Spice Pages: Savory (Satureja hortensis/montana) (2024)

pharmaceuticalHerba Saturejae
AlbanianTrumza*, Thrumbisht, Trumëza
Aramaicܙܪܒܘܙ, ܙܘܬܪܐ
Zarbuz, Zautra
ArmenianԽնկենի, Ծոթրին
Khngeni, Xnkeni, Chotrin
BretonSanturig, Santurig-goañv (Satureja montana)
Chubritsa, Chubrica
風輪菜 [fùng lèuhn choi], 香薄荷 [hēung bohk hòh]
Fung leuhn choi, Heung bohk hoh
風輪菜 [fēng lún cài], 香薄荷 [xiāng báo hé]
Feng lun cai, Xiang bao he
Copticⲃⲉⲣⲛⲓⲕⲁⲣⲓⲟⲛ, ⲧⲁⲣⲭⲟⲛ
Bernikarion, Tarkhon (?)
CroatianĆubar vrtni; Bresina, Krški vrisak, Ćubar kraški*, Vrijesak*
DutchBonenkruid, Kunne, Koele, Peperkruid, Scharekruid, Tuinbonenkruid
FrenchSarriette, Sarriette des champs, Poivrette, Herbe de Saint-Julien; Sarriette de montagne*
GaelicGarbhag ghàraidh
Kondari, Khondari
GermanBohnenkraut, Pfefferkraut, Saturei, Kölle, Winterbergminze
GreekΘρούμπι, Τραγορίγανη
Throubi, Tragorigani
Greek (Old)Θύμβρα
Thymbra (Satureja thymbra)
Hebrewזתרה, זעתר; צתרה ורודה, צתרה מדברית
זַתַּרַה, זַעְתַּר, צַתְרָה מִדְבָּרִית
Satar, Satra, Za'atar, Zatar, Zatara; Satra vruda (Satureja thymbra); Satra midbarith (S. thymbrifolia)
HungarianCsombord, Borsika, Borsfű, Pereszlén, Hurkafű, Bécsi rozmaring
KazakhТасшөп, Жебір, Жебіршөп
Jebir, Jebirşöp, Tasşöp
Korean사보리, 세이보리
Sabori, Seibori
LatvianParastās raudenes, Pupumētra
LithuanianDašis; Kalninis dašis*
NorwegianSar, Bønneurt
PolishCząber ogrodowy, Pieprzyk, Dzięcielina, Cząberek
PortugueseSegurelha-das-hortas, Segurelha-das-montanhas*
ProvençalSadrèio; Pebre d’asé*
RomanianCimbru de grădină
RussianЧабёр, Чабер
Chabyor, Chaber
SerbianЧубар, Вријесак, Вресак кршки, Ртањски чај
Čubar, Vrijesak, Vresak krški, Rtanjski čaj (Satureja montana)
SlovakSaturejka záhradńa; Saturejka horská*
SlovenianVrtni šetraj; Kraški šetraj*
SpanishSabroso, Ajedrea*, Jedrea*
TurkishDağ reyhanı, Anık, Geyikotu, Cibriska, Kekik otu, Kekikotu, Sater otu, Zater; Dağ geyik otu*, Dağ sateri*; Kara kekik (Satureja thymbra)
UkrainianЧабер, Чабер садовий
Chaber, Chaber sadovyj
Yiddishטשאַבער, טשעפּטשיק
Tshaber, Tsheptshik
Savory, flowering sprig

Names with an asterisk in the above list refer (mostly) tothe winter savory or moun­tain savory, Satureja montana.

Another Note

In the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean, there is often nor cleardistinction made between a couple of aromatic herbs ofthe mint family: Names likeTurkish kekik or Arabic zatar/satar [زعتر, صعتر]and related forms in Hebrew and Persian, often in conjunctionwith qualifying or descriptive adjectives, may be applied toa varity of native herbs including, but not restricted to,oregano, marjoram,thyme and savory.Usage may vary even within a given language, depending on the region andparticularly on the local flora. In Jordan, zahtarusually means a spice mixture containing such herbs (seesumac for more).


All aerial plant parts. The herb should be cut before flowering.


Lamiaceae (mint family).

Sensory quality

Savory has a strong aromatic flavour, which could be compared tothyme (particularly, thyme harvestedin summer), ajwain or the common strain ofepazote.

Summer savory with flowers

Inaddition to this aroma, savory displays a certain pungent taste; of thespices listed before, only ajwain comes close.This pungency has led to savory being used as a (poor) substitute forblack pepper, intended for those who haveto avoid pepper for some medical reason. The perennial winter savory(Satureja montana) is more pungent than the commonannual summer savory (S. hortensis). In any case,this pungency is mostly seen in the fresh (or dried) herb; by boiling,it is drastically reduced and vanishes quickly, so that the two varietiesof savory become equivalent.

The species S. thymbra (thyme-leaved savory,pink savory), native from the Eastern Mediterranean to Iran,has a strong, very spicy flavour somewhere between commonsavory and thyme. I have seenit traded as zatar parsi, but I do not know which languagethat is supposed to be.

There is also a lemon-scented variety of wintersavory (S. montana ssp. citriodora) from Slovenia whose flavourclosely resembles lemon thyme. Only the AfricanS. biflora has a true, spicy and very agreeable lemon odour;it is becoming increasingly popular with home gardeners, although it is atropical plant and not very easy to grow. It can be used for sweet and savoryfood alike.

Lemon-scented winter savory
Lemon savory (sterile plant)

© Sabine Amtsberg


Savory contains an essential oil in varying amounts; good quality should rangebetween 1 and 2%. In contrast to the olfactorily similarthyme, savory contains only minor amounts ofthymol, but the main component is carvacrol, a position isomer of thymol (30to 45%). Furthermore, p-cymene (max. 30%), γ-terpinene,α-pinene (8%), dipentene, borneol, 1-linalool, terpineol and1-carvone are reported.

A related species, Satureja biflora, lemon savoryfrom Africa, contains an essential oil dominated by citral (60%),furthermore camphor, menthone and pulegone.


Several species of the genus Satureja are found in the regionaround the Mediterranean Sea, although they probably stem from Western andCentral Asia. Besides S. hortensis (garden or summer savory),the perennial S. montana (mountain or winter savory, fromthe Apennine mountains) is traded in large scale. The flavour of these two species isalmost indistinguishable, although the former is slightly more pungent.


Many names in contemporary European tongues (Portuguese segurelha,Italian santoreggia, French sarriette,Czech and Slovak saturejka and also the regional GermanSaturei) as well as English savory go back to Latin satureia. The English name has been influenced by (but not derivedfrom) the adjective savoury spicy: Middle English savery,from Latin sapor flavour via Old French sarree.

The origin of the Latinsatureia is dark; postulated connections tosatyr or saturn are most probably wrong, andalso the derivation from saturare saturate can hardlyconvince. I guess there is a common origin with Turkish sater,Hebrew zaʾatar [זעתר]and Arabic az-za'tar [الزعتر],which is a term used today in the Eastern Mediterranean to describe differentaromatic herbs (mainly savory, thyme andmarjoram) and also a spice mixture containing,among others, such herbs (see sumac).

Thyme-leaved savory flower
Thyme-leaved or pink savory, S. thymbra (flowering plant)

TheSwedishname kyndel and the second element of Finnishkesäkynteli derive from Latin cunila,which is the adaptation of an obscure Greek plant namekonile [κονίλη]which allegedly meant marjoram. The Germanname of creeping thyme (Thymus serpyllum),Quendel, has the same source; see alsothyme.

TheGermanterm Bohnen­kraut bean’s herb indicates thevalue of savory for bean dishes. Bohne bean and itsGermanic cognates (Old Norse baun, Old English bēan,Dutch boon) originally referred to the Central Asian broad bean(Vicia faba); today, it is mostly used for the French bean(Phaseolus vulgaris), which was introduced to Europe in the 16.thcentury from its native continent America. Despite numerous cognates innon-Germanic languages (Latin faba bean, Greekphakos [φακός] lentil,Russian bob [боб] bean), thename cannot be explained sufficiently; yet the Proto-Indo–European root BʰEUswell, puff (cf. boil or German Beule swelling) isa likely candidate, provided the name indeed is of Indo–European origin.

German Kraut has three different meanings: annual, non-woodyplant, plant used for culinary or medical purposes and cabbage. The wordoccurs in German and Dutch (kruid) only; Swedishkrydd has the narrowed meaning spice, condiment. ACommon Germanic form KRŪDA can be reconstructed, butnon-Germanic examples are difficult to find, e. g.,Greek bryein [βρύειν]sprout, germinate (cf. embryo) and Latinfruticari sprout (see chile).A possible Proto-Indo–European root accounting for both Kraut andbryein is GʷERU spit (cf. Latin veru lance);but it is doubtful whether the words in question are truly Indo–European.

Several European languages name savory as pepper herb, obviously inreference to the former use of savory as a substitute forblack pepper. Examples are GermanPfefferkraut, Estonian piparrohi,Polish pieprzyk, Hungarian borsfűand even Korean (huchu namu [후추나무]);the Hungarian name, however, may also mean cress. In French,there is a similar name poivrette little pepper,and Provençal has a rather colourful nickname for wintersavory: pebré d’asé orpebre d’aï (in French more rarely poivre d’âne) donkey pepper.Although savory is not efficient in the rôle of a pepper surrogate,it has been used a lot in Germany during and immediately afterWorldWarII, and some German cooks have kept this tradition untiltoday. Sometimes, people substitute pepper by savory for allegedhealth reasons.

Selected Links

Indian Spices: Savory (indianetzone.com)Ilkas und Ullis Kochecke: Bohnenkraut (rezkonv.de via archive.org)Pflanzen des Capitulare de Villis: Bohnenkraut (biozac.de)Saskatchewan Herb and Spice Association: Summer SavoryHerbs by Linda Gilbert: SavoryDesirable Herb and Spice Varieties: SavoryRecipe: Sarma (Croatian cabbage rolls)Рецепта: Кавърма по воденичарски (Kavarma Miller’s Style) (gotvetesmen.com)Рецепта: Кавърма-кебап (Meat Kavarma) (bg.wikibooks.org)

Flowering savory

Savory’s aroma is closely similar to that of thyme and other spices con­taining thymol (e. g.,ajwain); yet savory posseses an additional,unique touch of peppery piquancy,which gives food spiced with savory a somewhat rustic character.In my opinion, savory deserves more attention and is widely underrated.

Despite savory’s similarities to thyme, itsapplications are rather the opposite: It is rarely used for meats, butmostly for vegetables. Savory is very often employed for legumes, especiallydishes prepared from dried lentils or beans, where it aids digestionsignificantly. Furthermore, I find it is very well suited for mushrooms.As an authentic flavouring for traditional Central European food, savorymay well be combined with hyssop for rusticbean or potato recipes.

On the other hand, savory is frequently found in commercialspice mixtures for sausages, pâtés or pickles. Though notobligatory, it is often part of the Southern France spice mixture herbes de Provence (see lavender), and it is found in most versions ofGeorgian khmeli-suneli (see blue fenugreek).It is quite a popular culinary herb in Germany; thus, it is often employed inGerman versions of bouquet garni (see parsley).

Some books recommend to add savory early in the cooking process, but to mytaste, savory’s aroma is diminished by long cooking, and therefore I usuallyadd it only one or two minutes before the dish is finished.

Because of its strong affinity to legumes in general and beans in particular,savory makes a good alternative for the herb epazotecalled for in some Central American bean recipes, if the latter isunavailable.

Winter savory flowers

InSouthEastern Europe, from the Balkan to the Black Sea, savory has someimportance as flavouring for beans, vegetables and braised foods. In Croatia,there is even a local lemon-scented variety which Ilike to grilled fish, even more than lemon thyme. InBulgaria, savory (named chubritsa or more correctlyčubrica [чубрица])is the most frequently used culinary herb and is employed almostuniversally. Grown in the warm Bulgarian climate, savory develops a mostpleasant aroma reminiscent of thyme. Note that insome Slavonic tongues, names similar to chubritsa may applyeither to thyme or to savory.

Bulgarian kavurma or kavarma [кавърма]is meat (usually pork or mutton) slowly stewed in a clay pot. It contains various vegetables(onions, tomatoes, mushrooms), red or white wine andis seasoned with savory and black pepper.

The national dish of Bulgaria, sarmi [сарми](cabbage rolls), consists of a mixture of friedonions, uncooked rice and groundmeat that is wrapped in cabbage leaves and slowly cooked.Bulgarians prefer cabbage leaves that have been fermented to yielda kind of uncut sauerkraut and flavour the meat stuffing withsavory (besides pepper, parsley, dill and possiblypaprika). There are many similar foodsin outher South East European places, e. g., the Balkan variant sarma [сарма],which is often cooked in tomato sauce and thus acquires a more intensive, reddish colour.

Quite often one finds spice blends named as chubritzaor tschubritsa (spoken tshubritza)for Bulgarian or more generally Balkan cooking.Yet in Bulgaria, that name almost always refers only to pure savory,not to some herb mixture; the latters are often known as sharena sol [шарена сол] coloured salt.An alternate name is merudiya or merudia [мерудия], which usuallymeans parsley, but may also refer to either savory or the sharena sol mixture.

In Bulgaria, blends may contain salt, paprika, dried herbs (savory, thyme, basil, lovage)and often also either desiccated garlic or herbswith garlicky flavour like honey garlic (Nectaroscordum siculum ssp. bulgaricumsyn. Allium bulgaricum) known assamardala [самардала]in Bulgarian.

In Georgia, savory is one of the most popular culinary herb. It is mostly used dry and ground, and also appears in thespice blend khmeli-suneli (see blue fenugreek) and in the table condimentsvanuri marili (see garlic).

Modification date: 27 Dec 2007
Report problems and suggestions to Gernot Katzer

Spice Pages:  Savory (Satureja hortensis/montana) (2024)


What flavor is Satureja hortensis? ›

It has a mild peppery taste and is often used to flavor soup, tea, vinegar, meat, cabbage, and butter. It is also used in potpourris. Savory is most often used as a culinary herb, but it also has marked medicinal benefits, especially upon the whole digestive system.

Is savory spice the same as summer savory? ›

Summer savory has a hot, peppery flavor, while winter savory is earthier and more subdued. Both have notes of marjoram, thyme, and mint. It was a popular herb until the spice route from Asia introduced black pepper to Europe.

What is the spice Savoury used for? ›

Dried summer savory is quite versatile and is commonly used to add flavor to soups, stews, cabbage and more. Summer savory spice is also a great addition to add to your homemade chowder recipe. Try using summer savory in place of pepper for your next home cooked meal.

Is summer savory the same as Newfoundland savory? ›

Although in Nova Scotia, PEI and New Brunswick the herb is referred to it as summer savory, in Newfoundland it's simply called savory.

What does savory flavor taste like? ›

It can be described as a pleasant "brothy" or "meaty" taste with a long-lasting, mouthwatering and coating sensation over the tongue.

Is Savoury the same as thyme? ›

Fresh thyme has a definite herbal flavor with sharp grass, wood, and floral notes. This makes quite difficult to tell the difference between them as winter savory also has a piney, woodsy taste. Summer savory is a little different as it's a bit peppery.

Does savory taste like oregano? ›

Savory tastes like a combination of oregano and thyme. The essential oils of savory and thyme are very similar in their chemical make-up so their similar flavor that can be used interchangeably in recipes.

Can you eat summer savory flowers? ›

Summer savory is an annual that I use to cook with broad beans and runner beans. I use whole sprigs, flowers and all, when I am cooking the beans, as it is supposed to lessen the windiness of the beans. That aside, it has a strong flavour and the flowers and leaves really spice up casseroles and roast meats.

What is summer savory herb good for? ›

Summer savory is a plant. The leaves and stem are used to make medicine. People take summer savory for cough, stomach pain, gas (flatulence), diarrhea, loss of appetite, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses. In foods, summer savory is used as a culinary spice.

What spice is similar to savory? ›

Aside from savory, herbes de Provence also includes oregano, marjoram, thyme, tarragon, rosemary, and basil. So expect a harmonious blend of herbs that will bring the flavor of your dish to another level. Herbes de Provence can replace savory in a 1:1 ratio.

Does savory have another name? ›

While Savory has earned several monikers, it is most often nicknamed the "bean herb" or "bohenkraut" in German, thanks to its traditional pairing in various bean dishes and its anti-flatulence benefits.

Is savory spice good for you? ›

And savory is not only delicious, but also healthy. In addition to essential oils, it contains tannins and vitamin C. By stimulating bile production, it aids digestion and soothes gastric problems.

Can I use summer savory instead of thyme? ›

Summer savory is the kind of herb that's compatible with a wide array dishes, just the way thyme in. In fact, the two can be easily used interchangeably.

Is summer savory like rosemary? ›

Summer savory, an annual, has a fine, feathery texture and bright green foliage that turns a striking shade of bronze-purple in late summer. Winter savory is a perennial plant with stiff foliage and a more pungent flavor. In the kitchen, savory is an easy substitute for marjoram, rosemary, sage, or thyme.

Is herb de Provence the same as summer savory? ›

Summer savory is also often included in an herbs de provence spice blend. Use summer savory much like you would thyme. Its peppery flavor and spicy aroma liven up many dishes. Add some to an omelet or frittata, or use it in a marinade for chicken or fish.

What is the flavor of savory plants? ›

Savory has a peppery taste similar to a minty thyme. It is most known for its pairing with green vegetables and beans, so much so that the German word for savory, Bohenkraut, translates directly to “bean herb.” It is considered an ideal herb for people trying to add herbs as a salt substitute.

What does winter savory herb taste like? ›

It's robust with an overall pine-like flavor profile that resembles a mixture of marjoram, mint, and thyme, but it's way more peppery. Its slightly bitter flavor also makes it perfect for winter ingredients and cooking; winter ingredients tend to perk up when paired with bitter as well as peppery notes.

What is the flavour of Savoury? ›

It's often described as a meaty flavor, which makes sense since it indicates the presence of protein (specifically, the amino acid glutamate). Other common descriptors of a savory taste are: “full of flavor,” “delicious,” and “tasty,” which show that it's really hard to quantify what savory tastes like.

Are summer savory flowers edible? ›

Summer savory is an annual that I use to cook with broad beans and runner beans. I use whole sprigs, flowers and all, when I am cooking the beans, as it is supposed to lessen the windiness of the beans. That aside, it has a strong flavour and the flowers and leaves really spice up casseroles and roast meats.

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