The Psychology Of Giving Gifts • Teak and Twine (2024)

There’s a magical moment when you receive an unexpected gift—the anticipation, the wonder, the child-like joy that fills your heart. No matter who you are, where you’re from, what language you speak — this is a universal human experience.

A tradition as old as time, gift-giving is a practice that has shaped cultures for centuries. Butwhydo we give gifts? And do they really work?

We’re so glad you asked! Join us as we dive deep into the psychology of gift-giving — we’re going to explore the science, unravel the motivations, and uncover the impact it has on our relationships. In this post, we’re especially focusing on gifting in professional settings and how it affects business relationships and outcomes.

Ready? Let’s dive in!

Why Do We Give Gifts?

Gift-giving is a practice deeply ingrained in human culture, spanning thousands of years and throughout cultures and societies of all kinds. It’s no coincidence that gift-giving is actually good for us — both mentally and socially!

As far as what motivates us to want to give (or receive) a gift, there are a bunch of psychological theories and concepts. Here are a few:

The Psychology Of Giving Gifts • Teak and Twine (1)


When people give gifts, they experience a sense of fulfillment and well-being, while strengthening their relationship with the recipient.

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Impression Management

Gift-giving can be used as a way to enhance our personal image and create a positive perception of ourselves in the eyes of others.

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When someone receives a gift, they feel obligated to reciprocate the gesture in some way — which helps us maintain balance and harmony.

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Relationship Maintenance

Gifts are powerful tools in conveying emotions — they can serve as tangible symbols of appreciation and are affective in helping us maintain meaningful relationships.

Those are justsomeof the theories behind what motivates us to give gifts. Of course, people experience different motivations depending on the reason behind the gift, their relationship with the recipient, and even cultural norms and traditions can play a role.

But what is it about gifting that is so effective? Why has it perpetuated over time? Let’s take a deeper look:

Gifts Evoke Positive Emotions

Did you know that when we give and receive gifts, feel-good chemicals are released in our brain? It’s true! We experience a release of serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin — a combination that is often referred to as a “helper’s high” — because it makes us feel good!

The Cleveland Clinic reportsthat this uplifting physiological response not only contributes to lower blood pressure and increased self-esteem, but also plays a crucial role in reducing feelings of depression.

Another emotion we often experience during a gifting exchange comes from the element of anticipation. When we get a gift, just theanticipationof receiving something positive sets off our brain’s reward system, releasing a surge of dopamine — the chemical associated with pleasure and motivation. This makes gift-giving an overwhelmingly joyful experience.

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Gifts Help Improve Relationships

Gift-giving is a social gesture, usually for the purpose of expressing appreciation. This simple act is super effective at strengthening social bonds and deepening our sense of connection to one another.

A recent studyfrom Florida State University found that expressing gratitude to a close friend or colleague strengthens our sense of connection to that person. These exchanges promote a sense of trust and cooperation that strengthens our ties to others. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that positive social interactions like this are linked to good mental and physical health!

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Gifts Create Lasting Memories

Gifts do more than just make us feel happy in the moment – they also help us create lasting memories! Our brain’s memory center, called the hippocampus, plays a big role in this.

When we receive a meaningful gift, the positive emotions we feel get linked to the gift in our minds. So, whenever we see or think about that gift, it brings back those feelings of care, appreciation, and the cherished moment shared with the giver of the gift.

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How Gifts Influence Business Outcomes

In our personal lives, gift-giving often comes naturally. We give gifts to our loved ones to show appreciation, celebrate special occasions, or as a way to show them we were thinking of them.

But,corporate giftingis a whole different ball game. While the purpose is still to express appreciation and connect with others, there are specificcorporate gifting dos and dontsto follow that are unique to a professional setting.

Whether it’sclient giftingoremployee giftingor whatever it may be — gifting in the corporate world is typically more of a strategic move to win hearts and keep the business wheel spinning smoothly.

So, do giftswork? How does gift-giving actually influence business outcomes?

Gifts and Reciprocity

How are people influenced to make decisions in the first place?According to Robert Cialdini, it’s all about the Principles of Persuasion — specifically, the concept of reciprocity.

Reciprocity refers to the idea that when someone does something for us or gives us something, we feel obligated to return the favor. This is especially true for gift-giving —we are hard-wired to respond positively to a gift, even if we didn’t ask for it — or even want it! We automatically feel indebted to the giver, regardless (Forbes).

This is what makes gifting such a powerful business tool! By offering something valuable upfront, like free resources or gifts, companies can create a feeling of goodwill and indebtedness in their customers, making them more likely to show their appreciation to the business in return — whether it’s through purchases, loyalty, or referrals.

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Gifts Improve Cooperation

Researchers Michela Balconi and Giulia Fronda found that giving gifts can seriously work wonders in boosting cooperation, strengthening social bonds, and enhancing behavioral performance in social settings.

They call this “the gift effect” — basically, their theory is that simple acts of kindness and generosity can have far-reaching, positive consequences in building a harmonious and productive social environment.

Given that strong relationships and cooperation are crucial for success,this researchsuggests thoughtful gifting is important for fostering meaningful connections — leading to long-lasting, win-win business relationships!

So, next time you’re thinking about making those connections shine, consider sprinkling some thoughtfulcorporate giftsinto the mix. You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes!

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Gifts and Appreciation

Did you know that companies that have a strong culture rooted in appreciation earn 4x the annual revenue of their competitors?And what better way to show your clients and employees you appreciate them than with an awesome gift?

It’s a no-brainer: when companies show real gratitude to their clients, it makes them stick around, keeps them coming back for more, and they even spread the word to their buddies. And when employees feel appreciated, they become super engaged and motivated — spreading good vibes all around!

Plus, studies have shown that receiving a gift can evoke feelings of gratitude, an emotion that areas in the brain associated with reward and social cognition. This leads to a positive feedback loop that reinforces social bonds and encourages further prosocial behaviors — like teamwork and cooperation!

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Business Gifting Leads to Increase Response Rate and ROI

Gift-giving in business settings can be a total game-changer for your company, boosting response rates and ROI. Not convinced? Well, consider this:

Two researchers at Princeton Universityconducted a studyabout snap judgments and first impressions. They wanted to see if just being around someone, without any interaction, affected how people judged them. The findings? Time spent didn’t change the judgment itself, but itdidmake the observer more confident about their judgment.

This can be compared to the saying “judging a book by its cover”. So, let’s think about it in terms of gifting: When you send a gift to someone, it serves as a physical representation of you — and will cause the recipient to think of you and judge you — even though you’re not physically there with them.

Gifts serve as a great opportunity to “get in front of someone,” figuratively speaking. And this journey is a familiar one: the gift itself triggers awareness, the detail in the gift sparks interest, and the emotion leads to a decision, then finally, conversion — resulting in a positive ROI.

Strategic Gift-Giving as a Business Tool

In our digitally-saturated world, it can be extra challenging forcompanies tohumanizetheir customer experience and create meaningful connectionswhen their services and interactions mostly take place on screens.

This means businesses need to be more strategic when it comes to how they connect with their prospects, clients, and employees. We hate to break it to you, but emails just don’t cut it anymore. This is wherestrategic giftingcomes in to play.

If you find yourself thinking “I’m not sure if a gift will reallydoanything…”, we totally get it. This is a totally natural human assumption — in fact,behavioral science studiessuggest that gift-givers often underestimate how much impact the gift will have on the recipient.

But picture this: one of your awesome sales execs sends a kickass email to Prospect A — but it gets lost in an endless flood of emails. Womp, womp. But when your other sales executive sends an impressive email to Prospect A — with a subject line that says, “Hey, you got a gift!” andalso throws in a link to a sweet gift and a personalized note. Boom! Prospect A opens the email, claims their gift, and is super intrigued.

And guess what? They’re alsomuchmore likely to respond! In fact,studiesshow that people are 3.5x more likely to book a meeting after receiving a gift.

By incorporating gift-giving into overall business strategy, companies can leverage the psychology of gift-giving to their advantage. Whether you’re nurturing existing relationships or creating new connections, gifts are a powerful business tool to have in your back pocket!

Tips for Creating a Positive Gift-Giving Experience

Physical Gifts >
Digital Gifts

People value things they can see and touch almost 30% more than things they can only see. When possible, give your recipient a physical gift — it provides a much more meaningful and memorable experience for the recipient.

Use the Element
of Surprise

Unexpected gifts evoke a stronger emotional response. The element of surprise triggers a combination of emotions such as joy, excitement, and gratitude, which can enhance the overall gift-giving experience.

Create an Experience

Research has shown that gifts that are designed around a specific experience can bring you and the recipient closer — even if you don’t directly experience the gift with your recipient.

Psychology of Giving Gifts: Wrapping It Up

Gift-giving is rooted in a mix of psychology and tradition, and it’s proven to have a BIG impact on personal relationships and even professional dynamics.

As we discussed throughout this blog post, there are many motivating factors behind gift-giving: from altruism to reciprocity to managing our social image — all of it plays a role in strengthening our social connections.

What’s even more fascinating is the effects that giving and receiving gifts has on our brain — releasing chemicals that trigger positive emotions and make us feel good, both physically and mentally! And these strong emotional responses affect our behaviors even more than we realize.

In the business world, gift-giving can be areallypowerful tool! By understanding the psychology of gifting, companies can leverage gifts to boost cooperation, enhance the customer journey, strengthen relationships with employees, and ultimately, achieve stronger business outcomes (cha-chiiing!)

All that is to say, gifts have proven their significance in almost all facets of our lives: culturally, socially, professionally, emotionally… after all, gift-giving is a universal experience.

By understanding the psychology of gift-giving, we can appreciate how gifts really are a conduit for emotions, a way to create lasting memories, and a bridge that strengthens the bonds between us all.

Written byMolly Ledwith. Updated Aug. 2023.

The Psychology Of Giving Gifts • Teak and Twine (2024)


What is the psychology behind gift giving? ›

Q: What happens to our brain when we gift others? A: There is a decent amount of research showing that the act of giving actually makes us feel better. Evidence from brain imaging also suggests that both giving gifts and receiving gifts activate core areas of our brain associated with reward and pleasure.

What is the paradox of gift giving? ›

Additionally, we discuss the paradox that constitutes the core of surprise gift giving, namely that givers and recipients cannot communicate and still maintain the element of surprise. Thus, although both parties prefer surprising gifts, they may settle for unsurprising gifts to avoid disappointment.

What is the compulsive desire to give gifts? ›

The compulsive type of giving is like a reflex – a knee-jerk response that happens without awareness of the other's needs, or our own motivation. And it often serves to avoid uncomfortable feelings. As with any type of addiction, the compulsive behavior exists to satisfy a need, or to try to produce a certain feeling.

What do guys think when a girl gives them a gift? ›

When men receive gifts, they often perceive them as a demonstration of their partner's attentiveness and thoughtfulness. The effort put into selecting a meaningful gift shows that their partner understands their interests, desires, and dreams.

Is gift-giving a trauma response? ›

Is gift-giving a trauma response? Gift-giving can sometimes be a trauma response, particularly if it's used to seek approval or mend strained relationships. This behavior might stem from past experiences where one felt the need to give gifts to feel accepted or loved.

Is gift-giving a form of control? ›

Giving isn't always as selfless as we think. In fact, it can be a subtle way of exerting influence over others. The act of giving, whether consciously or unconsciously, often involves an element of control.

What personality disorder is gift-giving? ›

Pathological generosity can also be secondary to an enduring, pervasive personality disorder. A subject with underlying narcissistic personality traits may give excessively as part of their grandiose ideals or with the expectation that they would gain societal admiration.

What is narcissistic gift-giving? ›

The narcissist will buy you a rather inexpensive gift, but they buy something expensive for themselves on the same shopping trip. They buy you an item of little value or thought, while they show off the expensive watch they bought themselves when they are at the store. Message: You do not have the same worth as me.

Why do manipulators give gifts? ›

Narcissists can be gift-givers, often using presents as a tool for manipulation or self-promotion. Their gifting behavior usually serves their interests, aiming to create a favorable image or gain something in return. It's less about generosity and more about serving their own ego and objectives.

What do men like most as a gift? ›

Whether for his birthday, a holiday, or other special occasions, keep reading to pick out the next best gift for your man.
  1. Personalized Grill Kit. ...
  2. Customized Cooler. ...
  3. A Custom Wallet. ...
  4. An Individualized Toiletry Bag. ...
  5. A Personalized Poker Chip Set. ...
  6. An Engraved Decanter Set. ...
  7. A Personalized Watch Box. ...
  8. A Personalized Golf Shoe Bag.

Why do men love giving gifts? ›

Research conducted by biologists suggests that as serial monogamists, humans use gift giving to attract and retain mates. The study found men who were more generous with gifts had better success at attracting and retaining mates both in the short and long-term.

Do men like just because gifts? ›

Those gifts you give just because are some of the best and most thoughtful gifts for men he'll ever receive. The just because gifts for him you should be looking for are gifts that you know he'll love using and will also come as a complete surprise to him!

What is the real point of gift giving? ›

We often give gifts to re-confirm or establish our connection with others, which means that they're a reflection of both the giver and the receiver, as well as their unique relationship. Giving a gift to someone we care about allows us to communicate our feelings and appreciation for them.

What is the true meaning of giving gifts? ›

For others, it is a special occasion to let family and friends know that you care by giving gifts. In short, People give gifts as a way of showing thoughtfulness, love and affection. When we give gifts, it brings joy or pleasure to the receiver. In addition, giving gifts is something which usually makes us feels good.

What is the theory of gift giving? ›

Gift theory refers to the concept of exchange and hospitality in human relations. It is based on the idea of giving and receiving gifts as a way to establish and maintain social connections. Marcel Mauss's theory of gift is often used as a framework to understand these practices.

What is the science behind gifting? ›

Spending money on others brings happiness to the gift-giver, studies say. In fact, psychologists have confirmed that the warm glow of kindness, the feel-good rush after being kind to others, is real. A 2019 study says that people who give benefit regardless of whether they gain something from gifting others.

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