Hawks’s eyes drift off to the side before flicking back to me.

“So, the Doctor had given me another Quirk on top of my original one.” I reason out loud. Hawks hums and nods. “What do you mean by this Quirk is ‘highly regulated?’” “Teleportation can be pretty dangerous in the wrong hands. Like you could theoretically get into any number of illegal places, and I’m the head of the Hero Public Safety Commission, so enforcement of Quirks falls under my jurisdiction.” “I…see where you’re coming from, but I’ve never even used that Quirk.” I fiddle with my fingers.

“This is where we come in. I have a deal to offer you.” Hawks rests his chin on his interlocked fingers with a conniving smile. “I’m listening.” “We can help you train your abilities and your Quirks. You can have free reign over the use of your Teleportation Quirk as long as it’s used correctly, but the Commission can also call on you to assist with missions. You will have to have a tracker on you at all times to ensure proper usage of your Quirk, and you’ll be entrusted to the care of select Heroes as an extra precaution. Myself included.” I carefully listen to his words, taking my time to think.

“And if I refused to help the Commission?” Hawks taps his chin at my question. “I’d imagine something uncomfortable like confinement to a secluded location. We’re offering you as much comfort and freedom as we can, but that’s the best offer you’re gonna get. You’ll still have a lot of liberties, and I don’t want to cage you Songbird.” He frowns at me.

“I’m assuming there will be a written agreement?” I straighten my posture while looking at the winged Hero. “You know it.” Hawks smiles again and pulls a small stack of papers from his desk. “Could I have some time to read over it? I’m not gonna sign my life away without knowing what I’m getting myself into.” Hawks slides the contract over to me. “Yeah, that’s fine. But we’d like to at least get that tracker on you today in case the Quirk activates spontaneously. Don’t want you ending up stranded somewhere.” Hawks smiles convincingly. I guess there are some pretty bad scenarios that could happen should it activate. And I’d rather not be put on house arrest against my will.

“I’ll agree to that much since I see the danger. So, is it a bracelet or something like that?” Hawks rubs the back of his neck and looks off to the side. “The thing is…there’s a possibility that your accessories and even your clothing won’t teleport with you.” Hawks stands from his chair, stretching his wings wide. I contemplate his words for a moment.

“So…the tracker will be something…more permanent,” I mumble and wring my hands together before looking up at the towering Hero. “Unfortunately, that’s the only solution we have at the moment. We’ll make the procedure as comfortable and painless as possible.” Hawks extends his hand to me, and I stare at the man in front of me.

“Hawks, I’m choosing to trust you on this. I know that you have your own motives, but I can see that we both would rather not resort to violence. And this arrangement will also benefit me,” I take Hawks’s hand and rise to my feet. “But as a warning, if something happens to me, you’ll have Dynamight to answer to.” Hawks rolls his eyes with a smile at my thinly-veiled threat. He releases my hand and points me to the elevator. “Go down to floor seven. I’ll be looping Dynamight in on your case then.” He begins to walk to the balcony and I take a step in his direction. “Wait. Are you not coming?”

Hawks rolls his shoulders, slowly unfurling his wings. “Elevators are a bit cramped for me. Plus, I have other business to attend to today, but you’re in safe hands Songbird.” He opens the balcony doors, and I grab onto his coat. “I have some quick questions then.” Hawks peeks over his shoulder at me and turns to give me his full attention.

“Did you talk to my parents yourself?” My green eyes look up into his golden ones. “No. I try not to involve myself in cases as much as possible.” Hawks shakes his head. “Where are they? What info do you have about them?” I play with my fingers mindlessly. Hawks sighs before going back to his desk. He brings a thin folder out of a locked drawer and hands it to me. “They’re in a high-security prison. This is all the info I have that pertains to this case. I’m sure your parents could answer your questions better than me, but I don’t suggest it Sora.” I take the folder and look up at the Hero. “They’re…not good people. They’re in prison for a reason.” My eyes drop down to the folder in my hands.

“Thanks for this, Hawks.” “Don’t mention it, Songbird.” Hawks smirks and waves before taking off from the balcony. I leave his office with the papers and go down to the seventh floor. I’m politely ushered into a small room that resembles a hospital room. A man wearing scrubs enters the room behind me accompanied by two nurses.

“We’re just going to numb the area before administering the deep tissue anesthetic.” He explains as he preps a tray on the counter. I lay down on the paper-covered table while the nurses assist the doctor. I keep my eyes on the ceiling and take deep calming breaths as one of the nurses positions my arm. She has piercing blue eyes behind her glasses while the other has stormy grey eyes. She cleans an area on the inside of my left bicep before receiving a syringe from the gray-eyed nurse.

“You’ll feel a pinch, but you shouldn’t feel much after that. Just take some breaths and try not to tense your muscles.” The blue-eyed nurse explains before she inches the needle closer. I follow her advice and wince as the needle punctures my skin. The numbing effect quickly takes over my senses, a tingling sensation in my bicep. The doctor replaces the nurse as he gently pokes my arm with another needle, but I don’t feel anything in the area anymore.

I keep my eyes on the ceiling unable to watch the operation, but I feel slight tugs and pressure in my muscles before the doctor holds a small computer chip for me to see. “This is the tracker. It’s only a few centimeters big, so you shouldn’t be able to feel it once we heal you up.” I silently nod my head and focus on my breathing. Soon, the doctor steps away and starts taking off his protective gear. “All done. She’s all yours, Nurse.”

The grey-eyed nurse now steps up next to me. I watch her hold her hand over my arm, and a faint green glow emanates under her palm. When she pulls her hand away, my wound is sealed shut, not even a scar remaining. I mumble my thanks to the doctor and nurses. The blue-eyed nurse sits at a computer terminal as the others leave the room.

“The tracker is transmitting properly. You’re good to go.” She turns to me and her eyes lift from a smile under her mask. I rub at the spot on my arm, feeling no tenderness or bump. There’s no evidence of the tracker under my skin. The nurse leads me to the exit while I hold the papers to my chest. The Commission is positioned on a busy city street, so I decide to explore the nearby area. A few blocks away, I find a small cafe snuggled in between two larger buildings. I get a small iced coffee and find a secluded booth to sit in.

While I sip on my caramel macchiato, I stare at the folder of papers on the table. I tuck the file of my parents underneath the contract, opting to read it first. I slowly flip through the pages. It’s written in layman’s terms so I thankfully understand each word. Somewhere behind me, a bell jingles above the entrance. “Dynamight, what are we doing here? Are you thirsty?” A deep voice floats through the cafe to my ears. “Dynamight?” I mumble and turn my head in the direction of the voice.

My eyes land on a set of abs hidden beneath a tight black shirt. Trailing my eyes upwards, I find a large orange X before meeting the crimson eyes of my best friend in his Hero Costume. I blush at his sudden appearance. His eyes pierce my own as he slides his phone back into his pocket. “Icy Hot, give me a minute,” Katsuki grumbles over his shoulder. I follow his gaze to a man standing a few feet behind him. The man looks genetically split down the middle: one side with white hair and a grey eye while the other has red hair and a blue eye. Not to mention the healed scar over the left side of his face.

I chuckle awkwardly as my best friend sits across from me. He lightly glares at me behind his mask without speaking a word. “How did you know I was here?” I cross my arms on the table and lean toward the blonde. He silently slides his phone across the table to me. I catch it to find a map with a blinking red dot positioned in a box depicting the cafe building.

“Hawks caught me up to speed.” I push Kat’s phone back to him with a blank expression. “Why do you seem upset?” I squint at the Hero. His mouth is covered behind his tall black collar, and his eyes shine like rubies against the darkness of his eye mask. “Maybe because I am.” Katsuki snatches my coffee from the table and takes a sip of the cold beverage. “Oi, that’s mine.” I reach for the cup, but Katsuki grabs my wrist. He pins my hand to the table before sitting down the macchiato.

“f*ck, that’s sweet.” He folds down his collar and wipes at his mouth. My eyes can’t help but follow the movement. “What has Hawks told you?” I hear myself asking. “Birdbrain told me about your other Quirk, and about the deal you’re in the process of making.” Katsuki shrugs with a frown, his eyes dipping to the papers on the table. I just learned about it a few hours ago,” I say to my best friend.

“How did he contact you?” Katsuki asks, keeping his tone steady. “Hawks found me at the club the other night. He offered me some answers and some help.” I speak slowly. He tightens his grip on my wrist, still not enough to hurt though. “Why didn’t you tell me? I could have helped.” My brows furrow at the blonde’s growing irritation.

“You still can help. I know next to nothing about this Quirk, and I need someone I can trust looking out for me.” I twist my wrist out of Kat’s grip. I reach for his hand, but he flinches away. I ball my fist on the table and his red eyes flick to the wall of windows before landing back on me.

“You don’t trust Birdbrain?” Katsuki accuses, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back against his seat. “Not as far as I can throw him. Which isn’t very far.” I shrug. Kat smirks at my answer. “Well, that’s refreshing,” He mumbles while exhaling. I squint at my friend, unsure of what he means. “Most people would just trust Hawks due to his position and long history of being a Hero. Since you aren’t accustomed to this place, you’re at least keeping your guard up as anyone with a brain should do.” I stare at Katsuki.

“Is that a compliment? Or should I feel offended?” “I’m just sayin’ I’m glad you’re at least being smart about this.” He looks away from me with pink tinting his cheeks. “I’m not an idiot, Kat. I’m not gonna trust someone I just met even if they’re a Pro.” I glare at him. His eyes widen as he looks at me. “That’s not what I meant.”

“Then, please, just tell me what you’re getting at.” I huff and lean back into my seat. Katsuki’s eyes scan over our surroundings before dropping his voice to a whisper. “Meet me in the alley out back in five minutes.” Katsuki stands and stalks out of the cafe, a few eyes following the Hero. I sit at the booth, seeming to read over the pages, but my brain doesn’t absorb any of the words. I sigh and collect my papers. I stand from the booth and throw away my cup. Tucking the files under my arm, I casually leave the cafe and find my way to the alley.

I have to squeeze through a hole in the fence blocked by some boxes and the other side is a dead end, leaving the alleyway secluded from any wandering eyes. Katsuki leans against the brick wall while waiting for my appearance. When I approach the blonde, he wraps his arms around me and drags me into his chest. I place my papers on a nearby box and begrudgingly close my eyes in his arms.

“I don’t think you’re an idiot Sora…I’m proud of you for handling all of this so well. I just…want you to come to me with your problems. Whether you just need another set of ears to listen or if you need help. I just wish that you told me about all of this instead of Hawks.” His arms tighten around me, and I let out a long breath. Is he jealous? My heart skips a beat before I shove away the thought. There’s no way.

“Kat, I was gonna tell you once I understood it myself, and you were at work. I wasn’t gonna bother you. There’s just so much going on all at once. Training my Impact Quirk, learning about the Teleportation Quirk, and trying to understand what happened to me. Not to mention how my parents are mixed up in this. And I’ve got more stuff on my plate that I’m not ready to talk about yet.” I grip his shirt with a small blush.

“You don’t understand. Getting involved with Heroes can be dangerous. He’s asking you to assist on missions. I just…don’t want you getting hurt. You’re important to me.” Katsuki whispers into my ear causing me to blush red. “You’re important to me too, Kat. But you’re also a Pro. You face danger every day! Who else would be better to watch my back and teach me the ropes?” I lean back in his embrace and cup Katsuki’s cheek. “I trust you with everything, Kat. As long as you’re by my side, what’s the worst that could happen?” I smirk at the Hero.

I watch his eyes think over the countless dangerous scenarios, and I cut him off with a smile. “I know that you wouldn’t let anything happen to me. You’re the best damn Hero there is.” Katsuki blushes from my words and tilts his head up so I can’t see his face. “You can’t just say sh*t like that Sora. You can’t…sound so f*ckin’ cool. That’s s’posed to be my job.”

“Aww, but you’re the coolest Kitty Kat I know!” I tease and tug his face back down to look at me. His cheeks are red. He looks so cute even with the little scowl on his lips. “Don’t f*ckin’ call me that!” “But you said I could call you whatever I want,” I smirk. “Doesn’t mean you can just call me ‘baby so casually!” I blink at the blonde.

“When did I call you baby?” My cheeks burn red. Did I call him when I was drunk? “This morning. Before I left for work.” Katsuki tucks his face behind his collar again. I stare at the man, and my embarrassment melts away with my realization.

“You liked it?!” I gasp. “Shut up.” “Oh you did! Little BakuBaby~” I giggle and tease, poking at his chest. Another gasp leaves my lungs when Katsuki turns us and pins me to the brick wall by my arms. I laugh before looking up at Kat’s flustered face. “So what if I do?!” He shouts with a blush before dropping his voice an octave. “I can call you f*ckin’ names like that too. I’m sure you’d react worse than me. Ain’t that right, baby?”

My face turns bright red, the heat slipping down my neck and up my ears. Katsuki laughs at my reaction. “I f*ckin’ knew it!” I relish the sound of his laughter. It’s a rare side of him that I don’t get to see often. I’d let him make fun of me every day if I got to see him like this. His laughter dies down and he inches his face closer. “What? Can’t take what you dish out babe?”

“That’s not it at all! I’m just thinking of all the new ways to tease you, darling.” I challenge the blonde and bring my face closer. “It reminds me of a game of chicken. Let’s see who backs out first. I know how much you hate to lose, my Dynamight.” I chuckle and let my voice come out breathy while looking into those carmine eyes.

“Dynamight. Come in.” I hear a voice quietly speak. I follow the noise to a black earpiece in Katsuki’s ear. Was that one the whole time? Did they hear everything?! Katsuki places a finger over his lips before tapping the earpiece twice. “What’s up Shoto?” His breath brushes over my lips, the sweet smell of caramel and coffee filling my nose. “Suspicious activity at 3317 Avenue J.” Katsuki’s eyes glaze over as he thinks of something. “Is it called Ozzie’s Lounge?” “Yes. How did you know?” Katsuki blushes.

“I know this city like the back of my hand. That’s an adult entertainment club, Two-Face. They’re going to act suspicious going into that place.” Katsuki keeps his eyes locked with mine. “Oh, alright. I’ll keep watch for a few more minutes just in case.” Kat rolls his eyes. “Yeah, whatever. I’ll be there soon.” He taps the earpiece twice again before placing his hand back on my arm, pinning me in place again. “He can’t hear us now, Teddybear.”

“Get back to Hero work. I’ve distracted you enough.” I giggle at the blonde. He pouts before smirking again. His hands release my arms and instead settle on my hips. Giving them a light squeeze, he brings his lips closer to my ear. “You’re right, babe. You’re quite the distraction, but I’ll see you at home later.” My thighs press together as he huskily whispers, his nose nudging my head and his lips ghosting over the shell of my ear. There’s no way I’m gonna let him get the last word in.

I stick out my tongue and give a small lick to the blonde’s neck. “Looking forward to it, Kat.” I giggle before shoving the Pro away. He stumbles back and slaps his hand over his neck. “Did you just f*ckin’ lick me?” Katsuki wipes at the strip of saliva with his gloved hand. I innocently smile and grab my files before striding to the alley’s exit. “You’re gonna f*cking get it later.” Kat threatens in a deep voice before popping an explosion and taking off into the sky. I stay in the alley another minute to calm my racing heart…and to banish the dirty thoughts that his declaration put in my mind.


When I finally arrive home, I stick my tongue out at the camera in the doorframe. A text dings from my phone. Kat 💥: I saw that dumbass. Katsuki won’t be home for a few more hours, so I have plenty of time to come up with a plan to win this impromptu game. I finally have an excuse to act on my impulses without having to be so openly vulnerable with the blonde. Before anything else, I hop into the shower and blare some music. I use the pressure of the detachable shower head to my advantage to get some of the dirty thoughts out of my system, but that might have made them worse.

I exit the shower and strut around the house in just a towel, singing along with the current song. I unpack all of my belongings into the white dresser that Katsuki got me. Mina convinced me to buy some skirts and dresses, so I also hang them in the closet. Before I leave the small room, my eyes land on one of Katsuki’s tank tops. Specifically, the black tank top that he wears with his Hero Costume. An impulsive thought crosses my mind and I indulge myself. I swipe the shirt from its hanger and drop my towel. Sliding the fabric over my body, I wander to the bathroom to look in the mirror.

I’ve got to let him catch me wearing this one day. The shirt holds my tit* together, leaving my cleavage on display. The material clings to my body to accentuate my curves and ends mid-thigh. I prop my phone against the wall and snap a photo of me to send to Mina. I send the photo off to my pink bestie and go back to our bedroom. I quickly grab some makeup items before trotting back to the bathroom. A giddy smile covers my face every time I see myself in Kat’s Hero shirt. Something that is so distinctly his on my body is a major confidence boost.

I sit on the counter facing the mirror and do my makeup. Taking what Mina taught me, I recreate a similar look on myself. Instead of a large sexy wing, I flick my eyeliner to create a small innocent wing and soft brown shadow around my eyelids. When I’m finished with my makeup, I save doing my lipgloss until after I get dressed. I trot across the hall and into the closet again. I carefully strip Kat’s tank top from my body and hang it back in the closet.

“Hmm,” I hum to myself as I look over my selection of clothing. Something that’ll charm the dickens out of his parents. Even beyond this little game of ours, I desperately want them to like me. I guess I’ll embrace the cute factor and reach for a pink dress. The long sleeves hang off of my shoulders, and the material sinches at the waist before flowing down just past my knees. I open a smaller drawer at the top of my dresser and grab a matching silver set of earrings and a necklace. The earrings are shiny studs and the chain of the necklace is littered with small various star-shaped charms.

I shake my hips to the beat of my music and feel a breeze between my thighs. My face turns pink as I realize that I almost forgot to wear panties under my dress. I dig through my drawer and find a cute pink lace thong with a bow in the center of the waistband. I also slide on a simple white pair of socks before going back into the bathroom to fix my hair. I opt for another half-up ponytail with a white scrunchie, leaving some purple strands to frame my face. Picking up a tube of gloss, I swipe the product over my lips.

I feel absolutely adorable. Admiring myself in the mirror, I hardly hear the front door unlock. When the sound of Katsuki in the entryway registers, I pop out of the bathroom to greet the blonde. “Welcome home, Kat.” I smile at my best friend. He’s changed out of his Hero outfit into some casual dark blue jeans and an orange graphic tee. His eyes dip over my outfit, and his cheeks turn pink. Kat scowls at me from down the hallway.

“Got all dressed up just for me?” He takes a step into the hallway. “Ha, you wish. Did you forget about going to your parent’s place?” Katsuki silently keeps his eyes on me. “What? Do you like it?” I ruffle the bottom of my dress and even give him a little spin. When I turn to face the blonde again, I gasp in surprise to find him right in front of me. I stumble a step back, and Katsuki shoots his hand out and grabs my waist. Regaining my balance, I clutch his shoulders.

“Nice save, Kat.” I smile up at him, but he stares back at me seriously. “Don’t act all innocent.” Katsuki forces me back, one step then another, until my back hits the wall. “It’s time for payback.” He growls as he brings his mouth close to my ear. My breath hitches in anticipation.

Warmth and wetness meet on my neck. Katsuki slowly licks from the base of my throat up to the bottom of my ear before chuckling darkly. I squeak under his tongue, feeling his breath fan across where he just licked me. f*ck, I want to feel that tongue all over me. “Now, get your ass in the car, Princess,” Katsuki growls into my ear and steps back with a satisfied smirk.

I curse my competitive nature that got me into this position. I’m tempted to smack the blonde’s ass in retaliation, but I choose to continue having a life. In a daze, I stumble to the front door, grabbing my white purse along the way. I sit down to slide on my shoes, and Katsuki comes behind me with a deep chuckle. “What? Suddenly decided to listen to me?”

“I never said that. We’re just gonna be late unless we leave now.” I let out a ‘hmph’ and keep my eyes facing forward. Just you wait, Katsuki. I smirk to myself and stand, purposely almost bumping into the blonde behind me. When I trot outside, I expect the usual driver holding my door for me, but he’s nowhere to be seen. Great, Kat’s gonna drive the whole way there. I roll my eyes as I approach the black vehicle.

Sliding into the passenger seat, I briefly glance around at the black and red interior before spotting the screen for the radio. A smirk falls over my lips as I pull out my phone. I connect my device to Katsuki’s speaker system and open my music app. When Kat slips into the driver’s seat, I slowly turn up the volume. Kat stares at me with a weird expression as I sing along to the lyrics while occasionally glancing at him.

“We're living in a world with madness in the shadows

I'm here to keep you safe, protect you from the dark

Uh-uh, sometimes, I feel like a monster

Uh-uh-uh-uh, but I know what's best for you

Let me be your superhero, your dynamite

Let me be the one to hold you to do you right

Let me be your superhero, your dynamite

Let me be everything you need to feel alright.”

“How the hell do you find such oddly specific songs?!” He barks with a small blush. “Call it a talent of mine,” I smirk and relax in my seat. “It’s like you’re a damn witch.” Kat turns and backs out of the driveway. I shrug and lean against my door while keeping my eyes off of him.

Throughout the drive, I focus on the music playing from the speakers. Occasionally, a love song plays that I can’t skip or I’d look suspicious. I’d rather not give Kat another reason to suspect that I like him, but I don’t stop myself from glancing over at the hot blonde when certain parts play like ‘you’re mine’ or ‘my love.’

My face turns pink when I entertain my thoughts. I imagine what Katsuki would be like as a boyfriend. I like to think that he’d be very sweet and generous, putting his all into everything he does as usual. If he’d make a great boyfriend, just imagine him as a lover. My cheeks become warmer and I keep my face turned to the window, the AC blowing on my heated skin.

Stop thinking like that you damn pervert! I glance over at Kat. He’s leaned back in his seat, one hand on the wheel and the other resting on the center console. I’m tempted to take his hand, but I shake away the thought. I’m about to meet my best friend’s parents. My crush’s parents. I nervously nibble my lip as anxiety starts to bubble up in my chest. Various ‘what if’ scenarios pop into my mind. Like what if they don’t like me living with him? What if they convince him to kick me out?

I don’t want to leave Katsuki’s side. I can only hope that he feels the same way for me. Kat slowly pulls into a neighborhood before parking outside of a house. I look through the window at the large stone structure. It’s a lot bigger than I imagined, and it looks so fancy.

The bricks are lightly painted and well-maintained. Not a single crack in the home’s exterior. The large windows have beautiful iron bent into a modern grid pattern to cover the tinted glass, and the bushes and trees are perfectly shaped around the front yard.

My door opens in front of me, and I almost fall onto the pavement from the sudden motion. “Stop gawking and come on.” Katsuki rolls his eyes before walking away from the car. I scurry to catch up to the blonde as he casually walks to the front door. “You grew up here?” I can’t keep my eyes off the beautiful house. “Yeah. Don’t make a big deal out of it dumbass.” Without even knocking, Katsuki opens the door and strolls inside.

“Kat!” I whisper to the blonde when I follow him into the entryway. “What? It’s my house too.” He shrugs before turning to the interior of the home. “Oi, hag! We’re here!” Katsuki calls while slipping off his shoes. I quickly slide off mine as well when a woman turns the corner. Her ash blonde hair spikes up just like Kat’s and instead of bright red eyes, hers are a reddish brown color. She wears a casual purple top and black skirt along with her house slippers. She only seems a few years older than us.

She smirks at the man next to me before yanking him into a headlock. My eyes widen at the pair of blondes. “You don’t just walk in like you still live here, you damn brat!” Kat’s mother aggressively rubs his head with her knuckles. A man comes around the corner next in a blue polo. The brunette takes a step toward the wrestling duo while I notice his rectangular glasses and a thin mustache.

“Come now. Not in front of the guest, Mitsuki.” He places a comforting hand on his wife’s shoulder, his wedding band shining in the light. She drops Katsuki and returns the loving gesture to her husband. “Someone’s gotta teach the brat some manners.” She smiles before her eyes finally land on me.

“You must be Sora! I’ve heard almost nothing about you.” Kat’s mom glares at her son before smiling and taking a step closer to me. “My, aren’t you just precious.” She eyes my dress and takes my hand. “Come in! Come in!” She tugs me past the two men in the entryway. I faintly hear Katsuki’s dad say something to him before Kat yells, “Shut up! You don’t have to tell me that!” His stomps follow behind us as Katsuki’s mother brings me into the living room.

“You’re so pretty. Like a doll! I hope my son hasn’t been too harsh with you. I’ve tried to teach him better, but he still acts like an ass sometimes.” She gushes as we sit on the plush couch. “He can be, but he’s been a great friend to me.” I smile at the woman before my eyes wander around the spacious room. “Uh-Katsuki. Would you come to help me set the table?” Kat’s dad mumbles and points to another room. “Fine.” Kat shoves his hands in his pockets and slumps his back while he leaves.

“Katsuki Bakugou! Straighten your posture or you’ll have a hunched back!” Kat’s mom yells after him to which he replies with a growl before straightening his spine. “Now that the eavesdropper is gone…how has my Katsuki been treating you?” Her bromine eyes watch me with an expectant expression.

“I’m not sure why everyone is so concerned about me.” I nervously chuckle and scratch my neck. “Katsuki has been very good to me. He’s my closest companion, and he’s helped me a lot. I’m not sure where I’d be without his help.” I smile at the woman next to me. “That makes me glad to hear. Even during his high school years, Katsuki has had problems making friends and getting along with others. He even lets you call him by his first name. He doesn’t let just anyone do that y’know. I think Midoriya is the only one besides us now that I think about it.” She wonders aloud.

“I know Izuku! They’re childhood friends right?” I perk up at the familiar name. Kat’s mom grimaces. “Katsuki wouldn’t admit to being friends, but those two are close. Although, it seems like you and Katsuki are closer.” Kat’s mom nudges my shoulder with a wink. “Uh—W-What?” I blush and stutter out my words. “You don’t see it? Let me put this out there plainly then. Katsuki is more of a lone wolf type. He doesn’t like people being around him but he does care and not everyone sees that. Then, you come into his life, and I can’t believe that’s my son in the dining room right now.” She pinches her brows and points her thumb over her shoulder in their direction. I tilt my head, unsure if I should be worried about her conclusion.

“A girl living with him? And he’s not being a total ass about it? What have you done to him?” She chuckles behind her hand. “I’d even say he likes you.” My blush returns when she whispers the words. “Um–no. It’s not like that. We’re just really good friends. He’s my best friend actually.”

“Sora, a mother knows her son better than most,” she places a warm hand on my shoulder. “And I can tell you’re important to him too. I’ve been waiting for the day he brings a girl over to meet us so this is quite the achievement. He told us how the two of you met, and I’m sure that must have been hard. I just hope you like him for him and not because he’s the one who rescued you.” My spine straightens as she mumbles the words quietly.

“Ma’am, I care deeply for Katsuki. We actually spent a lot of time together before I even knew I was imprisoned. I’m learning more about him every day, and I embrace every aspect of him. Even when he acts like a total jerk. He’s the most honest and caring person that I know. He just has a hard time showing it sometimes. I…trust him entirely.” I shrug and blush as the words leave my mouth freely.

“Don’t ‘ma’am’ me. Just call me Mitsuki,” She waves her hand at me. “At the end of the day, I am his mom. I’m glad there’s someone who sees the true him past those damn walls of his…I just don’t want to see my son get hurt. He deserves the world after everything he’s been through.” Her eyes darken as she recalls a memory. “And he’s a top Hero, so he pushes us all away to keep us safe, and fans just want him for his money and fame. It’d be nice for someone to be there for him too.”

I turn to face the woman fully. “Mitsuki, I don’t know everything about him yet, but I don’t intend on hurting Katsuki. He knows how to get under my skin and sometimes he can be an ass…but I’ve also seen the good in him. He’s passionately driven, thoughtful, and inspiring. He’s someone I consider very special…like a shard of light in the darkness. I hope to stand alongside him and help him achieve his goals. Just don’t tell him I said that.” I chuckle and shrug in an attempt to make my words seem less serious, but I mean every one. Mitsuki’s eyes shine. “That’s it. You’re going to be my daughter-in-law.” “What?” Mitsuki smiles and wraps her arms around me.

“I’m sorry. I think there’s been a misunderstanding. Katsuki and I are just really good friends. Nothing more.” I return the hug nonetheless. “For now, but I see it. He’s never talked about another person like how he talks about you. Not even All Might.” Mitsuki chuckles. “Besides, do you want something more?” She leans out of our hug and winks at me causing my cheeks to flush red. “I-I uh–” “What the hell are you saying to her?” I twist my neck to see Katsuki standing in the doorway to the living room.

“Just how you used to run around in All Might jammies until you were ten.” Mitsuki laughs and stands to face her son. “I was eight!” Katsuki’s ears turn red at the tips. “Dinner’s ready.” He mumbles and turns away. I stand and fix my dress before following Mitsuki into the dining room. She gives her husband a peck on the cheek before sitting next to him, and I take the seat across the table from her next to Katsuki.

I silently observe the family throughout the dinner. The meal presented to us is supposedly one of Kat’s favorites, but his father prepared a separate serving just for Katsuki to cater to his spicier preferences. Katsuki bickers with his parents but still thanks them for the food. Katsuki’s dad quietly scolds his son’s loud eating habits before fondly listening to his wife talk about her day. In between her talking, Mitsuki asks her husband how he's been feeling since the accident. She even turns to me to ask me about my thoughts on the different topics of conversation.

Is this…how a family feels? Warm and welcoming? The Bakugous give me this overwhelming sensation that I could tell them anything. The things I worry about. The things that excite me. They make me feel…like I belong. So why is it that I don’t remember feeling that way during my own childhood? Of course, I’m still having problems recalling my past, but wouldn’t my own parent’s love and affection for me carry over through the loss of memory?

This feeling is new. Exciting. And I conclude that I might like it too much. I glance over at Katsuki as he shovels another bite into his mouth. f*ck. No. I’m just tricking myself. I can’t get too comfortable here. I can’t…want to be here. With him. His family. I’m just a stranger invading one night of a family dinner. Nothing more. No matter how desperately I want them to like me.

Why do I want them to like me? The question sits in my mind as I take a bite of food. The first answer that pops up tends to be the correct one. My eyes drift to Katsuki again. Because I want him to like me.

sh*t. I really do have it bad. I take a deep breath and sip my water. “I’ve been meaning to ask. Katsuki, why is Sora ‘Teddybear’ in your phone?” I choke on my water while Mitsuki smiles innocently at her son. “It’s an inside joke,” Katsuki mumbles before swallowing the last of his food, but his cheeks have the slightest pink hue. “Mhmm. Sure.” She devilishly smirks at her son. “Uh, thanks for the meal.” I smile at Katsuki’s parents while Katsuki’s dad begins collecting the dishes.

“Oh, let me help.” I stand to grab the rest of the plates and follow the man into the kitchen. He places the dirty dishware into the sink and I do the same. “I usually like to do the dishes by hand, but tonight we’ll just rinse them for the dishwasher.” He smiles kindly and points to the lower cabinets next to us. “Dishwasher?” I look for a stainless steel handle, but all I see are ordinary cabinets. “Hm, pull that one open.” Katsuki’s dad hums and motions to the one in front of me. I follow his instructions, and instead of the door opening sideways, it swings down to reveal the dishwasher’s interior.

“sh*t, that’s cool.” I gasp and look up at the brunette man. “S-Sorry Mr. Bakugou! I didn’t mean to curse.” I wave my hands in front of me with a small blush. “You’ve seen my wife and son. An occasional curse word is fine with me, but please, call me Masaru. The title Mr. Bakugou is reserved for matters pertaining to my work.” He kindly smiles at me and rinses a plate under the running water. “O-Okay.” He hands me the plate, and I carefully place it into the dishwasher.

“Thanks again for the food. It was delicious.” I smile up at Masaru before taking another plate. “You’re welcome. It’s been a while since we’ve seen Katsuki, so it was nice to have a family dinner again. It’s been a little quiet here since he’s moved out.” He contemplates while rinsing some leftover sauce from a plate. “Really?” My eyebrows raise. “Yeah. There was always some noise coming from his room. Whether he was yelling at a video game or messing around with his drums. Now, it’s quiet.” “Katsuki plays the drums?” My mouth opens a bit in surprise. “Sometimes. I’m sure there’s a video of him playing for his high school festival online.” Masaru shrugs and hands me a cup. I quietly contemplate looking it up another day.

“So Sora, when can we expect you over again?” Masaru’s voice causes me to jerk my head up. “Again?” He chuckles at my expression and hands me a glass. “Of course. You’re welcome back anytime.” He smiles gently, and I can feel tears prick the back of my eyes. His smile drops when my eyes start welling with tears. I use my sleeve to wipe at my face. “I…I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m crying.” I sniffle and hide behind my hands. Are you f*cking serious Sora? Crying? What the hell is wrong with you?

Masaru steps closer and gently hugs me. “It’s alright. Sometimes emotions have a weird way of creeping up on us.” He comforts me as I sniffle and push back the surge of feelings. “I…I’m good now. Thank you.” I step away from Masaru with a shy expression. “Here, you can use the bathroom to freshen up.” Katsuki’s father leads me out of a second doorway into the hallway. He points me down the hall to a door on the right. I step into the bathroom and use a tissue to dot away any residual moisture from my sudden breakdown.

I didn’t cry that hard so any puffiness or redness goes away shortly, and I leave the bathroom. Wandering down the hall, I find the Bakugous having a conversation in the living room. Katsuki’s eyes land on me with a blush on his cheeks, and I hope it’s not obvious that I was crying. “You ready to go?” “Already?” I tilt my head.

“Unfortunately. Next time you come for a visit, you both should stay the night.” Mitsuki stands from her lavish recliner. “I think I’d like that.” I smile at the parents before they walk us to the door. Mitsuki forcibly hugs her son and mumbles something into his ear that causes his face to flush red. Katsuki shoves her away before waving over his shoulder at his dad.

Mitsuki turns to me and wraps me in a warm hug. “Take care of him for me.” She whispers and smiles. “And don’t forget this.” She places a small paper bag into my hands. “What is it?” I start peeking into the bag and Mitsuki lights smacks my fingers. “Ah-ah. Don’t open it till you get home. You’ll need it. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but one day.” She smiles and folds the top closed again. “Oh. Well, thank you Mitsuki,” I turn to her husband. “And thank you Masaru. It was a pleasure meeting you both.” I smile at the two Bakugous.

“All right, that’s enough. Let’s go.” Katsuki grabs onto my wrist, and I wave goodbye to his parents as he drags me outside. He doesn’t release me until we’re next to his car. “Ooo, can I drive home?” I rock on my heels excitedly. Katsuki looks like he considers it for a moment and opens the passenger door. “Not tonight dork. It’s dark and you don’t know the way back. I’ll let you drive another time closer to home.” Katsuki points to the passenger seat.

I ease past him and slip into the seat. I look up at the blonde with a small blush before he harshly closes the door for me. When Kat drops into the driver’s seat, I poke at his side. “Now I get the princess treatment?” I giggle. “Shut the hell up.” He grumbles as his cheeks tint pink. “Nope. I don’t think I will.” I pop back and lean against the center console.

Katsuki cranks the car, and I watch him in the corner of my eye as he turns his body to back up. It’s just something about the small movement that makes him so attractive. Maybe because I feel like it’s one of those sights that only I get to see.

I push away my thoughts and turn on the radio. I sway to the music in my seat while keeping my arm in the center between us, my fingers dangling over the empty cup holders. After a few minutes, a song comes on that catches my attention. The rhythm and melody of the music paired with the singer's voice pull me into my thoughts as the lyrics play.

I keep crumbling, I keep stumbling

'Cause you've become my crutch

Loving you's my Achilles' heel

Drop my guard when you're with me, I can't deal

I just hate when I walk on these pins and needles

I want to kill this Achilles' heel

I guess I never thought of it that way. Katsuki is the top Hero. I know that much already, but I never considered what would happen to him if we were to get closer. If I became his weakness. His Achilles heel. Hell, I was even distracting him while he was on duty today. What if something horrible happened while his attention was on me?

Call me Icarus

'Cause baby, you're my sun

But now I'm turning to stone lookin' in your eyes

'Cause you love hard, Kore only half the time

Athena'd be jealous of the web you spun

Like Atlas held too much

I feel crushed under this love

'Cause with those nectar lips

And ambrosia hips

Boy, you've become my drug

I look over at the blonde driving the car as he nibbles his lip, tugging on the skin between his teeth. What if one day I distract him and he gets hurt? Katsuki glances over at me and then down to my hand on the center console. He sighs and reaches over to interlock our fingers. I begin to pull my hand away and his hold tightens. “Kat, you need your hand to drive.”

“I only need one hand on the wheel…and your hand is cold so I’m warming it up, dumbass.” The light from the radio illuminated his face, and he blushes while keeping his eyes on the road. My hand isn’t really cold, but his warmth is always intoxicating which has me relaxing in his grip. A mix of emotions falls over me. This is exactly the scenario I was imagining on a smaller scale. He’s choosing to hold my hand instead of focusing on the road ahead…but he’s choosing to hold my hand.

“Thanks, Kat.” I lean my head on his shoulder. My cheek presses into his muscles. Music keeps playing, but my eyes start getting heavy. After the long day I’ve had, I happily doze off while leaning against Katsuki.


“C’mon, Sora. We’re home.” Katsuki’s voice sounds distant and foggy. “Huh?” I barely peek my eyes open before closing them again. He says something else but I don’t process it. “Just f*ckin’ carry me in. I seepin’.” I slur my words out and rub my face against the blonde’s arm. A warm hand gently shoves me away, and I curl up in the passenger seat.

The door to my right opens and the chilly night air causes goosebumps to rise on my skin. I wrap my arms around myself and pull my knees to my chest. A rustling is heard before something drops into my lap. “Just hold onto your sh*t,” Katsuki grumbles before his warm hands slide over me. One hand supports my shoulders and another goes underneath my knees. I’m picked up from the car and brought into a warm muscular chest. My hand instinctively reaches out and rubs against the blonde’s pecs. “Hehe, I really am getting the princess treatment tonight.” I giggle. The skirt of my dress drops from Katsuki’s hand, leaving the back of my thighs exposed to the air. I whine and squirm to get closer to the blonde’s ever-present heat.

Katsuki slowly and carefully walks to the front door. He fumbles with the keys for a moment before unlocking the door and stepping into the entrance. He leans over to set me down but I cling to him. “Nooo~” I whine. Katsuki scoffs and toes off his shoes and brings me to our shared bedroom. He closes the door behind us with his foot before tossing me roughly onto the bed.

I pout and snuggle into the sheets that smell like him. “Dumbass, you can’t go to sleep like that.” His voice processes in my mind as his fingers graze my ankle. Electricity shoots through me and I finally peek open my eyes. I find Katsuki kneeling at the end of his bed and sliding off my shoe for me. I offer my other foot to him and arch my back off the mattress in a sleepy stretch. When Katsuki doesn’t reach for my other shoe, I prop myself on my elbows to look down at him. His face is red and his eyes are fixed between my legs. The fabric of my dress is bundled up on the tops of my thighs, leaving my lacy panties exposed to my best friend.

My mind finally starts to wake up as I stare at Katsuki. My cheeks turn bright red and I freeze under his gaze. His crimson eyes fly to mine. “I-I didn’t mean to look! I swear.” “I-It’s not a big deal, Kat.” I glance away from him and slightly pull my knees together, but I don’t fully block the view from him. Katsuki goes back to removing my shoe along with my socks while keeping his eyes only on his hands. I smile at the suddenly shy behavior. It’s not a sight that I see often.

I sit up fully and swing my legs off the edge of Katsuki’s bed. “I guess I should properly get ready for bed.” I yawn and rub my eye with my knuckle. When I pull my hand away, there’s a black smudge on my skin from my makeup. “Pfft, now you’ve got raccoon eyes dumbass.” Katsuki chuckles while pointing at my face. “It’s not funny!” I whine and smack his shoulder. A ding rings from my purse, and I grab my phone to see a text from Hawks.

Bird Boy 🐥: Hey I’m free from Commission stuff tomorrow. Come to the office building again bright and early and be ready to train your ass off if you’ve agreed to our deal 😁

I let out a sigh and send back a reply. “Who’s that?” Katsuki points at my phone. “Hawks wants me to go train tomorrow morning.” I rub the back of my head before pulling out my scrunchie. “Looks like I’ve got a long day tomorrow.” I find the paper bag from Mitsuki in my purse, and I grab it. I go over and set it on my dresser before I start removing the rest of my accessories. “You can ride with me. I’ll take you before I go to work.” Katsuki offers.

I glance over at my best friend and let out a little whine, “But you wake up before the damn sun.” Katsuki smirks and leans against the wall. “I’ll wait to wake you up, and I’ll make coffee.”

“Ah, I forgot to thank your dad for getting you that fancy machine. It makes the best coffee.” I jerk my head to the ceiling before glancing at the blonde. “Remind me next time.” Katsuki rolls his eyes at my request. “Ooo, could you make a caramel coffee? Like the one I had at the cafe?” I bounce on my heels while looking at him.

“I’ll make whatever I make and that’s what you’ll get.” Katsuki crosses his arms and I jut out my lower lip. “Fine,” My eyes roll as I concede. Turning back to my dresser, I grab a silky pink nightgown and tuck a pair of underwear into the fabric so Katsuki won’t see them. “See ya in a bit,” I mumble before grabbing the brown bag and heading to the bathroom to change and remove my makeup.

After I finish getting ready for bed, I stand in front of the bathroom mirror and look down at the bag on the counter. I reach for it and unfold the opening. My fingers brush against something, and I pull out a small rectangular item. The label is brown and red, and I recognize the French word for ‘chocolate’ printed in swirling yellow font. I set it aside and stick my hand back into the bag. Something else touches my fingers, but I’m having a hard time grabbing onto it. Carefully, I turn the bag upside down and catch the contents with my other hand.

Multiple foil packages fall into my palm and over the counter. I think it’s more chocolates until I see the distinct ring inside the packs along with big bold text that reads ‘Condom’ on each one. My cheeks turn bright red before I nervously drop the items on the vanity. The woman that I just met tonight who claims to be my future mother-in-law gave me a handful of condoms. I push the packets back into the bag and roll it closed again.

I tuck the brown bag into the back of the cabinet below the sink and grab the chocolate. I’m not one to usually turn down a snack before bed, but I’ve already brushed my teeth and I’m truly ready to go to sleep. I take it with me to the kitchen and place it on a shelf higher up to save for another day before trotting off to bed.

Songs Used: Let Me Be Your Superhero by Smash Into Pieces & Achilles Heel by J. Maya

Vehemence - Chapter 17 - CherryMiley - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.