30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (2024)

30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (2)

Being a dad means that no 2 days are the same. There are twists and turns every step of the way. And to merely keep our head above water there are vital items every dad should own. This is a collection of the things we need. The things that if we didn’t have, being dad (& a man) would be 10 times as difficult.

So stock up…

1. A pocket knife. Just a standard. But don’t carry it around with you – the good ol’ days are long gone!

2. Duct Tape. As a general rule in life, if duck tape won’t fix it, call an expert. But having duct tape will avoid the need for extra expenses on experts.

3. WD-40. I like to call this, the liquid Duct Tape.

4.A cordless drill. “Can you put up a book shelf in the nursery?” “Can you attach the monitor to the wall?” “Can you put safety catches on the kitchen cupboards?” It’s endless and a cordless drill is necessary to keep you sane.

30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (4)5. A claw hammer. For clawing…

6.A leather shoulder bag. So handy for those trips into town. Perfect for a nappy and wipes, drink and snack. The perfect nappy bag for men.

7. A pocket grooming kit. Don’t let yourself slip just because you’re a dad.

30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (6)

8. A card holder. To hold your cards.

9. Acomfy pair of sweat pants. Those early mornings are much easier when you’re comfy.

10. A handkerchief. Snot, sick, wee, poo, dribble… #everydad needs a handkerchief to hand.

11. Squeezey tube of Sudocreme. Fits in your leather shoulder bag and is useful for almost anything.

12. BBQ. Meat is good. BBQ meat is sensational.

13. Bottle opener. For the rare occasion you get enough time to have a beer.

14. Leatherman Multitool. There are occasions when a pocket knife just isn’t enough.

15. Work gloves. Protect those delicate paws of yours. If your hands are knackered from working in the garden etc, it will sting when you get baby wee on them.

16. Spirit Level. She’ll make you startagain if it’s wonky…

17. Brown boots. The standard item of footwear for any man nowadays. Invest in a good pair though, make them last.

18. Quality chefs knives. Cooking is just so much easier with a good set of knives.

19. Jump leads. I wouldn’t know where to attach them but they’re in the garage if ever I need to find out.

20. Maglite or LED torch. The night time feed can be a walk in a gauntlet of chaos, so a light can save you from stepping in something suspect. Like an action figure, old nappy or teddy.

21. A tailored suit. Whether you wear one for work or not, life always throws times at you when a good suit is needed. Get one, and don’t put any weight on.

22. Leather belt.

23. Smart shoes. To wear with the suit. I’m not into this whole smart suit with converse trend!

24. Aftershave / Cologne. Not to be over used but it’s nice to have ‘your smell.’

25. A nice watch. Just so you’re absolutely sure that it is 3:45am when you’re up and rocking the baby.

26. A metal tool box. I don’t know why metal is preferred. They’re heavier, noisier and generally smaller. But they’re metal!

30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (14)

27. A weekend bag. It will probably just get used as a baby bag for when you go on holiday, but at least you have it if you do ever need it yourself.

28. White T shirts. White Tees don’t show sick stains as much.

29. A French press. You might, just might get time for a coffee but this is the closest you’ll get to good coffee.

30. A good bottle of single malt. To help you get through tomorrow.

I’m pretty sure I haven’t missed anything, but if you notice something missing, please let me know by leaving a comment.

  1. 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (17)

    Silly Mummyon 03/10/2015 at 1:24 am

    We have some of these. Mostly the tools. We just have plain nappy bags, so both of us can happily use them! #bigfatlinky

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  2. 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (18)

    Random Musingson 03/10/2015 at 2:27 am

    Fab list – I’m definitely with you on the duct tape thing. If duct tape can’t fix it, nothing will :) Also converse with suits just why lol Thanks for hosting the #bigfatlinky

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  3. 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (19)

    Luke Stricklandon 03/10/2015 at 6:59 am

    Like all of these – got most of them, have only just “discovered” sweat pants (star wars ones of course!). Haven;t ever got myself a tailored suit… maybe that’s next on the list! Completely agree about metal toolboxes… #bigfatlinky

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  4. 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (21)

    Tracey Abrahams (The Anxious Dragon)on 03/10/2015 at 7:42 am

    This reminds me of my dad. Being a farmer he always had a penknife and a ball of bale twine in his pocket. #bigfatlinky

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    • 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (22)

      Al Fergusonon 07/10/2015 at 12:12 pm

      Sounds like my Dad too :)

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  5. 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (23)

    Becky (@attwtwo)on 03/10/2015 at 7:52 am

    I think my husband has most things on this list though I think his tool box is plastic – he uses it for work and its enormous! I think a heavy metal one would be some sort of health and safety issue in that he wouldn’t even be able to pick it up! Thanks for hosting #bigfatlinky

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  6. 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (24)

    Mummy Feveron 03/10/2015 at 9:18 am

    I recognise lots of these lol #bigfatlinky

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    • 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (26)

      Neal A. Hietton 24/05/2021 at 4:22 pm

      Dont forget a white pair of converse and some Jean shorts, maybe even a fanny pack.

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  7. 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (27)

    Shaz Goodwinon 03/10/2015 at 9:58 am

    Our boys are adults themselves now but we still need some of the things on the list :)

    #21 made me smile – it always happens doesn’t it!


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  8. 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (28)

    jeremy@thirstydaddyon 03/10/2015 at 1:46 pm

    pretty comprehensive. I’m trying to thing of anything you missed, but I’m coming up blank

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  9. 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (29)

    Claire at Tin Box Travelleron 03/10/2015 at 3:06 pm

    Right, that’s Mr TB’s Christmas presents sorted. He just needs sweat pants, a tube of sudocrem and a handkerchief. He’ll be well chuffed :) #bigfatlinky

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  10. 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (31)

    Elizabeth (Wander Mum)on 03/10/2015 at 8:19 pm

    Fab list. Although have to admit we don’t have ALL of them. Jump leads? Hopefully the neighbours do! If duck tape doesn’t fix it or WD40 (my personal fave) then superglue surely will. It’s my husband favourite ‘fixing’ tool #bigfatlinky

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    • 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (32)

      Al Fergusonon 07/10/2015 at 12:11 pm

      Sounds like a man after my own heart :)

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  11. 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (33)

    @alex_kenoon 03/10/2015 at 9:18 pm

    A good comprehensive list there. Think we have most of them. He doesn’t have sweatpants (adds them to Christmas gift ideas list)!

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    • 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (34)

      Al Fergusonon 07/10/2015 at 12:11 pm

      No sweat pants? Couldn’t live without mine. Walk in the door, suit off, sweat pants on! :)

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  12. 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (35)

    arthurwearson 03/10/2015 at 10:30 pm

    I read this with #daddywears and he agrees (especially with the tailored suit which he is desperate for) but thinks you’ve missed off a spare cuddly toy!!

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    • 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (36)

      Al Fergusonon 07/10/2015 at 12:10 pm

      I had one made for our wedding but it seems to have shrunk. Ahem!

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  13. 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (37)

    Lewis AKA Dadwhoblogson 03/10/2015 at 10:37 pm

    OK, your not the first to make me realise it but I am seriously failing as a man!
    I don’t think I have 50% of these…suppose that sorts my Christmas list this year!

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    • 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (38)

      Al Fergusonon 07/10/2015 at 12:09 pm

      Yep, job done!

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  14. 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (39)

    Karlyon 03/10/2015 at 10:48 pm

    I love this! We have majority of these and my partner knows all to well of the random tasks i am him to do that require drills and spirit levels! Luckily being a carpenter most of the time he has them! And not forgetting the largely stocked cupboard of brandy! Thank you for this #bigfatlinky

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    • 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (40)

      Al Fergusonon 07/10/2015 at 12:09 pm

      Great choice of partner and tipple :)

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  15. 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (41)

    Michelleon 05/10/2015 at 2:03 am

    I have some of these in my home. Duct Tape comes in handy A LOT! Thanks for sharing! visiting from #thebigfatlinkyoftheweek

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    • 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (42)

      Al Fergusonon 07/10/2015 at 12:08 pm

      Far more than you’d think!

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  16. 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (43)

    Adrianon 05/10/2015 at 6:45 pm

    Oh dear I am yet again proven not to be a proper man. I don’t own any DIY tools and of this list I only have 6, 8, 12, 13, 22, 23, 24 and 29. I do however possess humility and a sense of humour so I’m not feeling too worried about it. :)

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    • 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (44)

      Al Fergusonon 07/10/2015 at 12:07 pm

      No tools at all? How do you make all the baby stuff?! Obviously need to follow your advice here!

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  17. 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (45)

    Something Crunchy Mummyon 05/10/2015 at 8:10 pm

    Great list – hubby has most of these. #bigfatlinky x

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    • 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (46)

      Al Fergusonon 07/10/2015 at 12:06 pm

      Glad to hear that :)

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  18. 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (47)

    James Hunton 06/10/2015 at 12:39 am

    Have quite a few missing out of the 30, clearly not manly enough!!

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    • 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (48)

      Al Fergusonon 07/10/2015 at 12:06 pm

      HA! Need to step up your game buddy ;)

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  19. 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (49)

    Kyon 07/10/2015 at 12:59 pm

    Great list, we had a massive disaster recently our french press broke. It wasn’t a good morning in our house that day. #bigfatlinky

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  20. 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (50)

    Frank Priegueon 29/10/2015 at 7:09 pm

    Great post. I’m still new to this parenting thing. I’ve only been on the job for a year. Duct tape and WD40 are life essentials. I’ll get to work filling out the list. I may swap the single malt for cognac, but that’s subjective.

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    • 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (51)

      Al Fergusonon 29/10/2015 at 7:10 pm

      Thanks buddy. Are you in our Dad’s Group? It’s private and you can definitely have the Single Malt VS Cognac debate with everyone! :)

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  21. 30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (52)

    Colpowon 26/11/2016 at 9:19 pm

    Liquid duct tape, brilliant

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30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own - Dadsnet (2024)


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Father's Day 2024: When is it being celebrated? Father's Day will be celebrated across the world and in the US on June 16 this year and this is the day when you show the immense gratitude you have towards your father's constant love and support towards your well being.

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30 Essentials Every Dad Should Own
  • A pocket knife. Just a standard. ...
  • Duct Tape. As a general rule in life, if duck tape won't fix it, call an expert. ...
  • WD-40. I like to call this, the liquid Duct Tape.
  • A cordless drill. ...
  • A claw hammer. ...
  • A leather shoulder bag. ...
  • A pocket grooming kit. ...
  • A card holder.

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I love you.”

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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

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Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.