Springfield Weekly Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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Springfield, Massachusetts

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NATIONAL NEWS NATIONAL NEWS THE SPRINGIELD WEEKLY REPUBLICAN' SPRINGIELD MASS: THURSDAY' EBRUARY 9 1939 7 President Plans to ight ree Trade in War Goods OUR POINTS MADE or Roberts and Amlie Policy Decided Years Ago TO PRESS ARE SAID i itbti rirn mirnnivif UNLIKE in belief both will let him hae she President said left for me 7 her copyist desk of Nations the 56 year old to find a much to (R of this for the Eight Ships Now at Daytona rer an to in time of pos ol had appeared his further ex American's pres (tor depreciation etc) applicable to electric a month see the possible part of federal policies under holding: company the act with He will bo three the Terricones the last nation I want it to it is the only liberty on this in of committee were con take and soon start such service company also was said that pure rench plane deal had emphasized as had the implications of such a loyd Roberts the western dls be had he be quads May preferred be paid par so on bUTeT would night down the United States' a letter to Secretary of now The air corps rates man ceihng and range Attn specifications tor new American aircraft factories warplanes to meet specifics its own in store Southern cor $70(10000 in safety of when he but after good con ously affected in Ohio Tennessee and West Virginia member a year is added to the rolls and all such must be residents of the vicinity Those who camo in this year filled vacancies caused by deaths As usual secrecy will surround the dawn visit to the groundhog hole to morrow Initiates say that is so "city folk" or spies from other Pennsyl vania lodges won't learn the Quarry ville formula for dealing with wood chucks military committee investigation of executive session settle a the they force the pro the won my free prepared state methods stronger short of war lie asks to back his extensions possible rain tomorrow I or he said added that cold weather added to of thousands of rcsl Virginia listed three anu upward of 1500 $78600000 PRICE IXED IN SALE TENNESSEE POWER ARM PRICE IXING ASKED BY SENATOR have stirred up in the Senate cress conference executive said he the appointments to work now Ve were expecting three but one more won't make any dlftei Multiple births in the parents' families are not rare Badgett said Mrs Badgett was a twin and the ENGLAND AGREES TO ALLOW START SEA LIGHTS was wearing a neat It was faded like her either support one of toed raw mn munitions or that the other side by or other economic unabated Old were going back and during the tight ive Dead and Hundreds Homeless in West Virginia and Kentucky 56 oot to ormer If Sen Sure to Do 83 American gov placed as soon granted) Explanation old Secretary them declining to permit his name said the policies today differed from those the committee Another the "fronticrs on thc 'continued attacks' Declares oreign Poli cy Is Unchanged and Op poses Entangling Alliances in Vigorous Interview Not only did he say that attributing to him a statement placing America's frontier on the Rhine was a but he added that some boob was resnonsible for it Bluntly he are I charged some newspaper owners anu The I senators with misrepresenting his the the Hollywood choice except distribution in days before of Nations' for the situation members of apparent that NEW WARPLANES BELIEVED BETTER THAN THOSE SOLD Quarryville Pa eb 1 (AT) Telegrams and letters applying for membership in this tiny Slumbering Groundhog lodge cluttered the offices where the faithful planned weather forecasting cere mony but only Vice President Garner crashed the organization's closely guarded gates I le was voted honorary member one of sewn men thus adopted by the lodge which annually paradox to a groundhog hole in the Swamp Hollow country and finds out to satisfaction what weather is for the next six weeks Three others ull residents southeastern Pennsylvania Cincinnati eb (AP) The rich valley of the Ohio from Pittsburg to Louisville whoso residents still carry vivid memory of 1937'a record flood saw relief from the threat of a new inundation tonight as freezing tem peratures stemmed the flow of tribu taries Prediction of fair weather through out West Virginia Ohio and Ken tucky brought signs of flood abate ment but the the suffering dents West known dead homeless The Red Cross tn Washington esti mated that more than 5009 families were homeless in the high water area I and West Virginia authorities tenta tively set the damage' of the past! three days at more than $1000000 I Indiana reported high water butl lighter snow there gave hope that EARS LOOD IN OHIO VALLEY ALLAYED BY COLD record was made by a White stenographer Differ ront Tuesday's of Hughes: ''The combined production capacity of our government arsenals and pri vate arms and munitions plants Is so small compared wjth that of each of the great arms and munitions produc ing powers that any action tending to decrease that capacity would serious ly endanger our national prepared ness is likewise undesirable to fur ther discouraee our foreign trade in arms find munitions since such trade') mission is absolutely essential to the mainte 1 nance of the capacity mentioned in the preceding Weeks therefore recommended no 1 Pai ticipation of the United States in an international arms traffic control "so long as such (other) nations find I it necessary to maintain military I forces and armaments so out of pro I portion to those of the United States I ana so long as they possess facilities for maintaining private munitions production capacities to meet de mands of colonies and dependencies not possessed by the United "Obviously" ho said nation which maintains a comparatively small military establishment and has few dependencies and colonies to in ci ease domestic demands must depend more on international traffic to in sure the existence of such (President Roosevelt salt recently the sale of planes to rance would help American manufacturers get into the swing of mass production in prep aration lor the large eminent orders to be as appropriations aro Secretary Weeks's Secretary Weeks of this farming section came in as regular members to help in ritual But for the who applied by mail and wire there was no place ancy titled officers of the lodge who carry staffs and wear top hats nnd nightshirts on the pilgrimage to leant whether the groundhog sees his shadow explained usually only one in the the Washington eb 2 (AP) Senator Wheeler (IX Mont) declaring today that American farmers are in danger of being reduced to economic status of peasants urged the Senate agricul ture committee to approve govern ment price fixing for farm products all everything Is on a price fixing basis in this country except the Wheeler asserted "La bor organizations have price fixing with the help nf legislation The same is true of every large industry Why not give the farmer the same treat ment?" The Montana senator commented nt a hearing where half a dozen dairy men and farmers testified that a "cost of productlon" farm bill spon sored by Wheeler and 16 other sena tors should be substituted for the present administration crop control program The bill is designed to fix prices in such a way as to guarantee farmers their cost of production and a profit for Testing Said ar Ahead of Ships Ticketed for Ex port actually would Britain's action next month or ever oru excellent condition by Jinkins the attending (and broadcast by WABC 1030 T) Mr Roosevelt had announced a dcnnrturc" for Cincinnati eb 5 (AP) ears of) dealing with the world which would an extensive flood cased tonight as lead logically to "pressures" such as the Ohio river leveled off along a economic sanctions long expanse but relief agencies faced) Sanctions Said Path to War the task of caring for an estimated Charles Dawes former vicc pres 30000 refugees in four states 'TheHdent was among the prominent death toll stood at six Chicagoans at the dinner which was The Ohio was falling from Pitts moved to the Stevens hotel's grand burg to Wheeling and forecasters said ballroom to accommodate an estimated the crest probably had been reached 800 persons The Chicago council on along eastern Ohio and West Virginia foreign relations normally holds points where the water inundated luncheon meetings to hear discussions lowland homes on world affairs United States Meteorologist TV who think in terms of cco Mr Hoover anieil should also think in terms of 'any form of direct or the showers! Indirect coercion of nations is force Washington eb 2 Administration leaders of the Senate decided tonight to ask President Roosevelt to with draw two of his recent nominations to high federal offices fail at confirmation The nominees are as federal judge In trict of Virginia and former Repre sentative Thomas Amlie of WIs consln as a member of the Interstate Commerce commission Senator Albcn Barkley Demo cratic leader was chosen to carry the request to the President Roberts was appointed by the Pres ident over the objections of Senators Carter Glass and Harry Byrd of Virginia A judiciary subcommittee recommended by a vote of 11 to 3 that confirmation be rejected Action on the nomination was postponed to day at Barkley's request after a poll disclosed 32 senators ready to vote against confirmation Opposition to Amlie is widespread though not as powerful as In Rob erts's case His nomination is before a Senate interstate commerce sub committee which posponed hearings on it until next week Amlie a radi cal Progressive has proposed govern ment ownership of all industry and hla foes charge his belief in govern ment ownership disqualifies him from wnicn rail Washington eb (A Presi dent Roosevelt served emphatic no tice today that he would stand by two nominations which powerful opposition In response to questions the chief would not withdraw of loyd Roberta to be a federal judge In Virginia and Thomas Amlie Wisconsin Progressive to be a member of the Interstate Commerce commission urthermore the that if the Senate did reject Roberts's nomination he would write the Vir ginian a letter which would be right Interesting It was considered a foregone con clusion that the chief executive would have to write the letter for senators on both sides of the administration fence' agreed there was no chance that Roberts would bo confirmed Senators Glass and Byrd of Vir ginia both oppose confirmation on the grounds the nomination is "personal ly objectionable" although they have raised no question as to the qualif ications of Roberts a Virginia court judge for 24 years The Senate judic iary committee already has recom mended rejection of the nomination The Virginia senators' objections arose they said from the fact that their recommendations were ignored riends of the two senators said to day that 83 Senate votes were pledged against Roberts Amlie Is a former Progressive rep resentative who was defeated last year in his party's senatorial primary As to nomination several senators have charged that he has "radical Senator Burke (D Neb) said today he would oppose the nomination because Amlie not believe in the American system of (AP) nn Gal tect the western military Invasion? Shall we take collective action with other nations to make these more than words and short of war policies effective? Are wc to be the policemen of the world excuse during should vorce to think of it "We have been married 27 years Now I am 61 years old We are get ting along in years I want to spend the rest of my life with the old Tom serving on the commission governs the privately owned roads Copyright 1939 INSJ Donald 'mith May tni Out Washington eb 2 (AP) Some White House lieutenants in the Sen ate said tonight that they would not be surprised if President Roosevelt withdraws soon his appointment of Donald Wakefield Smith to serve an other term on the National Labor Re lations board The persons who usually are well informed on labor developments said that former Representative Lewis (D MJ) probably would be nomi nated in stead Lewis had Mr Roosevelt's support In his unsuccess ful effort to unseat Senator Tydings (D MJ) There has been opposition to Smith from the American ederation of La bor and a bipartisan Senate group had the It controversy CHILDREN DTE AS ICE BREAKS Woodmere eb 5 (AP) Emma Gray 10 and her brother George eight were drowned today when they broke through the ice on Hooks creek a backwash of Jamaica bay Their companion Barbara White nine clung to the ice nnd wns rescued by fishermen the one time prisoner wants a di STRANGLIAG BRIDE New York ob 2 (AP) rank 1'Tgliolia 21 pleaded guilty today to second degree murder for the honey strangling of the orphan gir) bride ho had blamed for sending him to the Elmira reforinatotv for assault and then married with vengeance in his heart after his parole She was throttled in a hotel room with one of her own silk stockings just after their wedding five years a co The 'bOrenin plea" removed the possibility of death is in me electric cnair and 'Going Busi Values Recognized for irst Time by ederal Negotiators plause the crowds bands "What is there This She was seated at at the San rancisco federal music project She pink smock tired eyes' adapted to our particular needs Speed Only One actor A new fighting plane of unique de sign produced by the Bell Ait craft company of Buffalo which will be tested at Wright field was built to certain standards of performance of which speed is only one factor Ameri can aircraft designers say that is unfair to compare our warplanes with on the basis of speed alone They add moreover that this coun try can equal or top the performances of the superspeed pursuit planes built abroad European pursuits are built to carry an engine machine guns and a pilot squeezed Into cramped quar tets which are dictated b'y highly streamlined designs American pur suits by comparison are furnished lavishly at a sacrifice of speed Both the army and navy insist that their fighting planes shall incorporate safe ty features for the pilot full radio equipment and instrument dying aids for long range work One type of navy plane sacrificed speed to ample head room for the pilot and protection for him if rho craft nosed over in landing War plane speed depends on three factors on none of which any nation has a monopoly: of design low wing area per weight and hierh engine power The new planes at Wright field though reportedly super ior to current army equipment are a compromise between maximum speed maximum safety and designs peculiarly fitted to the needs of ur continental area and geographical position NO MORE ILMS TO BE SEEN IN ITALY Germany now exporting some 40 pictures annually to Italy is expected to lie the chief gainer under the monopolistic restrictions The Reich however is not considered able match American quantity and Italy faced with a film shortage for 1939 San rancisco eb Rena Moo ney wife of Tom Mooney recently pardoned by Gov Culbert Olson said tonight that most famous vorce "But Hecla roil "Tom has talked to me about a divorce but I understand why after what been through May be because he wants all the ap the cnecrs the vclt as a leading "war a representative of the government said of denial: Speaking for Why did this late tenterhooks Criticism of Mr Roosevelt in covernment controled press of Italy on the basis of the same supposed quotation reached such proportions that the American embassy asked the Italian government for an explana tion So seriously had the supposed state ment by the President been taken in Italy that prior to the denial here Virginio Gayda authoritative ascist editor published an editorial saying: Roosevelt wants to push his offensive into the heart of Europe up to the Rhine and Alps it is natural that the defense of counterbalance it be extended up to the Rio Grande as well as to the line of the Panama canal which has been developed by the United States as one of its bases for maneuvers between the Atlantic and At home charges of secrecy sur rounding the been as much foreign policy transaction The Senate conducted transaction in met today arising from the demand of some of its members that the prior record of the hearings minus any military se crets be made public and that future meetings be opened to the public The committee quickly found itself deadlocked with four proposals before it: Senator Clark (D Mo) asked that all past and future testimony on the sale of airplanes to foreign govern ments be made public Senator Logan (D Ky) suggested that the committee continue to hold executive sessions and that testimony given before it in the past be not dis closed Senator Austin fR Vt) proposed that the committee hold public hear ings in the future going into execu tive session only to hear testimony involving military secrets Senator Holman (R Or) advanced the idea that public hearings be held except when military experts were testifying relative to national defense plans and operations "which it be indiscreet to divulge" Air Roosevelt was obviously much exercised at the "frontiers on the Rhine" statement With an ironic tone and a thin lipped smile he as serted that it was manufactured by some congressional and newspaper owner agitators These men he said in hard bitten words had deliberately misrepresented the facts The people he continued in the same bitter tone were beginning to realize Hint the things they have to read from the agitators are pure bunk playing upon public prejudices nnd fears Tie accused what he called the agitators of acting in an un American manner A reading of the headlines only he should have convinced anyone the stories beneath them were guesses And he added the dnv these guesses were dressed up as factual material Where the writers had qualified some statements hns having been or editorial writers discussed them as absolute fact Stacked on the cluttered presiden tial desk was a pile of newspapers 14 or 15 of them and Mr Roosevelt said each gave an erroneous account of what he told the Senate committee mn VMioii iex reo our baby girls pink healthy hungry were born today to a veston couple The second set of quadruplets bom in Texas the babies were nouncol in Dr Physician Thefr parents Mr nnd Mrs Badgett had not decided uimn names for the little misses whose weights varied from 3 pounds to four pounds nine ounce Badgett a construction company foreman who is employed at Houma ia was worried over tno his wife and children reached the hospital today being assured they were in dition 1 "I'll really have to go te were expecting I Woman Who Waited for 22 Prison Years Says He Suggested It and Understand Unless He Wants to Be in Limelight Alone with private business In the utility field" in any new areas 2 Took steps to prevent further PWA loans to states or municipalities for nonfederal nature 3 "Clarified' public utilities of 1935 4 Ceased against the utilities A utilities expansion program of that magnitude represents more than a 100 per cent increase of the most recent predictions of experts in the utility field for 1939 outlays Economists and financiers generally have forecast in recent months that a utility expansion program of $1 000000000 a year would be a major factor In stimulating Increased pro duction in heavy industries The heavy industries las In the last year and a half has been singled out as a contributing factor to the recent re cession Although nil or the common stock in Tennessee Electric Power was owned by Commonwealth and South ern a large number of private in vestors held bonds or preferred stock nf the company Under the arrange ment Willkle's company will nay ft these investors at 100 cents an the dollar in the course of the liquida tion of the Tennessee Electric Power company The TVA utilitics controversy has been a source of litigation going sev eral times as far as the United States supreme court for the best part of six years The final stage of the negotiations which culminated in agree ment began last May IS with an ex change of letter between Willkieand David IJlienthal power director of the TVA Periods of bitter recrimination and court battles were Interspersed with occasional efforts for cooperation be tween the administration and the utilities When the last period of negotiarions began last spring Willkie told LUicn thal he would sell them the Tennessee Power company's electric properties Commonwealth retains the water ice and transportation properties at nny price set by any nationally recognized firm of auditors Lilienthal asked Willkie to suggest such a firm Willkie submitted a list of five rom that list Lilienthal selected Lybrand Ross Brothers and Montgo mery They made an audit and found the following total of net Investment in the electric division of the company including intangibles (such as gcod will): $90500000 Including a retirement reserve tuna of $4200000 properties leaving a net of $86300 000 It is understood that Willkie there upon offered to sell at about the $S6 000000 figure At that time TVA negotiators flat 1 ly refused to make any allowances for investment other than that in ac tual property or the value of a go ing business and also Insisted on drastic reductions on the basis of deterioration of electric generating and transmission equipment Tn consequence Ihey were willing only to offer This resulted in a deadlock In midfall spurred partly by national de fense preparations negotiations were resumed porting these clashing versions let witnouc au Devereaux forecast fair nnd warmer) nomic sanctions' weather for Kentucky and West Vir ginia night would have little effect on the river and is the straight path to war tt atages Delayed reports of trioutarics the weather bureau here to revise its! transcendent service in holdin: estimate of the Ohio's crest to 58 or the banner of moral 59 feet However Schomer Suggesting a procedure he declared assistant meteorologist reported the the American people should river was stationary from Parkers unhesitatingly their indignation burg Vat to Ashland Ky and I against wrong and and level utt at Portsmouth to 1 should aid the suffering should not be isolationists Ella Lavne Brawn executive nrnmiMintr uenen hv the mothrwts director of the Red Cross here said peace" he said national headouarters In Washington hnli not he tsuintinnisto advised here at noon that an esti proposals to join in the most healing mated 6500 to 7000 families were seri of all processes of economic nriecrett in tvenrnnirv i 1 1 i all reason all history experience show that be righted and durable must use words and armament nolicv) Th iciil A "As Daniel Webster said in reply to Hayne 'Let ine run tlie hon orable gentleman's doctrine a little into its practical application' Tlie only known effective methods short of war and more than words are that we side with supplies terlals finance and we deny these to embargos boycotts unrHnnv The nggiessidns against sister nations that Mr Roosevelt is discussing are not alone In the west Official Papers Dispose It Was Adopted During Hard Administration Refused to Join Agreement for Control of Arms Traffic Promises Letter ate Rejects Him as It Seems Negative Votes Said Lined Up Now York eb 2 The American movie industry incensed at the establishment of an Italian govern ment monopoly on distribution of motion pictures announced today that it would send no more of its products to Italy Will Hays president of tho Motion Picture and Dis tributors of America in making AnnoiiDCcnwn Sctiri companies "had no entirely to cease New York eb As offi cial Washington debates the sale of American war equipment to rance the United States army is testing new and secret planes which the policy of the armed services would arc far superior to anything ticketed for export No less than eight warplanes are at Wright field Dayton the army air corps's lab oratory undergoing tests prior to the letting of a contract for additional equipment It is the practice of the army nnd navy to forbid the export of war materials unless research has pro vided them with something superior At least two other types of Curtiss pursuit planes are reported to have performances superior to the export machine which on January 22 achieved 575 miles an hour in a "ter minal velocity" dive at Buffalo The dive an unofficial record for man made speed proved little about the actual performance of the plane except that it had the stamina to withstand terrific speeds and that it would be valuable in combat work requiring dives at normal engine rev olutions eu verability speed in listin planes turn out requests of the armed services for machines defensive "But surely all our own wroncs cannot pence cannnt be Imposed on nations by force threats economic pressures or war "I want America to stand against I that principle if it is under that banner stand there because hope of preserving continent That is America's greatest service to MlniJs Being "Our minds" the former President said in opening his address "are le ing prepared to accept war as inevit able We need to keep our heads We have need to strip emotion from these questions (of international mat ters) as much as we can They are questions of life or death not only to men but also to nations" "Our foreign policies in these ma jor dimensions" he went on "must be determined by the American people and the Congress not by the Presi dent alone The citizens can also in some degree appraise our dangers After all it Is the people who are made poor and who sacrifice their lives and the lives of their The "full dimensions of American policies that have been approved by the American people up to now" he said substantially merely embraced nonintervention in other nations' af fairs: armament only for defense "that defense to include the western protection by force if necessary of the lives of Americans "who are of necessity co operation in movements to promote pence and world prosperity prohibi tion of the purchase of arms in tlie United States by nations at war But he added "Mr Roosevelt now proposes to expand these policies The sum ft his proposal Is that we make effective protest at acts of aggression agninst sister nations He says we than lor (of New York eb 4 (AP) An eventful chapter in the long and bit ter feud between the new deal and the utilities was brought to a dramatic end today with an nouncement of an amicable arrange ment under which TVA will pur chase all electrical properties of Commonwealth and Southern corpo ration in Tennessee Major t'nncesrinn Agreement was announced in Knox ville Tenn by TVA officials and In New York by Wendell Willkie president of Commonwealth and Southern The TVA agreed to pay $78600000 for the electric properties of Tennes see Electric Power company a sub sidiary of Commonwealth and South ern Wall street sources said this figure was only slightly under Willkle's ask ing price The TVA had first offered only S55000000 for the properties Local utility executives in other systems said the end of the six year Willkte TVA reua was rnaae by major concessions on the negotiators representing the administration These include: 1 Recognition for the first "equity" or common stock value in utility systems 2 Recognition of "going business" value in utility financial structures also for the first time 3 Recognition of Investments not strictly for purchase of operating property another precedent The utility receives under the ar rangement approximately $8000000 in cash In return for the common stock of Tennessee Electric Power all of which Is owned by Commonwealth and Southern In addition the com pany receives something under $3 000000 in other assets applicable to the common hich have a book value of $17000000 Heretofore new deal utility admin istrators have refused to recognize common stock or equity values in similar transactions TVA it was understood here pays par value for the bonded investment of the company Bonds will be re deemed at par under a escape" clause The Indenture cover ing outstanding bonds would have provided from 5 to 10 points premium above par it called Under tlfc agreement stockholders also will for their holdings Commonwealth and noration owns about bonds and about $750000 In preferred mock which It invested in Tennessee Electric Power and for which will receive back the full book value of its investment As soon as technical details of the present arrangement have been worked out including alloca tion of purchased properties to mu nicipalities in its area Willkie and TVA negotiators will try to work out a similar agreement covering Com monwealth and electric properties in northern Alabama and Mississippi Utility executives consider this Inri ptjtdinc negotiation of even greater general importance since it is under stood that Willkie will press for a definite promise which will demark the extent of TVA's future operations Willkie said he believes this to be 'the first step in a new understanding when he hopes win end pansion of government competition with private business Willkie predicted that privately owned utilities in the United States would spend not Jess than $1000000 000 a year in new capital outlay each year for the next three or four years If the administration went a few cteps further nnd: 1 Made a definite pledge not to' Chicago eb 1 (AP) Herbert Hoover tonight Accused President projecting an unpre enters the Ohio veteran cedented expansion of foreign policy revised downward their likely to lead to war and appealed and little inconvenience I to Congress to "have this adventure the old river town clarified before we go blindly Into and flood emergency Sreat increases in at work along a broad While European democracies were Virginia and Kentucky "consciously or unconsciously flood damage The Buckhannon President said In a speech prepared the to secrecy and I feel that I am still bound to sccrccy But if the Presi a I dent is" going to tell his version cer Washincton eb (AP) The long talked of transatlantic air serv ice between Great Britain nnd the United States mav become an actual ity within matter of weeks This possibility was raised today when the British government waived a 1935 agreement that no American company should until a British ready Pre viouslv it able Hint this agreement might delay the service until June at the eniliest because Imperial Airways the British company planning transatlantic serv ice will notbe ready before then al though Pan American Airways is ex bected to brs In a position to start service late in March There was no immediate announce ment today however as to whether I'an Amencnn nd vantage of launch service thereafter Juan Trippe Ident wns conferring with state de partment' officials at the time Brit ain's note was made known but ho would not comment after the con ference Washington eb 3 (AP) In measured language President Roosevelt asserted today that Amer ican foreign policy still rested upon unchanged historic foundations and bristlingly denounced as a "deliber ate lie" recent statements that considered frontier to the Rhine Controversy Intensified Almost immediately it was apparent that his pronouncement had served principally to intensify a controversy that had engulfed Congress and swept to the capitals of foreign na tions since a week ago It was learned that United States officials were heartily cooperating with a rench buying warplanes in this country Argument over what he did or did not secretly tell members of the Sen ate committee on military affairs on 1 uesday continued timers at the Capitol to the League parallel made it sidering an effort to duction of a record of conversation on Tuesday such a House myself I only ask statement come Why was the world kept two days flooded Ohio! "Our country standing apart" he In Kentucky prompted) said "can make a contribution of aloft She was a 3S year old wife when Tom Mooney was condemned to death for the 1916 preparedness day pa rade bombing and then was spared by a commutation of his sentence to life imprisonment in San Quentin Since then she has been waiting for him hoping year after year for the pardon that eventually came im mediately after Olson was inaugurat ed California's governor Now that he finally is free she says he wants to quit hor is the she went on takes trips on planes travels makes personal appearances wears nice suits 1 earn only $4 here They let me books on Tom's income been through too think of divorce We've been married 27 years 61 now We're old I want to spend the remaining years with Tom Mooney the old Tom Mooney fought to save him from the gallows I fought for his freedom I never had much money only what I could eke out from my little music studio 'What money I earned went for Tom like to go with Tom and be present at his personal appearances but they let me Well I won't let them part us Not even San Quen tin could do San rancisco eb 3 (AP) The collapse of the 27 year marriage of Tom and Rena Mooney was disclosed today as she charged that the labor leader had demanded a divorce and he retorted that enemies had delib erately publicized the separation to discredit him Mooney pardoned last month after 22 years in prison for the 1916 pre paredness parade bombing admitted the domestic rupture but denied he had demanded his wife divorce him Mrs Mooney 61 said she fought for her husband's freedom all during his imprisonment and declared she would oppose a divorce because been through too much to think of "There will be no declared Mooney who bitterly at tacked what he described as inimical factions involved in revelation of his domestic troubles "Now they deliberately plan to smear me and thereby attempt to discredit the labor movement and its liberal allies which dom" he said in a ment Since his release Mooney has toured the state speaking at labor meetings in behalf of a uni fied movement and working for the release of his codefendant Warren Billings years ago I suggested a di vorce to Mrs Mooney as the only means of settling our incompatibility" Mooney told reporters "We have not lived together since my release but the matter of a divorce has not been mentioned" Mooney's statements and comment wns obtained several hours after Mrs Mooney told newspapermen her hus band had demanded a divorce as soon as he got out of San Quentin peni tentiary pathetic she declared ms was that we had drifted apart his years in prison But I say I won't give him a di We've been through too much Tom Mooney Wants Divorce Wife Says But She Refuses other great powers maintain large enough government owned and sub aged men died of I siaizea plants to inucn more nearly flood area tneet thelr war ns Curtailment of Chandler of Kentucky rrnate manufacture would therefore I tvfkl'lr 4 II tr tKn rlieorli OMl A crews into stricken I lit 4 I I He added that in time of peace pri vate manufacture finds its outlet in the needs of this mili tary forces in domestic needs and in export to other countries Only Garner Crashes the Gates Of Pennsylvania Groundhog Club Second Set of Texas Quadruplets Declared in Excellent Condition ern hemisphere They arc in reality aggressions across the Atlantic and iacitic in Europe and Asia iiu 1 ins new i that we are to determine who the aggressors in the world "The determination of the who when of aggression sounds easy sometimes is easy But if one amines the history of the world distinction between legitimate pansion and wicked aggression comes confused The League of UCHl Wlil 14 LC11 IO ICIOIUH LCJ Hons after some years of effort failed tainly the members of the committee even a definition of aggressor I should be allowed to tell their ver We are to set ourselves up as the Sion" oracle of righteousness in age old to his denial of the "frontiers on quarrels that began before our nation the Rhine" remark Mr Roosevelt was born A large part of the United added a statement that neither did btatcs was the result of aggression he say that America's line of defense under any definition: likewise parts I was in rance which also had been ui ure oiiusn empire ana rance I attributed to him In any event it does not seem to be (The reports which Mr Roosevelt a job that America should undertake denounced as untrue circulated after More especially as each case must he conferred with the Senate com need be debated in Congress and di mittoemen on questions arising from vided by the emotions of our racial the rench plane purchases At the origins conference he swore the committee "ourth These proposals to use men to secrecy But since it Is an some sort of coercion against nations axiom in Washington that you can are of course a complete departure not tell a secret to more than two from neutrality in other peoples' people and have it kept various ac wars It is the method of coercion counts of what he said leaked out not persuasion It is in direct viola (These versions conflicted One coni tlon of Secretary Hull's reaffirmation mitteeman said he understood the on which the ink is but 60 days dry President to have made the remarks of an old American policy that about the frontier Others denied he intervention of any state in the in made any such statement ternal and external affairs of another I (The Associated Tress while rc tnnrhniihlA 11 Sik mnncnnc ilthom sneak for themselves viously futile unless undertaken in making assertions on its own cooperation with other nations With thority) out joint action supplies of food or oil or cotton or munitions can be Mr Pmssvelt first nffiblo as obtained elsewhere And joint action porters filed into his circular green means at least temporary alliances walled office today for the usual ri with countries in Europe or Asia day press conference grew more and "Sixth Such policies are provoca more crisp and sharp in his language tlve of reprisals and must be backed as questions and answers succeeded by armament far beyond that re each other quirea lor defense or the western hemisphere If we are to provoke we must be prepared to enforce "Seventh Economic pressures in evitably run into pressures upon civil populations Civil populations mostly women and children morals of starvation by force rank point of view no higher than killing from the air He also aeciared that politics should "Eighth Any nation which sets up be kept apart from foreign policy In such policies and builds an armament the year 1939 he said the 1940 carr ot dimensions to back them is sure to Paign should not be involved in dis arouse fear This idea of America missions of foreign policies sitting alone determining who and Then he uttered what he called a what in the world shall stop and go comparatively simple statement of would make us suspect of the whole foreign policy and did an un world It is certain that combina usual thing in permitting the news tions of power will arise against a mcn quote him directly on it it nation which docs that no matter how good neighborly its words may 1: are against any cn 14mm 1 Alito Oao be 1 he snid the most momentous change in American IKilicios of nence and war since entered the great war" "Tn determine the Issue me propose some questions that American people deserve to have swered: i neacetui maintenance oi uouuwi cuu "2 Shall we set ourselves up to do chnj'rman Pittman (D Nev) of tcirnine who the aggressor Is in the I Senate foreign relations commit cu MM I declared later that the fourth 3 Shall ttc engage In embargoes I appcs equally tn the uncalled boycott? economic sanctions against totalitarian governments as well ns aggressor nations? I to tho socallcd democratic govern 4 Shall we do this where the west ecp hemisphere is not attacked? Pittman's interpretation came as the Shall we provide mi armament I capita sought to discern the meaning greater than that necessary to pro nf that point groping for the Prcsi nuunapueiu num i qont definition ot 'social innepcn and suggesting numerous sibilities in that connection So Laiel" It was considered important cause since Tuesday the capital understood thnt it was Mr Roosevelt's Intention to help arm the democracies of Europe rance and Great Britain primarily as against any threat of aggression from the dictator states of Germany and Italy Abroad the reaction to the Presi dent's statements was prompt In Ger many where newspapers had seized upon the purported "frontier on the Rhine" remark to denounce Mr Roose One the use of 1 1 policy means relntPfI are insisted that phrase had been used an Still another Senator Bridges H) said: cx" "I attended the meeting with the President 1 have been bound a 1 XXz ern ocolnc nnV tancling alliances obviously 2: We are in favor of the maintenance of world trade for every 4iAAn wnlnrlinrr MM I Briiiuun inuiuuiii VM "No 3: We are in complete sym ipt rathy with any and every effort made A to reduce or limit armaments 8 "No 4: As a ns American 1 people we are sympathetic with the I mnintDnnne of DolitiCNll OCO father has twin brothers Tho Badgett quads youngest the nation take their places with Knsper quads of Clifton Pcrricone quadruplets of Beaumont lex nnd the Keys quadruplet OKinnoma The Kasper years old next all boys who have ambitions to play major league baseball nre nine nnl the Keys all girls are the only quadruplets known to have reached maturity Three boys nnl a girl comprise the Knsper quartet Thu Badgetts have two other chil dren both girls one 16 the other 13 The 16 ycar ol! girl Geneva 1 Mrs Badgett's daughter by another mar riage Mrs radgott's mother Mrs Harper of Corpus Christi furnished bluod to her 36 year old daughter in a transfusion today as a protective measure Dr Jinkins said however Mrs Badgett's condition was excellent Washington eb 5 (AP) Official papers of the state department made public today disclosed that the Unit ed States adopted a policy of free trade In implements of war during the administration of President War ren Harding The documents most of them hith erto unpublished were released at a time when Congress Is engaged In controversy over the sale of Ameri can war planes to rance and Great Britain They are contained in foreign relations volumes of the state depart ment for 1923 soon to be made public Rejected Agreement The papers declared that it was to the interest of the United States to insist on freedom ot International trade in war materials Consequently the United States refused to join an international agreement for the con trol of the arms traffic proposed by tnc league The then Secretary of War John weeks sate position in State Charles Evans Hughes chief justice of the United States The letter said: United States in tlnin of wnr there would be little destruction dependent almost entirely upon pri landslidcs and high water blocked va5c 'manufacture of munitions while rnaas there and In Kentucky where Mayor Evans of Middlesboro reported two posure in the Gov sent highway communities along the Licking and Cumberland rivers National guardsmen erc ordered to stand by but Maj rank Izeh kuecher at rank fort Ky said 'con ditions were under control The Ohio at Cincinnati and Hunt ington Va was rising at the rv 1 XTf rate of 3 feet an hour United States I rK Kl I 111 I A i Meteorologist Devereaux at 1 llJuUllljl 1 1 1JZ1 1 kJ Cincinnati forecast a general crest of vswm msmwc 56 feet from Huntington to Carroll A I MV PVI( 11 A I A ton Kv bv Sunilav or Nfnnrtnv Tho I I Illi Illi vl rill II river roe above 50 feet here I The anticipated crest unchanged T) I A TO throughout the day was in contrast IPl III 11 llif to the 7999 foot level two years ago 1 UU11UHLUU when the devastating tide swept away homes and left 200 dead along the 9SAtmipisbmg earlier fears of a Avers Apart Can coluencehof the1Mononahera Ale Serve World DisCUSSCS weahe'burcat? of I £Cnl TaklnS SldcS occur Criticizing Administration tnere until a stage of 30 feet Is reached Water rose two feet above the 50 foot flood stage at Huntington while upriver at Point Pleasant where the Roosevelt of Kanawna rivermcn crest forecast was seen for Red Cross agencies were ftont in West where smaller streams wrought the in us with propaganda" the former greatest river in the central section was fall for the Council on oreign Relations tng and 500 homeless trekked back to shelter Expected.

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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.