The Rock's 19 Funniest Quotes In His WWE Career (2024)

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UPDATE: 2024/04/12 14:30 EST BY MICHAEL CHIN 19 "I’m Gonna … Break Your Back, or Maybe I’ll Just Beat You with my Fanny Pack." The Rock Staged A Concert Once More 18 "The Jabroni Beating, Pie Eating, Trailblazing, Eyebrow Raising, Stronger Than A Bear, Faster Than A Buck! The Biggest Thing To Hit Canada Because The Maple Leafs Suck!" The Rock Customizes Promos To The Local Audience Like No One Else 17 "You Like Strawberries? You Like Whipped Cream? You Like Champagne, With The Bubbles? Well Bubble Your A-- On Out Of Here!" Terri Runnels Was A Victim Of The Rock On The Mic 16 "Admit It Lilian, You Get Wet... With Perspiration, Standing This Close To The Rock!" The Rock Put Lilian Garcia In An Uncomfortable Spot 15 "Well Bob 'But My Name Is Billy' It Doesn't Matter What Your Name Is!" Billy Gunn Never Stood A Chance In a Promo War With The Rock 14 "Tofu's Ready! That's My Baby!" Hollywood Rock Showed Little Concern With Hulk Hogan 13 "Oh Hooray He Said Toronto!" The Rock Inverted The Traditional Cheap Pop 12 "Stone Cold Has Lack Of testicl*-Itis!" The Rock Didn't Hold Back Against Stone Cold Steve Austin 11 "I'm Gonna Get In My Pickup Truck, Drink Some Steveweisers, Listen To Some Backstreet Boys!" The Rock Eviscerated His Opponents At Armageddon 2000 10 "Know Your Role And Shut Your Mouth" Some Of The Rock's Lines Were So Good They Became Catchphrases 9 "You're Throwing The Rock Out? No Wonder WCW Went Out Of Business." Even As An Authority Figure, Eric Bischoff Took Abuse From The Rock 8 "I'll Be Sure To Come Back When The Lakers Beat The Kings In May." The Rock More Than Once Used Local Sports Teams To Get Heat 7 "I Did It For The Rock. I Did It For The People. I Did It For The Oh Shut Your Mouth You Thong-Wearing Fatty!" The Rock Made A Joke Out Of Rikishi's Most Famous Promo 6 "Excuse The Rock For One Second, His Cell Phone Is Going Off. Hello? Hey It’s Nothing. He Says He Knows You!" The Rock Picked On The Hurricane In 2003 5 "Okay Class, What Is 2+2? Do You Know Booker T? Oh Yeah, I Know That, It’s Thomas Jefferson Sucka!" The Rock Vs. Booker T Was A Major Feud During The Invasion Angle 4 "The Undertaker With His Mickey Mouse Tattoos And His 33 Pound Head" The Undertaker Was Never A Comedic Wrestler, But The Rock Generated A Few Laughs At His Expense 3 "Who In The Blue Hell Are You?" The Rock Owned Coach On Multiple Occasions 2 "You Run Around Here Looking Like A Big Fat Bowl Of Fruity Pebbles!" The Rock Dismissed John Cena's Style 1 "It Doesn't Matter What Your Name Is" The Rock Used This Line Time And Again To Shut Down Opponents FAQs

The Rock remains one of the most beloved wrestlers in the history of the wrestling industry. Fans fell in love with Rock during his run in the Attitude Era; a heel turn allowed him to showcase his charisma with some of the most memorable promos ever. The Rock would coin quite a few catchphrases that fans still sing along with if he’s around to cut a promo. There were also many tremendous one-liners that worked perfectly against his target at the time.


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We will look at the funniest quotes ever to come from Rock during his WWE career. They range from the catchphrases everyone knows to the one-liners that still spark a reaction all these years later. Find out just which comments from the People’s Champion stand the test of time.

UPDATE: 2024/04/12 14:30 EST BY MICHAEL CHIN

The Rock's Still Got It In 2024

The Rock has long been respected for his ability to manipulate a crowd, whether it's via his intensity, his infectious personality, the ease of "singing along" with his promos, or a unique capacity for injecting humor into tense situations. Indeed, The Rock has gotten fans laughing across the years. Though most would agree his wrestling career peaked in The Attitude Era, it's telling that his 2024 resurgence has made such an impact on WWE and its fans. Indeed, his time on the mic, including staging one more of his famous Rock Concerts had fans not only engaged but audibly laughing at not only one of the greatest wrestling stars of all time, but one of the funniest.

19 "I’m Gonna … Break Your Back, or Maybe I’ll Just Beat You with my Fanny Pack."

The Rock Staged A Concert Once More

  • The Rock sang during his March 15, 2024 SmackDown promo.
  • The Final Boss took aim at Cody Rhodes in the build to WrestleMania 40.
  • This line was a comedic throwback that showed The Rock could still laugh at himself.

The Rock has really clicked during his 2024 run, combining a lot of the factors from his past like his sense of cool and his quick with the gravitas one of the biggest stars in the world and now being an elderstatesman in wrestling. One promo in which he brought the pieces together was the concert he included in his March 15 SmackDown promo. The Great One sang of Cody Rhodes that, at WrestleMania 40, "I'm gonna whoop your *ss and break your back, or maybe I'll just beat you with my fanny pack."

On singing this line, a famous picture of a young Rock wearing a fanny pack during his original WWE run appeared on the big screen. The line was funny, and better yet showed Rock can laugh at himself--even in this heel persona--throwing things back to the late 1990s. Not everything about The Attitude Era has aged well, but suggesting the comedic visual of The Rock whipping The American Nightmare with a fanny pack was a nice way to poke fun at the past without burying it.

18 "The Jabroni Beating, Pie Eating, Trailblazing, Eyebrow Raising, Stronger Than A Bear, Faster Than A Buck! The Biggest Thing To Hit Canada Because The Maple Leafs Suck!"

The Rock Customizes Promos To The Local Audience Like No One Else

The Rock's 19 Funniest Quotes In His WWE Career (2)
  • The Rock often strung together a long string of descriptors to put himself over.
  • Hollywood Rock drew heat by antagonizing live audiences.
  • The Rock took aim at The Maple Leafs in Toronto.

The Rock's brief heel run in his 2003 return, also known as "Hollywood Rock", didn't last long, but The Great One knocked it out of the park in every promo.


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Returning to Toronto for the first time since WrestleMania 18, when The Rock was booed during his match with Hulk Hogan, created the perfect opportunity for The Rock to entrench himself into his new heel persona. He ripped into the crowd that he felt turned on him. In one line, The Rock delivered his Ric Flair-esque line, bragged about how great he was, and ripped into the hometown Toronto Maple Leafs, triggering a massive round of boos from the crowd.

17 "You Like Strawberries? You Like Whipped Cream? You Like Champagne, With The Bubbles? Well Bubble Your A-- On Out Of Here!"

Terri Runnels Was A Victim Of The Rock On The Mic

The Rock's 19 Funniest Quotes In His WWE Career (4)
  • The Rock's promos could follow a formula at times.
  • The Rock led Terri Runnels on, implying she could join him at the SmackDown Hotel.
  • The Rock dismissed Terri Runnels in the end.

One of The Rock's common catchphrases/speech patterns was to ask his adversary about an object. He would then turn that around and make the word into a verb and tell to "blank" your a** on out of here. It could have been something as simple as pancake or bubble.

On this particular occasion, The Rock was making his way back up the ramp from cutting a promo just as Terri Runnels was making her entrance. Like so many other occasions, The Rock led Terri on. First, he asked if Terri would like to join him at the SmackDown hotel, then suggested what she should do while she was up there. Finally, he delivered the punchline, suggesting she should bubble her a** out of here, and of course he got a great pop from the live crowd.

16 "Admit It Lilian, You Get Wet... With Perspiration, Standing This Close To The Rock!"

The Rock Put Lilian Garcia In An Uncomfortable Spot

The Rock's 19 Funniest Quotes In His WWE Career (5)
  • The Rock had fun at the expense of more than one interviewer.
  • The Rock flirted with Lilian Garcia.
  • The Rock laid out an innuendo before ending in a more PG space.

One thing that made The Rock's promos unique was that he would always interact with his interviewer, deviating from the main subject of his promo, but then he would always finish off strong to address his opponent and get his sign-off "If ya smell..." line delivered.


Lillian Garcia became one of the most renowned female WWE announcers of all time, but left at the height of her career to pursue other ventures.

One interviewer who always had hilarious interactions with The Rock was Lilian Garcia, whom The Rock would constantly flirt with, and there's no doubt the two had great on-screen chemistry together. On this occasion, The Rock turned to Lilian and asked her if she dreamed about The Rock, or would like to try some of his ahem, strudel. However, the line everyone remembers was when The Great One dropped a massive innuendo, only to turn around and make it a far more tamed end to the sentence, asking Lilian if she was sweating.

15 "Well Bob 'But My Name Is Billy' It Doesn't Matter What Your Name Is!"

Billy Gunn Never Stood A Chance In a Promo War With The Rock

  • Billy Gunn had his biggest singles push in 1999, winning the King of the Ring tournament.
  • Wrestlers typically don't put down their opponents to the point that it feels like no big deal to have beaten them.
  • The Rock absolutely buried Billy Gunn on the mic.

In wrestling, there' an unwritten rule that if you're going to be trash-talking your opponent to not make them so weak that they're entirely beneath you. Because then if you lose to them, you lost to a complete jabroni but if you win, then it was really not a big accomplishment. The Rock completely ignored this though when he ended the main event push of Billy Gunn in 1999.

On an episode of Heat before their SummerSlam 1999 bout, The Rock cut a promo where he played both Billy Gunn and God himself where Gunn prayed to God for encouragement heading into his PPV encounter. The first words out of God's mouth include that quote where he gets Gunn's name wrong. This line is incredibly funny, but also destroyed any credibility Billy Gunn had in the main event.

14 "Tofu's Ready! That's My Baby!"

Hollywood Rock Showed Little Concern With Hulk Hogan

The Rock's 19 Funniest Quotes In His WWE Career (7)
  • The build to The Rock's match with Hulk Hogan at No Way 2003 was quite different from their story in 2002.
  • Hulk Hogan appeared fired up while the Rock came across as low energy in this promo.
  • The Rock didn't care enough about what Hulk Hogan was saying to listen to him, instead heading off to eat his tofu.

"Hollywood Rock" is possibly the best version of The Rock WWE fans have ever seen. Although he was only around for a few months in this gimmick, every single promo he cut during this time was a classic. One that goes forgotten about is a via satellite promo he cut on Hulk Hogan before their No Way Out 2003 contest.


"Hollywood Rock" Is One Of The Best Heel Characters In WWE History

The Rock's gimmick as an arrogant Hollywood star is arguably one of the best heel characters in WWE history, and cemented him as an all-time great.

While Hogan was fired up in his promo, Rock seemed disinterested for a majority of it and made Hogan look like a fool. Near the end of it, Hogan is about to launch into his closing tirade but The Rock who earlier in the promo established he was merely waiting for his tofu to be ready, cuts Hogan off and leaves the promo as he's ready to go eat. The Rock is usually known for being super energetic in his promos, but this casual indifference he shows here works perfectly for the new gimmick he was establishing.

13 "Oh Hooray He Said Toronto!"

The Rock Inverted The Traditional Cheap Pop

The Rock's 19 Funniest Quotes In His WWE Career (9)
  • The Rock's Rock n Sock Connection partner Mick Foley was famous for name dropping cities for a cheap pop.
  • The Rock put a sarcastic spin on this style of promo.
  • The Rock teased the fans in Toronto for being excited when mentioned the city's name.

A cheap pop in wrestling (popularized by Rock's former tag team partner and rival Mick Foley funnily enough) is when a babyface name-drops the name of the city they're in for easy cheers. Leave it to The Rock though to turn it around on the fans in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

As The Rock sarcastically says he wanted to come to Toronto, he rips into the fans for being pathetic enough that they cheered for him just because he mentioned their city. The whiny voice he puts on and the exaggerated arm movements help sell the line even better in one of The Rock's best promos in his career.

12 "Stone Cold Has Lack Of testicl*-Itis!"

The Rock Didn't Hold Back Against Stone Cold Steve Austin

  • The Rock cut loose on Steve Austin during their 2003 feud.
  • The Rock joined Jim Ross and Jerry Lawlwer at the broadcast table mid-match.
  • The Rock could make nonsensical comments highly entertaining.

Heading back to Hollywood Rock quotes one last time, this line is dropped when The Rock was in a battle royal to determine the number one contender for Triple H's World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 19. Midway through the match, The Rock leaves the ring and heads up the ramp to join Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross on commentary to catch a breather.

As The Rock goes on about how smart he is for leaving the other jabronis to wrestle, Rocky also takes a few jabs at Stone Cold but the best of the bunch is this quote. The Rock's ability to make nonsense entirely entertaining is his greatest gift.

11 "I'm Gonna Get In My Pickup Truck, Drink Some Steveweisers, Listen To Some Backstreet Boys!"

The Rock Eviscerated His Opponents At Armageddon 2000

  • Armageddon 2000 saw The Rock enter Hell in a Cell with Triple H, The Undertaker, Rikishi, Kurt Angle, and Steve Austin.
  • In an all-time classic promo, The Rock ripped all of his opponents to shreds.
  • The Rock saved the best for last when he poked fun at Stone Cold Steve Austin.

The Rock was incredibly entertaining enough when he was talking about one opponent on the microphone, but at Armageddon 2000 he was set to face off against five different wrestlers and cut a great promo mocking all of them. He saved his biggest rival for last though as he donned a Stone Cold cap and did his best Rattlesnake impression.

Stone Cold was incredibly angry at this time due to feuding with the two men responsible for putting him out of action for almost a year but that didn't stop The Rock for poking fun at the Texas native. Rock's mimicry of Austin's signature rough voice completes the line.

10 "Know Your Role And Shut Your Mouth"

Some Of The Rock's Lines Were So Good They Became Catchphrases

The Rock's 19 Funniest Quotes In His WWE Career (10)
  • This catchphrase became synonymous with The Rock.
  • The Rock applied this taunt to a wide range of main event talents.
  • Fans have enjoyed chanting along with The Rock on this line.

This quote highlighted is one of the catchphrases that The Rock has used countless times. Many of the promos from Rock featured him trying to shut down an opposing wrestler during the battle of wits. Rock would drop this quote to flat out tell his opponent to shut his mouth.

Wrestlers like Steve Austin, Triple H and Kurt Angle were just a handful of the targets. The catchphrase become popular quickly with fans joining in when he recited it. It didn’t matter if he was a face or heel as the quote was too enjoyable for the crowd to not take part in.


John Cena and The Rock have gone from WWE to Hollywood successfully. Some other wrestlers could so do it too. Others... shouldn't even try.

9 "You're Throwing The Rock Out? No Wonder WCW Went Out Of Business."

Even As An Authority Figure, Eric Bischoff Took Abuse From The Rock

The Rock's 19 Funniest Quotes In His WWE Career (12)
  • Eric Bischoff interrupted a 2004 promo between The Rock and Randy Orton.
  • Eric Bischoff had security escort The Rock out.
  • The Rock invoked the name of WCW to poke fun at Eric Bischoff.

The Rock returned to his hometown of Miami, Florida in 2004 for an episode of Raw during Eric Bischoff’s time running the show. Randy Orton was the target of Rock this time around as the two engaged in a back and forth promo until Bischoff stepped in.

Bischoff demanded security escort Rock away from the show which made little sense given his star power. The Rock made sure to reference that by taking a shot at Bischoff’s decision-making skills that played a huge role in WCW going out of business.

8 "I'll Be Sure To Come Back When The Lakers Beat The Kings In May."

The Rock More Than Once Used Local Sports Teams To Get Heat

The Rock's 19 Funniest Quotes In His WWE Career (13)
  • A lot of heels have roasted local sports teams to rile up fans.
  • The Rock took things to another level in Sacramento.
  • The Rock positively roasted Sacramento Kings fans over their team's tendency to lose to the Los Angeles Lakers.

Sports references have always been normal for heel characters to get easy hate from the crowd. However, The Rock took this to another level with some of his one-liners truly inciting them. One specific quote stands out from Rock’s concert performance in Sacramento.

Rock referenced the rivalry between the Sacramento Kings and Los Angeles Lakers by making note of the history of the Lakers winning every time they faced off in the playoffs. It was arguably the greatest sports reference in wrestling history which became a top tier quote in his career.

7 "I Did It For The Rock. I Did It For The People. I Did It For The Oh Shut Your Mouth You Thong-Wearing Fatty!"

The Rock Made A Joke Out Of Rikishi's Most Famous Promo

The Rock's 19 Funniest Quotes In His WWE Career (14)
  • Rikishi claimed he ran over Stone Cold Steve Austin for The Rock.
  • The Rock did an impression of Rikishi, including the quote and poking fun at the big man.
  • The Rock drew a huge pop from the crowd for this line.

The short-lived heel turn of Rikishi in 2000 featured him revealing he ran over Steve Austin with a car. Rikishi’s explanation was that he did it to make sure his relative The Rock was the one to move to the top of the card with Austin outside of the picture.

Rock did not appreciate it which led to him feuding with Rikishi for a few months. The memorable quote from this time featured Rock delivering a hilarious and insulting impression of Rikishi. Fans in the live crowd reacted loudly with the fans at home also finding entertainment from the joke.

6 "Excuse The Rock For One Second, His Cell Phone Is Going Off. Hello? Hey It’s Nothing. He Says He Knows You!"

The Rock Picked On The Hurricane In 2003

The Rock's 19 Funniest Quotes In His WWE Career (15)
  • While The Rock mostly engaged with bigger names in 2003, he had a celebrated feud with The Hurricane in the midst of it all.
  • The Rock poked fun at The Hurricane's superhero gimmick.
  • The Hurricane actually won when he and The Rock got in the ring.

The Rock’s heel run in 2003 gave him another chance to go as far as he wanted with his comedy. A highly entertaining second tier feud with The Hurricane on Raw gave us some memorable segments. One of them came when Rock ran down Helms for believing he was a superhero.

The egotistical nature of Rock allowed him to flat out refer to Helms as nothing with comedic moments describing his feelings on the situation. Helms would ultimately get his revenge by defeating Rock with the help of Steve Austin. Many wrestlers in Rock’s spot would not have put Helms over, but he had no problem with it.

5 "Okay Class, What Is 2+2? Do You Know Booker T? Oh Yeah, I Know That, It’s Thomas Jefferson Sucka!"

The Rock Vs. Booker T Was A Major Feud During The Invasion Angle

  • The Rock and Booker T drew some comparisons between each other in the latter stages of the Monday Night War.
  • A babyface Rock poked fun at his rival Booker T more than once.
  • This line knocked Booker T's intelligence as well as his overuse of the word "sucka."

The promo war between The Rock and Chris Jericho vs Stephanie McMahon, Booker T and Rhyno created must-see television on Raw in 2001. Rock and Jericho are still considered the two best icons at having great catchphrases and dropping hilarious one-liners.

Booker T was involved in a Summerslam feud with Rock which led to The Great One delivering some classic lines. The quote calling out Booker’s intelligence and use of the word “sucka” led to the audience losing it at the hilarity from The Rock.


From John Cena to Stone Cold Steve Austin, here are some superstar wrestlers that The Rock has had major beef with (and others he's friendly with).

4 "The Undertaker With His Mickey Mouse Tattoos And His 33 Pound Head"

The Undertaker Was Never A Comedic Wrestler, But The Rock Generated A Few Laughs At His Expense

  • The Rock found creative ways to make fun of The Undertaker.
  • The Rock and The Undertaker had underrated chemistry as opponents.
  • The Rock and The Undertaker wound up winning the tag titles together.

The Undertaker was not the easiest wrestler to make fun of in promos. Most of the comedic wrestlers would never get the chance to have a real feud with him. The Rock luckily did not stray away from his game when facing the legend.

This quote featured Rock making fun of the many tattoos of Undertaker along with the size of his head. Rock and Undertaker had underrated chemistry that featured a few impressive matches together and a short run as tag team champions.

3 "Who In The Blue Hell Are You?"

The Rock Owned Coach On Multiple Occasions

The Rock's 19 Funniest Quotes In His WWE Career (17)
  • A part of The Rock's persona was acting as though he were superior to everyone around him.
  • The Rock made fans laugh with this line to the point he used it time and again.
  • Fans joined in to chant this line with The Rock.

No one could have expected a quote like this to get over so strongly, but the magic of The Rock made it work. Rock often talked down to his opponents by questioning who they were in the grand scheme of things in the WWE landscape.

The question of "Who in the blue hell are you?" made fans laugh and it got over enough for Rock to continue using it. Rock even started slowing down his delivery so fans could join in and chant along with him as he made fun of his many opponents.

2 "You Run Around Here Looking Like A Big Fat Bowl Of Fruity Pebbles!"

The Rock Dismissed John Cena's Style

  • The Rock's sense of cool clashed with John Cena's kid-friendly presentation.
  • The Rock's Fruity Pebbles comment took aim at John Cena's t-shirts.
  • Funnily enough, John Cena wound up with an endorsem*nt deal with Fruity Pebbles.

The Rock’s return to WWE in 2011 to start his two-year-long feud with John Cena showed he could still deliver his style of comedy in the PG element. WWE gave Rock more freedom to push the envelope, and he certainly enjoyed making fun of Cena.

This quote about the colorful shirts and hats of Cena making him look like a bowl of Fruity Pebbles made the fans laugh. Chants of “Fruity Pebbles” would follow Cena on and off for about a year. Cena ended up getting an endorsem*nt deal with Fruity Pebbles, so he had to thank Rock for that one.

1 "It Doesn't Matter What Your Name Is"

The Rock Used This Line Time And Again To Shut Down Opponents

The Rock's 19 Funniest Quotes In His WWE Career (18)
  • The Rock loved to set up opponents and cut them off in their tracks.
  • The Rock first used this insult in The Attitude Era and continued to use it upon different returns to WWE.
  • The Rock's most vicious use of this line came at the expense of Billy Gunn.

The classic line of "It doesn't matter what your name is" is the one that stands out as The Rock’s funniest quote. Rock started doing it in the late 1990s and it still delivers results as impressive as the first time he delivered.

The first memorable use of this quote came when Rock impersonated God answering Billy Gunn’s prayers by not even knowing his name. Rock continued using it with the perfect set-up of it coming out of nowhere. The timing of Rock sets up the opposing wrestler perfectly to get interrupted when Rock reveals he never cared what his name is.

The Rock's 19 Funniest Quotes In His WWE Career (2024)


What is The Rock's famous dialogue in WWE? ›

"If you smell what The Rock is cooking" is among the greatest wrestling catchphrases of all time. "Finally The Rock has come back" is the opening salvo and this iconic line is an exclamation point at the end of an experience only one superstar can provide.

What is Dwayne Johnson's famous quote? ›

Success isn't always about 'greatness', it's about consistency. Consistent, hard work gains success.” “The first step to achieving your goal, is to take a moment to respect your goal.

What was Stone Cold Steve Austin's catchphrase? ›

"Austin 3:16" ultimately became one of the most popular catchphrases in wrestling history, and one of the best-selling T-shirts in WWE merchandise history. Austin in 1996.

What is John Cena's famous quote? ›

I regret nothing and fear less. Live fast, fight hard, no regrets! My time is now! I admire the military.

What was The Rock's catch phrase? ›

The actor and entertainment mogul, who broke out as a WWE star two decades ago, has gained rights to a number of nicknames, insults and catchphrases from his time in the ring in the 90s and early 2000s — including “Candy Ass,” “Jabroni,” and “If you smell what The Rock is cooking.”

What was the rocks nickname in WWE? ›

The Blue Chipper Rocky

What did Hulk Hogan say about Stone Cold? ›

Then I think about beating up the boss again, Vince McMahon. Then if I could get that coward that's hiding in the weeds, Stone Cold Steve Austin, he'd be fun to beat up. Oh, I would love to put a can of whoop ass on him. "But anyway, you never say never.

What does 3.16 mean stone cold? ›

Austin said that when he heard of the promo, “Austin 3:16 popped into my mind.” He referred to when he played football and had seen John 3:16 signs, which were in reference to a Bible verse. It was here that a legend was born.

What does Hulk Hogan say? ›

I fear no man, no beast or evil, brother. I woke up and realized life is great and people are awesome and life is worth living.

What does Roman Reigns say? ›

Roman Reigns' quote, "Never underestimate the power of hard work, determination, and a dream," encapsulates the essence of his success in the wrestling world.

What does the undertaker say? ›

You can not kill that which is already dead”. “The fear of death is far greater than the death itself. But the fear of the unknown is the greatest fear of all”. “There is no shame in going out fighting and getting your ass kicked, but there is no honor in not fighting at all”.

What is The Rock's signature move? ›

The People's Elbow is a signature move used by The Rock, and the first documented use of it took place in 1998. As reported by NoDQ, Johnson hit an early iteration of the move at a March 6th, 1998, WWE (then WWF) live event from Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Why does The Rock say "Do you smell what The Rock is cooking"? ›

A few months after joining WWE, he thought about incorporating this catchphrase into his character. He recalled that once he was talking to someone backstage and said, "Yeah... if you smell what I'm cooking" and got a laugh out of them. Then he thought, "Hmmmm... that's a pretty good line."

What did The Rock say to Jinder Mahal? ›

In the uploaded video, he could be seen saying the following for the 'Maharaja': “The guy in there tonight, Jinder Mahal, The guys's a stud. He looks like a million bucks. It was great to mix it up with him, dropping those people's elbows on him.”

What is The Rock famous for? ›

Dwayne Johnson (born May 2, 1972, Hayward, California, U.S.) is an American professional wrestler and actor whose charisma and athleticism made him a success in both fields. Johnson was born into a wrestling family.

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