The Lincoln Star from Lincoln, Nebraska (2024)


Hettle McDowell, A1U Carroll and Nathan Grossman. Mra. Yoho announced a party to be given for members and friends In September. The September meeting will be held with Mra. O'Connell and Mra.

C. B. Van Kirk. Miss Nettle E. Jackson of Washington, D.

ia spending a few days in Lincoln with relative! and friends. Miss Jackson is enroute borne from a three weeka auto trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Paul Yule entertained at a party at her home in honor of the sixth birthday anniversary of her daughter, Marcla. Eighteen children spent the afternoon playing games.

Decorations were In a pink and green color scheme. Over the luncheon table was a pastel silk umbrella with streamers leading to each place. Balloons and whistles were given for favors. Mrs. O.

F. Hines and aon, Harold, accompanied by Miss Jane Grebe of Ashland, returned the past week from a short vacation trip which took them to Chicago, 4 'J announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Dorothy Ruth, to Robert Finney, aon of Mra. Laura rtnney. The wedding will taka place Oct 7. Mr.

Finney is a graduate of the University of Nebraska. Mlsa Schmitt la a member of Beta Sigma Phi. Scheldt-Bauer. Mr. and Mra.

William Scheldt of Friend announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Doris, to Robert Bauer, aon of Mra. Suaan Bauer. Mlsa Scheldt haa attended Nebraska Wesleyan university, where ahe la a member of Wlllard sorority. Mr. Bauer attended the University of Nebraska, and Nebraska Wesleyan university where he belongs to Theta Phi 8lgma fraternity.

The wedding will take place early in October. Bonser-Brldgewater. Announcement la made of the engagement and approaching marriage of Mlsa Marjorie Bonaer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.

E. Bonaer of Beaver City to John Biidgewater, of Beaver City, son of Mr. and Mra. William Bridge-water of Brown ville, formerly of Beaver City. The wedding will take place today.

Announcement waa (Continued from Page I-B.) gagement of their daughter, Hen-nab, to Dwlght Loder, ion of WU-Ham Loder of Waverly. Mlaa Johnston la prominent In activities at Nebraska Wesleyan, where ah will be a aenlor next year and la a member of Alpha Gamma Delta. Mr. Loder will be a senior In law college at the University of Nebraska this fall. No date baa been act for the wedding.

Moffltt-Llvlngiton. Mr. and Mra. Harley K. Moffltt announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Muriel, to Jamea Llvlngaton, aon of Mr.

and Mra. Cyrua Livlngaton of Nehawka. Mloa Moffltt, who is a graduate of the University of Nebraska, Is a member of Omlcron Nu and Phi Upsllon Omlcron. She also attended Merrill Palmer in Detroit. Mr.

Livingston, who holds master of arts degree from the University of Nebraska where he la a member of Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta, and Sigma XI, will take work toward hla Ph. D. degree in plant pathology at the University of Missouri next year. The wedding will take place In late Baptember and the couple will re-aide In Columbia, Mo. Schmltt-Flnney.

Mr. and Mra. Karl Schmltt, A 1 I i 4 1 4 'J 'M' I I 1 I Rtnehart-Marsdeo. MRS. JAMES SOFTLEY.

Mrs. Softley was Miss Beatrice Ruwe of Fremont before her marriage Wednesday. The couple will reside in Millard. CHOSEN 1 Rlnehart-Maraden. Mra.

Willis Stork was Miss Helen Baldwin before her mar rtage Aug. 14. The couple will reside In West Point. She visited New York City, Wash ington, D. and Lake Geneva Wis.

Mrs. Winifred Brooks has re turned from a two months vaca tlon In Colorado and Wyoming. W. C. T.

U. NOTES. Frances Wlllard The union will meet Friday at 2 p. m. at the home of Mrs.

G. W. Darner. There will be election of officers, a program and social hour. University Place The union will meet Friday afternoon in the council room, with the Sunday school department In charge.

Mrs. James Sullivan will report on the Tulsa convention. Officers for the coming year will be elected at this meeting. First Fashions 1 '-vH i i i A i IN TODAY'S NEWS mi 'Erer popular because of its lei black loTellnee. Hudson Seal will achieve even greater favor this season wilh women who are practical and beauty loving.

We offer a moat inspiring collec Hon (aturing the 1937 flairs (or smartness in this evenL Lustrous newalch peltries make them expensive looking. Deep and soft, they'll wrap you smartly In snug warmth. In ih August Soe $275 to '325 Dr. and Mrs. Bryan ronton Lincoln and daughter, are spending the winter In ington.

Dr. renton will be a dent officer at the WalUr hospital for four months nnd then be stationed In Pennsylvm. Miss Claire Nestor, formerly Tecumaeh and now of has been the guest of Mlssei -erine and Florence Tenlon of coin. Clement Valandra of Valenl to spent several dayi at the bun i of Indian affairs, lie ronft iu with Harry Hopkins and prrM a petition to President asking, that the Indians be gui full citizenship rights. He 1.

Saturday for North Carolina i will return next week to bud, S. D. Misses Helen, Grace and Patricia McOerr of Lincoln left Krulav for the national bar convention Boston. The trip, which is tn la two weeks, will include tin oa cruise with two days stopom Virginia Beach, Va. Mrs.

Donald Gallagher ami 1 children, Helen Ruth. Fdriie 1 Donald, left Thursday for the home in Lincoln. Mrs. has spent the summer visiting he husband who is an attorney wii i the federal power commissi" m. r- jvir.

ana ivirs. fti. imbcimiuiimi, with their son, Malcolm, li ft Friday for Barre, Vt where tin will visit Mr. MacKinnon's parents for two weeks. Mrs MacKinnon is the former F.lizabotli McGerr of Lincoln.

Mr. and Mrs. Cary Hartley, formerly of Lincoln, returned on Monday from a three weeks vacation tour. They motored thru Vermont, Massachusetts and other New England states. In Uurlinc-ton, they visited Mr.

and Mr. Bob Davis, also formerly of Ian-coin. Mr. and Mrs. Davis are returning in the fall to their horr.R in Puerto Rico, while their dauch-ter, Elaine, will attend the 1'ni-versity of Nebraska and their daughter, Marcia, will be student at the Omaha high school.

Mrs. Ray G. Pierce spent the past week visiting her brother in Lancaster, Pa. She was accompanied by her daughters, Patricia and Carol. FELTS a CLEANED HATS slectrlc Ironed factory finished original shape renewed look Ilka NEW nly 75c delivered! 6Sc cash and carry.

Be ready for Fall. ARSITY CLEANERS til Na. Mtt BOX WfTHKBa 38S7 JOB TUCKIB in Luxurious ATS VILA iscount See the Coats I Of VIM Marraaaatte ComstMk. 11 'doe bridge tea, booorlng alias Phllle Jones. Weddtaf of Wlsa HtlM Udford to Deis Parker, UBlverellf Episcopal church, m.

Wtdtn 1 Him NaUIld Vfet to MM-H Koh, home ol Rev. A. ruaulas, lit No. isio, higk noon. Mra Varls Oroth and lira.

I. M. Ptter-MB. parljr for Mlu Eva Petersen, homt of Mra. Oroth, 1.134 Bo.

Tlh, evening. Spirit o( study elub with Mr. X. Ray farm, I7M So. Mitt, I a.

m. Taoadajr, Country- Club, ladles ftiir day. Kastrldge, ladles loir and brldi liy. Chunsvra club, Shrine flub. Mih tr Smith, Mllbore party for Mlu Margaret Eddy, evening.

H. C. club, I.M e'etock Bleak suy-Mr, Antslope park. Wedding or Mlu Uillui Killer to D. Perl MrOregor, bom or brirlt i parmU, Mr.

and Mra. W. t. Mlll.r, K10 Dora, I P. m.

Country club, Ixlloa brldl lay. Shrlot club, UdlM loir da. Lonoox club, alMtloa or cf flora. Mr. ErnMt HouchlB, 4144 L.

1:30 p. m. Tbandai. Shrtnt chib, ladIM brldi dir. Antalopa, ladlaa olf da.

Unooln Bualnaaa and Profaulonal Woman's club, 1:10 o'clock dlnnar, agricultural eolltia. South iid Saw In elrela, all day meat-Ini, oorarad dlah luncheon, and birthday party, Mra. A. Walnbrr, 2010 K. Wanna Noll axtaulon club, Mra, 1.

If. MllUtaad, 1141 Sc. 82nd, 1:30 p. m. rriday.

Waddlni or Mlaa Wlnirrad McCaU to Arthur H. Raanu, Flnt MtUwdlit church, I p. nt. Mlaa Oalt Erani, 30S Arllnjtnn, party (or Mlaa Jtoaamond Wlfton, I p. m.

Francaa Wlllard W. C. T. Mm. 0, W.

Darner, 3143 Park, 1 p. m. aatarday. Mlaa Rlla Haley, 1630 0, apt. party (or Mlaa Letha Garland.

Country club, dlnnar danca. made at a party given last week by the bride-to-be at ber home. Thirty guests spent the evening at bridge. Prizes were received by Mra. Robert Rits and Mlaa Marie Sevier.

The announcement waa revealed on tiny, hand painted scrolls, tied with pink ribbon. Luncheon waa served at small tables. The couple will reside In Beaver City, where Mr, Bridgewa-ter la employed In the drug business. The bride haa attended Kearney State Teachera college, and haa taught in Beaver City, Hend-ley, and other Furnaa county schools lor several years. Grless-Hofmann.

Mr. and Mra. Richard Grless of Stockham announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Eunice, to Hilmer Hofmann, aon of Mr. and Mra. Carl Hofmann of Sutton.

The event will take place in early spring. Rollins-Paul. Mr. and Mra. Calvin Rollins an nounce the engagement, and ap proaching marriage of their daughter, Francea, to Edward Paul, aon of Mr.

and Mrs. J. M. Paul. The wedding will be an event of Sept 14.

The couple will reside in Lincoln. Mlsa Rollins haa attended the University of Nebraska, and will complete her work toward a degree. Mr. Paul is a graduate of Nebraska Wesleyan university, where he la a member of Phi Kappa Tau fraternity. Announcement of the was made at an informal party given by Mrs.

Rollins at her home Wednesday evening. REPORTS OF STATE CONVENTION GIVEN AT AXIS MEETING Axis Business and Professional Women's club met at the lodge for dinner Tuesday evening. Following the dinner Miss Martha Coltrln gave a report of the round tables which ahe attended at the state convention. Mlas Wilhelmlna Kahler, who presided, told of the trip she plans which includes the central regional conference in Arizona. Mlsa Kahler and Miss Nelle Gln-gles will stop at McCook on their return.

A report of the student loan committee meeting, which was held last week, was given by Miss Helen Stacy. Others attending that session were Miss Alice Brown, chairman; Miss Kahler and Miss Marjorie Cox. Miss Julia Wallace, secretary or the Lincoln safety council, an nounced the dinner to be held by that group Saturday noon, when safety talks would be given ay auto racing champions. Dinner was served by the Misses Coralie Wllterdink, Tyna Baer, Kate Field, Christy Brookman and Goldle Kurtz. A "get acquainted" contest was conducted by Miss Letha Scott.

Prizes were won by the Misses Nevada Wheeler and Julia Wal lace. Miss Eudora Mallory is vaca tlonlng in Estes park. Miss Maud. Burnett has returned from a trip to New York City and Washington. D.

C. While in New York, Miss Burnett went aboard the Queen Mary which had just arrived from England. CHURCH AND STUDY GROUPS WILL MEET Spirit of "76 -study club will meet Monday at 2 p. m. at the home of Mrs.

E. Ray Farris. Mrs. Farris will lead the discussion of Landon and the platform of the republican party. The club was recently organized under the lead' ershlp of Mrs.

Farris and Its pur pose is the non-partisan study of modern government. There are 20 members and guest, speakers will feature the meetings this rail. The Woman's foreign mission ary society of the First Methodist church will meet Wednesday at 2 p. m. Mrs.

Joseph Moore of the Philippine islands will be the guest speaker. KEARNEY B. P. W. CLUB Summer activities of the Kear ney club have included two pic nics.

The first was held June 3, and was the last regular meeting of the year. On July 21, the club held Its second picnic in Pioneer park. Five guests were present. Miss Marjorie Tlcherll and Miss Emma Wol-ford were appointed as a committee to decide where the new road sign is to be placed on the highway. The sign was won by the Kearney club at the state convention at Chadron for the club having the best publicity in the state during the National Business and Professional Women's club week.

St. Paul and Minneapolis, where, they visited relatives. They also visited at Milwaukee, Fond du Lac, and Steven's Point, Wis. Dr. and Mrs.

H. A. Duey of Monte Vista, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. C.

L. Trom- bla, will leave Wednesday for Denver. Mr. and Mra. J.

J. Lowry and daughter, Lorraine, are leavtng for an eastern trip to New York City, Washington, and other points. From there they will go to Jacksonville, and will make their home In Florida the coming winter. Miss Clara W. Anderson of New York City arrived Saturday to spend two weeks with her mother, Mrs.

Hilda Anderson and her sister, Mrs. M. M. Schock. Capt.

Rosmond M. MacDonald, chaplain in the United States army, and son, Rosmond, have been visiting at the home of Jay E. Kelly. Capt McDonald Is a former resident of Lincoln and was graduated from the University of Nebraska in 1909. He and his son have been attending a family reunion at Missoula, Mont.

This is Capt. McDonald's first visit to Lincoln in 17 years. He has been serving as district chaplain of the Fourth CCC district with headquarters at Fort Adams, at Newport, R. I. He supervises the religious and recreational work In the 21 CCC camps of the district.

Dr. and Mrs. Clyde V. Cross returned Saturday from a two weeks trip. They attended the Centennial at Dallas and visited Galveston and New Orleans, returning by way of the Ozarks.

Mrs. Maude Burnett has returned from a trip thru the east. Outstanding Free Fur Repairs and Free Storage the First Year i. Fur-Trimmed GO Priced Kynri $210 $250 i ft ft I Nelson Hold reie. MRS.

CLARENCE W. EDNEY. Mrs. Edney was formerly Miss Maye Beal of Norfolk, prior to her wedding Aug. 16.

The couple will live in Beatrice. LATE SUMMER MONTHS (Continued from Page 2-B.) denlas. Mr. Alden was attended by Harvey M. Black of Hugo, Okl brother of the bride.

After a wedding luncheon, the couple left for a short trip in Texas. They will make their home In Cleveland, where Mr. Black Is connected with the Sherwin-Wil liams company. Mrs. Alden has at tended Southeastern Teachers college at Durant, Okl where she Is a member of Pi Omega Pi.

Mr. Alden is a graduate of the University of Nebraska, where he is a member of Delta Sigma Lambda fraternity. Vogel-Koch. The marriage of Miss Natalia Vogel, daughter of Mrs. Mary Vogel, to Phillip Koch, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Oswald Koch, will take place today at high noon at the home of 'Rev. A. Fuennlng, who will perform the ceremony. The service will be witnessed by ten members of the immediate families.

The bride will wear an ankle length dress of gold colored satin matellasse crepe, and will carry a bouquet of roses and daisies. Her only attendant will be her sister, Mrs. Marco Agulrre, who will wear an ankle length dress of silver colored satin matellasse crepe. Mr. Agulrre will serve Mr.

Koch as best man. Following the ceremony, a wedding dinner will be served at the home of the bridegroom's parents, for those present at the wedding. The couple will leave for a short trip, after which they will make their home In Lincoln. The bride will travel in a navy blue eyelet embroidered dress. Mr.

Koch is connected with the Smith Baking compaay. Monk-Holmbeck. Mrs. Florence A. Monk of Du-luth, announces the marriage of her daughter, Mary, to Harold Holmbeck, son of Mr.

and Mrs. J. J. Holmbeck of Beatrice. Mr.

Holmbeck was a member of the Nebraska football team for the past two years. The couple will reside in Omaha. They were married July 3, at Papilllon. Cummlng-Trott At a home ceremony, the marriage of Miss Vivian Cumming, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Earl E. Cumming, to Russell C. Trott, son of Mrs. Ella W. Trott, will take place today at 8 p.

m. at the home of the bride's parents. Rev. W. L.

Ruyle will perform the ceremony In the presence of the families, Immediate relatives and a ewf close friends. The bay windows, decorated with palms and ferns will provide a setting for the service. Miss Hazel Trimble will furnish the nuptial music. The bride will be gowned In a classic, white lace dress, fashioned with a slight train. The sleeves are full to the elbow, from where they are tightly fitted to the wrist and end in points over the back of the hand.

The neckline is finished with a draped cowl In front, and self covered buttons extend from the neck to the waistline on the back of the bodice. Her arm bouquet will be a flat arrangement of white roses: In her hair will be a band of white rosebuds. Her only attendant will be her sis ter, Mrs. Henry Keller, who will wear a floor length dress of a delicate powder blue shade. She will carry a flat arm bouquet of talisman roses tied with a blue bow.

Warren Parker will serve as best man. The bride's "three year old brother, Bobby, will carry the train of his sister's dress. At the informal reception to be held immediately following, Miss Leah Eriaman of Auburn and Miss Margaret Mathre, a cousin of the bride, will assist with serving. The table will be cen tered with the wedding cake and a bouquet of pink roses. A col or scheme of pink and white will predominate in decorations.

Miss Helen Keller will preside In" the gift room, and in charge of the guest book will be Miss Mar garet White. The couple will take a trip later hi the summer. The bride's going away outfit will bea black and FOR WEDDINGS 4 The Heori the Pelt label to these coats, and the eer-Bficats with which you are provided, is your doublsK assurance that only the choice portions of choice peltries were used In their Baking. rtAOl MAM MOltfMB U. FAt.

Off, white aatln tailored ensemble. The dress has a short, fitted jacket made with a peplum and elbow length sleeves, and Is trimmed with white ties at the neck. Her accessories are white. The couple will reside in Lincoln. Mr.

Trott is with the First Trust company. Both Mr. Trott and his bride have attended Nebraska Wesley an university, of which Mr. Trott Is a graduate. She Is a member of Alpha Delta Theta so rorlty, and hi Is affiliated with Phi Kappa Tau fraternity.

Out of town guests will be two sisters of the bridegroom, Mrs, Eaton M. Sommers of Houma, and Miss Lona Trott of De troit SOCIETY PERSONALS Miss Dorothy Thomas is ex pected Monday from Santa Fe to spend a few days with her fam ily before going on to New York Miss Delia Perrin will leave Monday for Sioux City, where she has recently been appointed supervisor of kindergarten and primary grades in the public schools. Miss Perrin is a former Lincoln teacher. For the past four years she has been supervisor in the public schools in Council Bluffs, Ia. Miss Perrin is a graduate of the University of Nebraska and of Columbia university.

A family reunion honoring C. E. Rankin was held from Sunday to Friday of last week at the home of Mrs. Rankin's daughter, Mrs. C.

A. Crist Out of town relatives who were(guests at the Crist home were and Mrs. Bert Rankin and daughter, Betty, of Montlcello, Mrs. John Perkins, Decatur, Mrs. Ruth Barnett and daughter, Thoralee, Clinton, I1L; Mr.

and Mrs. F. W. Rankin and daughter, Jeanne, Osborne, Mr. and Mrs.

C. E. Rankin, North Platte. Lincoln relatives of Mr. Rankin are Mr.

and Mrs. W. H. Rankin and children, Doris, Betty and Wayne; Mr. and Mrs.

Charles E. Rankin; Mr. and Mrs. E. R.

Crist and children, Charles and Margaret Ann. A meeting of the 8 and 40 club was held Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Jessie Lee Sturde-vant, with Mrs. Charles Sherman assisting. The Marshe Departmental will be held in Omaha Aug.

23 with headquarters at the Hotel Fontenelle. Mrs. Katherine Jacobs, state chapeau, of Central City will preside. The following members of the Lincoln salon will attend the state meeting: The Mesdames Harry Jespersen, Harriett Riddle, R. Dana, Erma Jensen, Tillie Townsend, H.

R. Hall, Lloyd Wright, H. H. Dudley, Frank B. O'Connell, Roy Yoho, Leola Derieg, H.

R. Heitkotter, Virgil Kittrell, Ed Boschult, C. E. Mc- Oiir famons all oil wave reconditions while waving, and la unusnally fine for harah and llfdrm hair aa well aa white hair. It Is the Ural Permanrnt wave.

In thla shop ro are sure of perfect results because only the ftnent supplies and equipment are used. What's more this shop is A1B-C0NDITI0NLD. S3 Cro-qolcnole Perm. 1 All complete with Shampoo, Finger Wave and Hair-eat. Must bring Ad Tues.

and Wed. (to all Permaoenta. SS.M Roaeveorl Steam Perm, for Hard to Wave Hair. Only machine In City. DRENE FITCHES a Soanleaa Shampoo Aug.

24, IS, Id.AttT' 3.50 Must have this Ad to get cooler at ZSa. Finger Wave, Shampoo and 250 V. Jtinse Mon. and Tore Must Have This Ad, For Above It rRKNCH RITZIB CROQUIONOLE PERMANENT 3.45 C-7 Cft BWlKLKNs: All OU Oroqnlgnota Permanent a a aa JC flfl SUFB.EM ipd.UU OBOUUIUNOLB 4f Permanent LEADER BEAUTE n. 12 SHOPPE 1 phones bums fiisoe Floor EVENING APPOINTMENTS ON PERMANENTS ALSO.

During our August Fur Sale The pick of the furs the first in fashion the best of workrhanship -those are the superlative qualifications you get by picking early Ben Simon St Sons offers you all this plus the largest and most varied choice of furred coats we've ever shown, and during our August Fur Sale they all go at 20 discount from the regular September prices. Why Buy Your Coat in the August Sale? Because the first and best furs of the new season go on the first coats because the first coats from even the most dependable tailors show the effect of more time for meticulous workmanship. What's New About These Coats? New streamlined swarger styles, sculptured belted models, shoulder widths, hem flareg, new collars to make your fur more flattering as well aa more Now is the Time to Buy Ybur Fine Fur Coat August Sale Prices Are 25 Less Than Later Our Convenient Lay-Away Plan Will Hold four Coat Until Nov. 1st It's Cool at Simon's Come.

The Lincoln Star from Lincoln, Nebraska (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.