Roma Tomato Sauce Recipe - Easy Made With Fresh Tomatoes! (2024)

Roma Tomato Sauce recipe that requires no peeling or blanching! This is a easy creamy sauce that’s perfect for growing garden tomatoes! Serve on pasta, or use later by canning or freezing.

Roma Tomato Sauce Recipe - Easy Made With Fresh Tomatoes! (1)

It’s August so you know what that means, right? Our tomato plants are giving us pounds of tomatoes to pick every day! Usually I collect the week’s tomatoes and spend hours in the kitchen on the weekend making sauces (sweet and spicy and slow cooker), diced tomatoes, and stewed tomatoes. And of course Fresh Tomato Salsa – what would be a August be without salsa?

Roma Tomato Sauce Recipe - Easy Made With Fresh Tomatoes! (2)

My go to favorite homemade tomato sauce is Cherry Tomato Sauce, but this year we only grew Roma tomatoes so I wanted to create a recipe that was 1) easy 2) delicious 3) let the roma tomato taste shine! Let me introduce you to Homemade Roma Tomato Sauce!

How to Make Tomato Sauce Video

Fresh Tomato Sauce

Let’s talk about easy this homemade sauce is. I have amazing news for you. Are you ready?

First, you use fresh tomatoes.

Second… are you really ready for this?

You don’t need to blanch or peel your tomatoes for this tomato sauce! Seriously! High 5!

I really wanted to make a easy sauce. During the Summer, I want to limit my time spent stirring sauces over the hot stove and instead chase my little one around with water balloons. This sauce is simple and doesn’t require any fancy blanching or peeling techniques. We’re just going to use the tomatoes whole. Trust me on this one.

What type of tomatoes should I use for tomato sauce?

Roma Tomato Sauce Recipe - Easy Made With Fresh Tomatoes! (3)

Quick answer to a commonly asked question. Do I need to use roma tomatoes? No, you can use any type of tomato you want. You might need to boil them for longer depending on their water content, but any type of tomato will work!

How to Make Tomato Sauce for Pasta

Cut up your tomatoes into about 1-2 inch pieces and add to a large pot. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Depending on how many tomatoes I have, I will double or triple the batch to make it all at once.

Roma Tomato Sauce Recipe - Easy Made With Fresh Tomatoes! (4)

Bring your tomatoes to a boil and watch how they will break down. You can see your tomatoes are already starting to turn into a sauce!

Roma Tomato Sauce Recipe - Easy Made With Fresh Tomatoes! (5)

You can see how the peels of the tomatoes started coming off the tomatoes naturally due to the hot temperature. By the way, the tomatoes taste amazing already!

Roma Tomato Sauce Recipe - Easy Made With Fresh Tomatoes! (6)

Now mince some garlic.

Roma Tomato Sauce Recipe - Easy Made With Fresh Tomatoes! (7)

And measure out your olive oil. By the way, can I just say how good of a deal it is to buy olive oil in a bulk container if you use it often? Olive oil is a must have for our Summer vegetables! We save so much money buying it this way!

Roma Tomato Sauce Recipe - Easy Made With Fresh Tomatoes! (8)

Add your olive oil to the pot and grab your immersion blender. It’s another must have item for Summer because it also makes the best tomato soup (recipe coming soon!)! If you don’t have a immersion blender you can transfer to a blender or food processor, but be careful because it’s very hot!

Roma Tomato Sauce Recipe - Easy Made With Fresh Tomatoes! (9)

Now give it a few seconds of the immersion blender, and blend until your desired sauce thickness.

I like a sauce that’s slightly chunky but yet still smooth. Does that make sense? I don’t think so, but here’s what my sauce looks like!

Roma Tomato Sauce Recipe - Easy Made With Fresh Tomatoes! (11)

PERFECT, right?

Roma Tomato Sauce Recipe - Easy Made With Fresh Tomatoes! (12)

You can serve the sauce immediately (on some good pasta!) or store in the refrigerator for a few days. I always make at least one jar to store in the refrigerator to serve for dinner soon.

Roma Tomato Sauce Recipe - Easy Made With Fresh Tomatoes! (13)

This sauce is so delicious! I love how the taste of the Roma Tomatoes really shines through!

Alternatively you can also freeze the sauce for later usage (like in a few months!). I always have bags (and bags) of tomato sauce in my freezer so I make quite a number of these. Is there anything better than fresh garden tomato sauce when it’s snowing in January?

Roma Tomato Sauce Recipe - Easy Made With Fresh Tomatoes! (14)

This is now my official favorite tomato sauce to make with roma tomatoes!

Roma Tomato Sauce Recipe - Easy Made With Fresh Tomatoes! (15)

Now time to go pick some tomatoes and get making sauce! Enjoy this Roma Tomato Sauce everyone!

PS. Have too many? Here’s how to freeze tomatoes.

Roma Tomato Sauce Recipe - Easy Made With Fresh Tomatoes! (16)

Tomato Sauce Pinterest Recipe:

Roma Tomato Sauce Recipe - Easy Made With Fresh Tomatoes! (17)

Roma Tomato Sauce Recipe - Easy Made With Fresh Tomatoes! (18)

4.74 from 222 reviews

Roma Tomato Sauce


Roma Tomato Sauce recipe that requires no peeling or blanching! This is a easy creamy sauce that’s perfect for growing garden tomatoes! Serve on pasta, or use later by canning or freezing.

By: Pamela Reed

Prep Time: 5 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes minutes

Total Time 25 minutes minutes

serves 8 cups


  • 5 pounds tomatoes cut into 1-2 inch pieces
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 clove garlic minced
  • 1/4 cup olive oil


  • Add tomatoes to a large pot. Add salt and pepper and stir. Bring tomatoes to a boil over medium high heat. Boil for 20 minutes. The tomatoes will start to break down and more liquid will form.

    Roma Tomato Sauce Recipe - Easy Made With Fresh Tomatoes! (19)

  • Add garlic and olive oil to the pot and stir. Use immersion blender on low and blend until desired sauce thickness.

    Roma Tomato Sauce Recipe - Easy Made With Fresh Tomatoes! (20)

  • Serve immediately or store in the refrigerator to use in a few days.

    Roma Tomato Sauce Recipe - Easy Made With Fresh Tomatoes! (21)

  • Alternatively you can freeze in freezer bags to use for later months.

    Roma Tomato Sauce Recipe - Easy Made With Fresh Tomatoes! (22)



Recipe makes approximately 8 cups of sauce. Adjust recipe according to how many tomatoes you have. Often I will double or triple the batch.

Nutrition Information:

Calories: 87kcal (4%)

Course: Main Course

Cuisine: Italian

Keyword: homemade tomato sauce, roma tomato sauce


Did you make this?I love seeing what you’ve made! Tag me on Instagram at @BrooklynFarmGirl and don’t forget to leave a comment & rating below.

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Roma Tomato Sauce Recipe - Easy Made With Fresh Tomatoes! (2024)


Do you have to peel roma tomatoes for sauce? ›

Same goes if you're canning tomatoes for a later time, when they'll probably be turned into a sauce. Though it's completely a matter of preference, for the smoothest, mellowest sauce, you might consider peeling.

What is the secret to good tomato sauce? ›

Starting with good quality tomatoes and crushing them by hand offers great flavor and texture later on. The combination of butter and oil releases fat-soluble aromatics and gives the sauce a creamy texture. Slowly cooking the sauce in the oven creates rich caramelization without burning.

What can I do with lots of roma tomatoes? ›

Roma tomatoes are perfect for this easy homemade fresh tomato sauce. With only 10 ingredients, you can toss it with your favorite pasta shape or even spread it on pizza. Because roma tomatoes have more flesh and less seeds, they are my go-to for making sauce during tomato season.

How to make tomato sauce from fresh tomatoes Martha Stewart? ›

  1. Cook garlic: In a medium saucepan, heat olive oil over medium-high. Add garlic; cook until fragrant, about 1 minute.
  2. Add tomatoes: Add red-pepper flakes (optional) and tomatoes, breaking them up as you go. Season with salt and pepper.
  3. Simmer sauce: Bring to a boil, then reduce to a rapid simmer.
Aug 11, 2023

What happens if you don't peel tomatoes for sauce? ›

Yes, you can leave skin on tomatoes when making sauce! Just use a food processor to transform whole tomatoes into sauce. This saves lots of time from having to boil the tomatoes first to loosen the skin enough to peel. We also figure keeping the skins on retains all the vitamins and minerals that the skin contains.

Are you supposed to put sugar in tomato sauce? ›

Most tomato sauce recipes are based on canned tomatoes, and canning companies carefully regulate the pH level of their products. So, the need to add sugar to tomato sauce is declining, but there may still be exceptions. It's best to make your sauce without sugar at first, then taste it and add a pinch if necessary.

What makes tomato sauce taste better? ›

Add fresh herbs (basil, oregano, rosemary, bay leaf), and let them simmer to give a punch of fresh flavor.

What is the most important thing when making tomato sauce? ›

Roast the tomatoes first.

This one simple thing will completely change the dynamic of the sauce. Roasted tomatoes give a robust depth of flavor to an otherwise simple sauce. Heat equals flavor, folks.

How to peel Roma tomatoes for sauce? ›

The most efficient way to peel tomatoes is to blanch the tomatoes by quickly boiling them in hot water, which helps to loosen the skin from the flesh, and then shock them in an ice bath. The ice bath helps stop the cooking process and cools the tomatoes down so they're easy to handle.

Can you freeze fresh Roma tomatoes? ›

Tomatoes may be frozen raw or cooked, whole, sliced, chopped, or puréed. Tomatoes do not need to be blanched before freezing. Frozen tomatoes are best used in cooked foods such as soups, sauces and stews as they become mushy when they're thawed.

Can you leave the skin on tomatoes when making sauce? ›

Yeah, that's right: NO need to peel those tomatoes! The skins are delicious and nutritious, too! We like to throw in fresh oregano and basil at the end for an extra burst of flavor, and add salt and pepper to taste.

What are the best tomatoes for homemade tomato sauce? ›

Fresh tomatoes: Try to stick with plum tomatoes, like Roma, San Marzano, and cherry tomatoes. Be sure to peel the tomatoes (and remove the seeds, if you like, but it's not necessary). White sugar: The sugar will balance out the acidity and give the sauce a hint of sweetness.

Do I have to peel tomatoes for tomato sauce? ›

In a salad or sandwich, you don't need peeled tomatoes. But, if you're making a fresh tomato sauce or stewed tomatoes, the tomatoes should be peeled, cored, and seeded. The result will be a smoother sauce without any seeds, core, or peel in it.

Do you skin Roma tomatoes? ›

Peeling tomatoes requires a little effort, but when you taste the results in tomato sauces and soups, you'll realize the rewards are well worth it. Removing the peel gives sauces a smoother texture and a sweeter taste.

Do Italians peel tomatoes for sauce? ›

Italian Tradition

Even a very simple tomato and basil sauce is made with peeled tomatoes, so this product is a staple in Italian pantries.

Do you have to core Roma tomatoes for sauce? ›

Cherry tomatoes are delicate enough to be eaten whole, but larger tomato varieties, like beefsteak or Roma tomatoes, have a fibrous core at the top of the tomato that should be removed before using it in a recipe. It won't hurt you, but it has an unpleasant woody texture.

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