Nightmare Frontier (2024)

    New Players Recommended: Player Level 50 - 60 & Weapon Upgrade +6
Area ProgressionImportant ItemsMaterials
  • Go to the Lower Caves to get the Clockwise Metamorphosis Caryll Rune.
Fading Lake
Coldblood Flowerbud
Coldblood Flowerbud
Clockwise Metamorphosis
Stunning Deep Sea Messenger's Gift
Coldblood Flowerbud
Clear Deep Sea
Great Deep SeaTreasure Pickup:
Coldblood Flowerbud: 4

Wandering Nightmare:
Blood Stone Shard: 34
Twin Bloodstone Shards: 9
Bloodstone Chunk: 4

  • Venture to the end of the Swampy Gorge to get Messenger's Gift.
  • Defeat Amygdala to acquire the Ailing Loran Chalice.

+ Walkthrough & Maps

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► Before Patches Event

Nightmare Frontier (1)
Click on the map for full resolution, © Bloodborne Collector’s Edition Guide by Future Press.

  • Rocky Path:
    Nightmare Frontier features a number of highly poisonous swamps, so before proceeding it's recommended that you equip Attire that raises your Slow Poison resistance, and have a full complement of Antidotes. There's a Lamp right where you start, so use it to return to Hunter's Dream for supplies if needed. Most of the enemies here blend in very well with the environment, so you'll need to keep your eyes focused for the slightest bit of movement and listen out for the sounds of nearby enemies. Just outside the cave you start in you'll find a Wandering Nightmare near the edge of the cliff; this area has an extremely large number of these enemies so you can acquire a lot of Bloodstone Shards if you kill them all.

    Further along the path you'll encounter a Loran Silverbeast. These aggressive enemies can be very difficult to deal with once they start attacking. The best way to deal with them is to use fire based attacks. Near the path leading to the Cliffside Cave, you can follow another path that leads down to a ledge This ledge overlooks the swamp below, where a Silverbeast and a Large Wandering Nightmare can be seen. Like its smaller cousins, the Wandering Nightmare will try to run away once it spots you, so try to use a Pebble to lure the Silverbeast away to a safe distance before fighting it. This way you can focus on the Wandering Nightmare when you go down to the ledge.

  • Cliffside Cave:
    Along the side of the cliff face you'll notice a path running down into a cave, where a faint green light is emanating. The light is coming from a switch that's used to call an elevator, but before it can be used you'll need to activate it from down below. Just outside the cave entrance there's a corpse with an item on it sitting on a ledge. To reach it, simply drop down onto the ledge from the path that runs above the cave.

  • Swamp Approach:
    Shortly after crossing the bridge you'll see a messenger holding a bright blue lantern. These act as beacons pointing out paths that you can follow. Be very cautious as you make your way down this path, because there are a couple of Hunters in the vicinity, and you need to avoid having to fight them both at the same time. Shortly after you pass the lantern, the glow of the first Hunter's torch should come into view atop a ledge in the distance; try to stick to the left side of the path as you approach, so that you give the Silverbeast in the tunnel on the right a wide berth. The second Hunter is further down the path on the Central Swamp Shore, so lure the first one further back up the path before fighting it. While you can continue on and cross the Central Swamp straight away if you wish, doing so Will skip a large part of the area, so it's recommended that you head through the tunnel with the Silverbeast after exploring the shoreline.

  • Central Swamp:
    A second Hunter awaits you on the shore of the swamp, and since there are also other enemies down there, as soon as you see him start running towards you, retreat back up the path. Similarly, there is a Silverbeast on the edge of the swamp very close to a Wandering Nightmare, and unless you lure the Silverbeast away before the Wandering Nightmare detects you, it's unlikely that you'll be able to kill it A very large group of Crawlers will start closing in from within the swamp once you reach the shore. If you have some Molotov co*cktails you can use them to weaken the entire group as they slowly approach. When fighting them with normal weapons, it's best to let them reach solid ground first, so that you don't have to fight them in the poisonous waters of the swamp. The glow from another blue lantern messenger can be seen to one side of the shore, signaling the entrance to a small tunnel.This tunnel leads back around to an area just in front of the other tunnel with the Silverbeast.

  • Hunter's Ledge:
    There is a gap in the ledge where the first Hunter enemy you encountered initially stood, and you can cross it either by either jumping or rolling over it. Following the ledge along on the other side will take you to a corpse with a Fading Lake Caryll Rune on it that can reduce the Fire damage you take.
Nightmare Frontier (2)
Click on the map for full resolution, © Bloodborne Collector’s Edition Guide by Future Press.

  • Boulder Valley:
    Like most Wandering Nightmares, the one you encounter at the end of the tunnel here will run away as you approach, but this one is also trying to lure you out into an ambush. Just outside the tunnel on a ledge to the left, there's a Giant Lost Child waiting to throw a huge boulder at you When chasing after the Wandering Nightmare, make sure you stick close to the rocky outcropping just outside the tunnel, so that you can use it for cover.
    Unless you have been increasing your Vitality significantly, it's highly likely that a direct hit from one of the boulders will kill you, and since there are a large number of Giants in this area you'll need to be very careful. Killing them all along this route will make exploring the swamps below much easier when you get down there. To reach the first Giant you'll need to continue along the path and follow it around to the left, but since there's also another Wandering Nightmare nearby, you may want to kill that first before turning your attention to the Giant. Alternatively, you can use ranged attacks on the Giant, and after a few hits it will come running down towards you, letting you kill it away from the Wandering Nightmare. It's also possible to use the huge tombstones as cover, as the boulders can't pass over the top of them unless you're very far away from them.
  • Tombstone Ledge:
    There is a path hidden behind the pair of large tombstones here. Following it will take you along a ledge to reach the item on a corpse that you could see after first exiting the tunnel. There's a gap halfway along, but simply running across is enough to get you over it. The item is one that's involved in the crafting of some Chalice Dungeons, so if you're interested in creating those, it's worth taking the trip to pick it up.

  • Swamp Overlook:
    While fighting the Giant in this area you will be under constant bombardment from another one along the Cliffside Trail, so it's best to employ hit-and-run attacks on it while using the large tombstones for cover when you see an incoming boulder. Fighting from that side of the area also greatly reduces the risk of getting knocking into the swamp below if you do get hit.

  • Cliffside Trail:
    The entire time you're walking along this trail, a Giant at the end of it will be throwing boulders down at you. Try to keep your camera on it as much as possible to ensure that you have plenty of time to avoid incoming boulders. There's a Silverbeast near the start of the trail standing next to a large tombstone, and trying to fight it out in the open while dealing with the incoming boulders can be very dangerous. Running straight past the Silverbeast and taking cover behind the large tombstone while fighting it is one option, or you can lure it back down the trail out of the Giant's throwing range. From this trail you can see down into the swamp below, and if you have any attack items, such as Throwing Knives or Molotovs, you can use them on some of the Crawlers to weaken them before you reach them.

  • Broken Tombstone:
    There's a Wandering Nightmare in the middle of this location, so when you approach from the Cliffside Trail, try to run past it quickly to prevent it running over the edge. A large tombstone can also be seen jutting out from the edge; if you walk along to the end of it, the base will crumble and it will collapse, creating a shortcut back to the start of the area. It's important to remember, however, that if you use the Lamp to resupply at Hunter's Dream, all of the Giants that you killed will respawn. So if you want to explore the swamps, it's recommended that you head back down the Cliffside Trail and kill them again first.

  • Cliff Top:
    The small path leading back away from the Broken Tombstone will take you to the highest point of the cliff side, where a lone Wandering Nightmare resides. Try to get around to the side of the enemy as quickly as you can, and aim to steer it away from the edge overlooking the trail. Otherwise it will run off the edge, forcing you to drop back down to follow it.
Nightmare Frontier (3)
Click on the map for full resolution, © Bloodborne Collector’s Edition Guide by Future Press.

  • Lower Caves:
    If you look up to the right while crossing the bridge here you'll see a small ledge on the cliff face overlooking the swamp Patches the Spider is hanging there on the cliff, just above where a number of Shining Coins have been laid out to lead you down towards an item If you follow the coins down, a cut-scene will trigger, and Patches will knock you down into the Swampy Gorge below. If you want to get the item at the end of the ledge you'll need to make your way back around to get it. Just beyond the bridge are a complex series of caves and tunnels that you can use to reach different parts of the swamps, and with the correct route you can get all of the items within them in one pass.

    Start by going to the end of the tunnel straight ahead from the bridge and sneak up behind the Giant standing at the end; try to kill this enemy without causing it fall off, so that you don't have to contend with it after heading down to the swamp. Once it has been killed, take the branching path you passed on the way to the enemy and get the Clockwise Metamorphosis Caryll Rune from the corpse at the end. Exit the cave the way you came in, and then take the path to the side of the cave entrance that leads up and over it to reach the item there.

  • Upper Caves:
    Another Wandering Nightmare can be found near the start of this path, so try to kill it quickly before it falls over the ledge and into the swamp below. If you follow the ledge around you can drop down off the end onto another ledge below. This leads to an item on a corpse, overlooking a cave filled with Crawlers. Molotov co*cktails can hit the large group of enemies from this position, so if you have a couple to spare they provide an easy means of killing them all. After dropping down, make sure to take the path leading back up out of the cave to get the Stunning Deep Sea Caryll Rune sitting just outside. Finally, head back down through the cave and drop down to the ground below along the bottom edge of the swamp.

  • Rocky Spur:
    The Antidotes that can be found on this spur of land are worth collecting, because they'll be extremely useful as you explore and make your way through the swamps. There's a large group of Crawlers in the swamp close to the spur, but it's worth ignoring them initially, because a Wandering Nightmare is sitting near the edge of the spur, and you'll want to kill it before it disappears. With that out of the way you can wait for the group of Crawlers to get close to the land, so that you don't get poisoned while fighting them in the swamp.

► After Patches Event

  • Swampy Gorge:
    This swamp is where you'll end up if you triggered the event with Patches earlier, and there's precious little dry land to be found here. If you're low on Antidotes and Healing Items, it's recommended head back out to the Central Swamp, rather than continuing to explore. There are many riches to be found here, however, so as long as you have plenty of supplies it's well worth exploring. When you do find land, make sure to let the Slow Poison build-up subside. Because the swamp greatly reduces your movement speed, consider using ranged attacks on any Wandering Nightmare that you come across to ensure they don't escape; using Molotov co*cktails on the group of them near the rear of the gorge is also very effective.

    At the back of the gorge you'll encounter a Winter Lantern. This enemy's primary attack is line-of-sight based, so try to use the walls to block its view so in order to close in safely. Staying within its gaze for more than a few seconds can cause a lethal amount of Frenzy buildup. Your prize for reaching the end of the gorge is the Messenger's Gift, which lets you take on the appearance of a Messenger.

  • Central Swamp Bank:
    The narrow stretch of land that runs along the base of the cliff on this side of the swamp gives you just enough room to avoid the boulders thrown by the Giant on the Rocky Outcrop in the middle. There are some large tombstones scattered along the way that will provide some additional cover from the Giant on the outcrop, but the other one near the cave entrance at the end will still have a direct line of sight. A group of Crawlers also block your way towards the end, but it's much better to run straight past them and kill the Giant first. Killing that enemy will also make exploring the rest of the swamp much easier, so it's recommended.that you kill it before venturing out into the poisonous waters.

  • Rocky Outcrop:
    Two Crawlers will attempt to block your access to the small path leading to the top of this Rocky Outcrop. Try to run around them as quickly as possible to get out of the swamp, and then fight them on dry land. Once you're on the outcrop, the Giant will usually ignore you until you get close to it, so use the time to take out the two Wandering Nightmares first. If you're careful when fighting the Wandering Nightmares, the Giant shouldn't become aware of your presence. This will allow you to sneak up behind it for an advantage in the fight. After killing all of the enemies, walk over to where a corpse with an item is hanging over the edge, and then drop down to find a hidden cave below with another item in it.
Nightmare Frontier (4)
Click on the map for full resolution, © Bloodborne Collector’s Edition Guide by Future Press.
  • Cliffside Ledges:
    A Winter Lantern patrols along the main path down the cliff side, and there's very little cover to make use of along the way. The safest option is to drop down onto the ledge to the left side of the path and progress while out of its line of sight. You can get very close to the Winter Lantern using this approach. Along the way you can also kill a Wandering Nightmare that will usually run over the edge if you try to approach from another direction. It's possible to drop down to a third, lower ledge straight away, but after dealing with the Winter Lantern it's better to continue along the main path. You can double back along the ledge once you're low enough to reach it in order to get the item there. At the bottom of the path you can follow a series of collapsed tombstones downwards to reach the bridge that leads across to the boss room.

  • Tombstone Swamp:
    Numerous large tombstones jut out of the swamp in this area, creating makeshift bridges and sections of land that you can use to get out of the swamp. Because of the amount of overhangs and hard-to-reach areas, you need to listen carefully for the sounds of the many Wandering Nightmare enemies; they will normally detect you long before you can see them here. The small island in the middle can only be accessed from the side closest to the cave entrance, so try to stick to the mainland as much as possible before cutting across the swamp to reach it. There's sufficient land on the island to give you a good place to fight the nearby Crawlers, and you should try to clear them out before going for the item that's sitting on the tip of the one of the tombstones.

  • Swamp Cave:
    There's little ground to stand on in this cave, and you'll have to battle past a large number of enemies to get the items. Before venturing inside, it's highly recommended that you activate the nearby elevator, so that you can quickly return here if the worst happens. As you enter the cave you'll start to hear the song of a Winter Lantern, but before closing in to kill it you should use the pillars in the area to block its line of sight and try to clear out some of the Crawlers. The cave narrows considerably just past the Winter Lantern and splits shortly after that, giving you two possible routes to take. Going straight ahead will lead you to an opening, where three Crawlers are guarding a Great Deep Sea Caryll Rune; there is some dry land at the back of this area, so after killing the first Crawler it's worth trying to get past the other two to reach the land behind and fight them there. If you follow the tunnel along to the right from the first fork, you'll soon come to a second one, at which point you should take the left route, since it's the only one that leads to an item.

  • Elevator Path:
    At the top of this path just in front of the elevator you can clearly see a Silverbeast patrolling around. If you time your approach for when it's facing away from you, it's possible to get quite close before it detects you. There are a couple of different paths you can take up to the elevator, so if the Silverbeast does spot you early, you can often run around it using one of the paths to get the drop on it from above. Because this area can be such a drain on your healing items, activating the elevator is extremely important. It lets you return the Lamp to resupply before exploring the nearby swamp or fighting the boss.

  • BOSS Amygdala:
    The arms of the giant false God, Amygdala can actually be quite difficult to hit with normal weapons, so you may want to consider using ranged weapons to attack its head directly for some easy damage. After defeating Amygdala you can enter the small room at the back of the area and light the Amygdala's Chamber Lamp to leave the area.
  • Video Walkthroughs:
Nightmare Frontier (5)Nightmare Frontier (6)DropRegular EnemiesWandering Nightmare6954Blood Stone Shard x2Wandering Nightmare7856Blood Stone Shard x2Large Wandering Nightmare97648Twin Blood Stone Shards x3Large Wandering Nightmare110676Blood Stone Chunk x2, Twin Blood Stone Shards x3Crawler281486Thick Coldblood(6) x1 [2%], Thick Coldblood(5) x1 [8%], Thick Coldblood(4) x1 [10%]Crawler 2nd half Frontier320507Thick Coldblood(6) x1 [2%], Thick Coldblood(5) x1 [8%], Thick Coldblood(4) x1 [10%]Strong EnemiesLoran Silverbeast153702Random gem based on area x1 [25%]Loran Silverbeast Parasite Attack115702Random gem based on area x1 [25%]Loran Silverbeast Crawling153702Random gem based on area x1 [25%]Loran Silverbeast 2nd half Frontier174732Random gem based on area x1 [25%]Giant Lost Child6391458Blood Stone Shard x3 [8%], Blood Stone Shard x1 [28%], Lead Elixir x1 [2%]Large Crawler4341134Thick Coldblood(6) x1 [14%], Thick Coldblood(5) x1 [16%], Thick Coldblood(4) x1 [20%]Large Crawler 2nd half Frontier4941182Thick Coldblood(6) x1 [14%], Thick Coldblood(5) x1 [16%], Thick Coldblood(4) x1 [20%]Winter Lantern5232759Random Blood Gem based on area x1 [33%], Quicksilver Bullets x3 [62%], Pebble x10 [5%]Hunter EnemiesHunter of Despair (Hunter's Axe and Hunter's Pistol)8294050Lead Elixir x1 [100%]Hunter of Despair (Threaded Cane and Flamesprayer)8294050Lead Elixir x1 [100%]
Item Location█Madman's Knowledge x1
  • The corpse to your left after you finish climbing the short incline leading from the Nightmare Frontier lamp to Rocky Path.
█Lead Elixir x2
  • From the ledge in Rocky Path where the first Loran Silverbeast is, turn right and look for a ledge above Cliffside Cave you can drop down onto. They are on the corpse.
█Madman's Knowledge x1
  • The corpse at the bottom of the gap in the middle of Hunter's Ledge.
█Fading Lake (1)
  • The corpse at the very top of Hunter's Ledge, overlloking Central Swamp.
█Blood Vial x2
  • Just before reaching Central Swamp from Swamp Approach, turn right and take the path below the cave opening in the wall. They are on the corpse near the Loran Silverbeast.
█Coldblood Flowerbud x1
  • The corpse on a platform below Tombstone Ledge in Boulder Valley, reached by running and jumping from Tombstone Ledge.
█Bolt Paper x2
  • On the corpse behind the Giant Lost Child hurling boulders in Swamp Overlook.
█Lead Elixir x2
  • Toward the end of Cliffside Trail when the path travels up a mountain, turn left insead of right and go into the small clearing. They are on the corpse there.
█Coldblood Flowerbud x1
  • After crossing the Broken Tombstones bridge, follow the trail of Shining Coins to the cliff. It is on the corpse at the end of the trail. Trying to collect it the first time will cause Patches to kick you into the swamp below.
█Clockwise Metamorphosis (2)
  • Take the Lower Caves path until you reach the Giant Lost Child. Instead of progressing, turn around and take the left path leading downward. It is on the corpse at the end.
█Blood Vial x2
  • The corpse at the start of the Upper Caves path, just before the Wandering Nightmare.
█Madman's Knowledge x1
  • Take the Lower Caves path to Central Swamp Bank. It is on the corpse leaning against the exterior of the second cave entrance.
█Stunning Deep Sea (2)
  • Take the Lower Caves path to Central Swamp Bank. It is on the corpse overlooking the swamp, reached after dropping down to the ledge where the first cave entrance is.
█Frenzied Coldblood (9) x1
  • The corpse surrounded by Crawlers in the cave above Central Swamp Bank.
█Antidote x4
  • The corpse leaning against the rocks near the swamp edge in Rocky Spur.
█Lead Elixir x2
  • A corpse near the lone Wandering Nightmare in Swampy Gorge, near where you fall after being pushed by Patches.
█Antidote x3
  • A corpse near the lone Wandering Nightmare in Swampy Gorge, near where you fall after being pushed by Patches.
█Messenger's Gift
  • The corpse at the dead end of Swampy Gorge.
█Madman's Knowledge x1
  • The corpse against the wall, found just after dropping down from the cave opening above the Central Swamp Bank path.
█Coldblood Flowerbud x2
  • The corpse on the small island in the swamp, just prior to the tunnel leading to Cliffside Ledges.
█Clear Deep Sea (2)
  • The corpse on the ledge behind the Giant Lost Child in Rocky Outcrop.
█Frenzied Coldblood (8) x1
  • The corpse on the platform sticking out the side of Rocky Outcrop, on the side facing Swamp Approach.
█Frenzied Coldblood (8) x1
  • The corpse at the end of the second-lowest ledge, found by dropping off the side of the path before the Winter Lantern on Cliffside Ledges.
█Lead Elixir x3
  • The corpse at the end of the lowest ledge, found by dropping off the side of the path before the Winter Lantern on Cliffside Ledges.
█Madman's Knowledge x1
  • The corpse by the cave opening that drops down from Cliffside Ledges to Swamp Cave.
█Bold Hunter's Mark x3
  • The corpse just before the narrow bridge that leads across Tombstone Swamp from Cliffside Ledges.
█Frenzied Coldblood (9) x1
  • The corpse on the raised island in the middle of Tombstone Swamp.
█Madman's Knowledge x1
  • The corpse against the wall on the far side of Tombstone Swamp, just before the entrance to the Swamp Cave.
█Frenzied Coldblood (9) x1
  • A corpse in Swamp Cave, just before the narrow path, near the Winter Lantern.
█Great Deep Sea (2)
  • In the narrow path at the back of Swamp Cave, take the left path when you get to the fork. It is on the corpse surrounded by Crawlers.
█Kin Coldblood (10) x1
  • In the narrow path at the back of Swamp Cave, take the right path when you get to the fork, then left at the next fork. It is on the corpse by the Crawler.
█Blood Vial x3
  • The corpse on the cliff accessed by the narrow tomstone bridge leading to Elevator Path.
█Madman's Knowledge x1
  • The corpse on the bridge leading to Amygdala.
Nightmare Frontier (2024)
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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

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Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.