Remnant Rumble vs Beast Brawl Wrestling! - Chapter 1 - KamenRiderAvenger2022 (2024)

Chapter Text

The Amity Colosseum is packed with fans of both Remnant Rumble and Beast Brawl Wrestling. They cheer as the biome in the center has changed into a wrestling ring with red ring ropes, a black mat with the logos of both companies in the center, and the apron having both companies' logos printed on it. Pyrotechnics shoot up from all four corners of the ring as well as the entrance ramp.

Oobleck: Welcome ladies and gentlemen from both Remnant, Lacatilla, Animala, Belua, Merewifen, and the Marshland Colony to the biggest annual event: REMNANT RUMBLE VS BEAST BRAWL WRESTLING! We got 12 of the best wrestlers from both companies going head to head for a wild night! Don't you agree, Peter?

Port: Yes, Bartholomew. These wrestlers are more than prepared for this evening and are eager to give the crowd a fantastic show. Who's up first, my friend?

Oobleck: We have Ruby Rose, the youngest huntress and leader of Team RWBY going up against the daughter of BBW legend Bovinda, Charlend the Smooth Fire! From what I can recall, those two are friends, hung out and even sparred. Not to mention the last time they were in a ring was when Ruby was a special guest at Animala and partook in a tag team match with Charlend.

Port: Indeed. Time to see how this friendship will last after their first ever match against each other! Enough talk, let's get down to the action with our fellow professor, Glynda Goodwitch, who is at the ring right now.

Glynda Goodwtich stands in the middle of the ring, microphone in hand as she's wearing a ring gear version of her normal clothes. She smiles to the audience as she raises the microphone. “The following contest is scheduled for one fall! First, approaching the ring, she is the youngest huntress to come out of Beacon Academy, a warrior with silver eyes, and the leader of Team RWBY. At the height of 5'4”, Ruby Rose!”

[Insert song: “Red like Roses PT. II]

The crowd erupts into loud cheers as Ruby Rose walks down the ramp, her hooded cloak over her person as she heads to the ring, a trail of rose petals following her. The young Huntress wrestler climbs into the ring before standing in the middle of it and pulls back her hood, revealing her face and shining silver eyes as she smiles to the audience. She then takes off her cloak,tossing it out of the ring to reveal her wrestling attire, which consists of a two toned red top with netted mesh that covers her cleavage, a collar piece with a white cross that connects it, burgendy arm sleeves that stop below the shoulders and connects to black fingerless gloves that have a red pad on the backs of said gloves, red shorts that are followed by the same netted mesh on her legs that stop above a pair of red and black boots. Ruby climbs the nearest turnbuckle and poses for the crowd, who cheers for her more before she jumps back down and leans against the corner, waiting for her opponent to enter the ring.

Glynda: And her opponent, she is the daughter of Beast Brawl Wrestling Champion Bovinda the Heroine of Belua! A prodigy for the BBW championship title! Standing in at 7'2”, Charlend!

The crowd cheers as loudly as they did for Ruby as Charlend comes out from behind the curtain. Charlend is a tall muscular natural born cow girl with horns on her head, red hair done up in a ponytail and striking blue eyes. Her ring attire is a red and orange open back leotard, a cow bell on her neck, bicep length gloves with some holes open on them, gold bracelet accessories around her wrists and mid thigh high wrestling boots done up in red, grey and two parts of them reaching a bit higher done up in a darker orange with a lighter orange trim. Charlend does her signature bull horn gesture with her hands before she waves to the audience and climb into the ring, waving to the audience and doing her signature hand gesture again before she looks at Ruby, who looks at her with a smile. The two friends hug as the crowd cheers before they separate and back up. A referee comes in and checks both Ruby and Charlend for anything illegal. Once they were clear, the ref signals for the bell, which rings at the start of the match.

Oobleck: And here we go! The first match of the night has begun!

Ruby and Charlend circled each other before the two shook hands in sportsmanship, the handshake turning into a test of strength as the huntress and cow girl lock hands and push against each other. Ruby grits her teeth as she pushes against Charlend, holding her own against her friend's strength as Charlend pushes back, forcing her shorter friend back and almost towards the ropes as Ruby plants her feet into the mat to gain some friction to stop herself from sliding back.

Port: Excellent technique from Ruby. She did this same thing when she took on Cardin Winchester last week

Oobleck: Indeed, Peter. But that won't last long due to Charlend's strength

Charlend huffs at Ruby's defense, ending the test of strength by putting Ruby in a side headlock and quickly slamming her in a Running Bulldog. Ruby flops to the mat and ends up on her back following the slam, Charlend quickly going for a pin, but the huntress kicks out. The two friends roll to the knees and stare at each other with matching smirks while the crowd chants their names.

Oobleck: Impressive kick out by Ruby. Not a good move on Charlend's part for attempting an early pin

Port: Impressive indeed, Bartholomew

Charlend rushes at Ruby for a clothesline, but Ruby ducks under and bounces off the same ropes with Charlend bouncing off the adjacent ropes as they charge towards each other. Charlend goes for another clothesline, but Ruby slides on her knees to duck under that one with the two friends repeating this process until Charlend catches Ruby in a tackle, slamming her friend into the mat as she shouts.

Port: After all of that back and forth, Charlend breaks it by taking Ruby down in a quick tackle!

Oobleck: Charlend may be larger than Ruby, but she's still faster than most other wrestlers her size in the BBW.

Charlend grabs Ruby's legs and locks in a swift figure four lock, making Ruby cry out in pain with her hands in her hair. The cow girl bucks her hips a bit to add more pressure to the hold as Ruby's cry of pain slowly turns into a scream. “What do you say, Ruby? Give up?” Charlend asked with a smirk. “Ngh! No!!” Ruby shouts as she turns to one side to try and reverse the hold, only for Charlend to turn the other to force the huntress onto her back again. Ruby tries again the other way, but Charlend does it again the other way. Ruby growls in frustration and in pain before she notices the ropes. She begins to crab walk her way to them while Charlend struggles to keep her away from them.

Oobleck: Ruby is running out of options here, Peter. Charlend has her in a Figure Four lock and is preventing her from reversing it.

Port: Charlend is very skilled in a hold like this. I remember a tag match that Charlend was in against Titan and she did this exact same hold. Titan also resisted it

Ruby continues the crab walk to the ropes while Charlend tries to pull her back towards her, only for the huntress to grab the bottom rope. “Got it!” Ruby shouts with her grip firm on the rope. “Rope break, Charlend. Let her go” the ref instructed before Charlend lets Ruby go of the hold and stand up, leaning down to grab Ruby by her hair. But the second that she was on her feet, Ruby fires her knee into her friend's abs and strikes with an uppercut, making Charlend let go of her hair and stumble back. Ruby then begins to deliver chops to Charlend's breasts, the cow girl shouting and stumbling back before the huntress bounces off of the ropes behind Charlend and jump onto her back, locking Charlend in her signature submission hold, the Rose Vines (Octopus Hold/Black Widow Lock). Charlend shouts as she's hunched over from being locked up in the hold while Ruby grits her teeth, keeping her friend trapped in the hold.

Oobleck: And Ruby comes back with her signature move, the Rose Vines! Charlend is trapped in it for sure!

Port: This is the same hold that Ruby used on Ace operative Harriet Bree when the Ace Ops came to Vale to wrestle Team RWBY. And it's a very strategic move on Ruby's part to have Charlend trapped in the middle of the ring. Not a good place to be trapped in a hold like this, especially for someone as big as dear Charlend.

The ref approaches Charlend as Ruby wrenches the Rose Vines hold on her more. “Do you submit, Charlend?” he asked, earning a slight headshake from the cow girl. “No!” she shouts before she begins to shuffle to the ropes, surprising Ruby. “H-Huh?” Ruby gasps as she struggles to keep Charlend in place as her friend shuffles to the ropes.

Oobleck: What's this?!? Charlend is shuffling towards the ropes! This is insane!

Port: It is very rare to see someone do this to get out of this particular hold

Charlend shouts in pain as she continues shuffling to the ropes while Ruby tries to wrench the Rose Vines hold on her more, but it has been proved to be futile as Charlend manages to grab the middle rope. “Made it!” Charlend shouts, prompting Ruby to let her go before the ref even told her to. Ruby then grabs Charlend's arm and heaves her into an Irish whip into the opposite ropes. Ruby bounces off the ropes behind her to run at Charlend before she jumps up onto her friend's shoulders, going for a Frankensteiner, but Charlend suddenly grabs Ruby's thighs, stopping the huntress and keeping her up on her shoulders. Ruby gasps as her arms wave a bit while the crowd watches in surprise and cheers.

Oobleck: Charlend stopped Ruby's attempt for a Frankensteiner! What's she gonna do now?

Port: Ruby is in trouble here!

With a yell, Charlend slams Ruby down in a Powerbomb, holding onto her friend's legs as she holds her down in a pin.

Ref: 1! 2!--

Ruby kicks out of the pin, but Charlend quickly uses the momentum to flip Ruby onto her belly and bend her legs in a Boston Crab! Ruby screams in agony while Charlend screams as well, aiming to make her friend tap out as she sits on Ruby's back.

Oobleck: A Boston Crab! Charlend has Ruby in a Boston Crab! The poor girl is being bent in half! Someone stop the match!

Port: It's not over until Ruby submits. Which I guarantee it won't be long until she does

The ref approaches Ruby and Charlend as the latter is bending the former more in the Boston Crab, asking the huntress if she submits, earning a loud “No!” from Ruby before screaming again as Charlend turns the Boston Crab into a Single Leg Boston Crab. Ruby raises her hand as if she's going to tap out, but then clenches her hand into a fist and begins to fire off her elbow into Charlend's side, making her shout as the crowd chants their names. Once Charlend's grip loosened, Ruby forces herself onto her back, making Charlen stand up and face her friend, still holding onto Ruby's leg until the huntress pushes her back with both feet. Ruby pants as she lays there for a bit while Charlend stumbles back before the huntress uses the ropes to get back up, the two friends panting as they stare each other down.

Oobleck: It's a miracle! Ruby manages to get free from the Boston Crab! And she's still standing! The sheer determination and spirit these two have is astounding, Peter!

Port: Indeed, Bartholomew. And the fans can agree. They are loving this

Ruby and Charlend huff and pant as they stare each other down before they bounce off the ropes and charge towards each other, the two wrestlers now trading blows as the crowd goes nuts. Ruby delivers a good punch to Charlend's already bruised abs, Charlend goes for an elbow to the face, Ruby going for a swing kick to Charlend's side, and Charlend stunning Ruby with a bell clap. Ruby drops to her knees, her ears ringing while Charlend pulls her to her feet, tucks her head between her thighs and raises her hands up in her gesture. “Time to end this!” the cow girl shouts as Ruby groans and regains her senses before her friend lifts her up onto her shoulders, getting ready for another Powerbomb.

Oobleck: Charlend has won the trading of blows and is getting ready to end this in another Powerbomb!

Ruby suddenly grabs one of Charlend's horns and starts to punch her in the head, making Charlend grunt at the punches before Ruby looks over her shoulder to see the ropes. Wrapping her legs around her friend's head and throws her shoulders back, sending Charlend straight into the ropes, the cow girl ending up on the middle rope and losing her breath for a bit. Ruby quickly runs to other side of the ring, bounce off the ropes and speeds back to Charlend. Grabbing the top and middle rope, the silver eyed huntress swings outwards and strikes Charlend in the face with a Tiger Fient Kick, making Charlend fall to her back, arms and legs spread while Ruby runs to the nearest corner and climbs up to the top rope, looking over her shoulder at Charlend to see her friend is still on her back.

Oobleck: Ruby's going for her new finisher! Is she gonna land it?

Port: This is it!

Ruby turns to face the ring and leaps in a front flip, slamming down onto Charlend's midsection in her finisher, the Remnant Moonsplash! Charlend's eyes snap open and roll up as saliva flies out of her mouth along with the air in her lungs. Ruby quickly grabs Charlend's leg and pulls it towards herself, turning onto her back while staying on her friend's midsection in the pin, eyes shut and teeth gritted while the ref counts it.

Ref: 1! 2! 3!

The bell rings as Ruby has been declared the winner. She lets go of Charlend's leg and rolls off of the defeated cow girl's midsection, completely exhausted as the two friends lay there in the middle of the ring.

Glynda: Here's your winner! By way of pinfall! Ruby Rose!

Oobleck: Ruby has done it! She has defeated Charlend with her new finisher, the Remnant Moonsplash! What a way to kick off the night, Peter!

Port: What a way indeed, Bartholomew. Ruby and Charlend have definitely given their all here

Ruby regains enough strength to get to her feet, standing on toned wobbly legs as Charlend comes to. Ruby smiles and offers her Beastman friend a hand. Charlend smiles and takes Ruby's hand, being helped to her feet by an exhausted Ruby. Charlend smiles and lifts Ruby to sit on her shoulder, pointing up at her friend as the crowd cheers for them.

Oobleck: Excellent sportsmanship by Charlend. Even after losing, she still treats Ruby as the friend she is. Great job, you two

“Great match, Charlend. You were great back there. You almost had me with that Powerbomb” Ruby says in exhaustion as Charlend carries her out of the ring, the huntress too exhausted to leave it. “Yeah. You were really good, too, Ruby. You know I'll be looking for a rematch when you visit Animala” Charlend said as she carries Ruby backstage. “And I'll be ready for that” Ruby replied as the crowd applauds them.


Weiss Schnee finishes putting her boots on as she gets ready for her match against Anara. The heiress rolls her head, neck and shoulders and then stretches her arm over her shoulder until Ruby and Charlend enter the locker room. “Hey, Weiss” Ruby spoke up before she is set down onto her feet by her larger friend and kisses Weiss on the cheek, causing the heiress to let out a little giggle before she kisses Ruby back. “Hey, Ruby. Great win out there. You did good yourself, Charlend” Weiss said, earning a nod from the cow girl. “Yeah, I may be fast, but Ruby is faster” Charlend replied as she goes to her locker and grabs a towel, wiping the sweat from her forehead as she does.

Ruby nods before she carefully sits down on the bench next to Weiss. “Good luck in your match against Anra. He's a slippery one” she said, earning a chuckle from Charlend, making the WhiteRose couple look at her. “She's right. I remember Ruby having a lot of trouble fighting him” the cow girl said, earning an eye roll from Ruby as she remembers that disaster of a match when she visited Animala. “Don't worry, girls. I got this” Weiss said as she rubs Ruby's back and kisses her on the cheek before she leaves to have her match. “So, what are the odds that Weiss is gonna get pissed off at Anra during the fight?” Charlend asked, making Ruby snort in laughter. “Definitely true that he will. But the question is, how long can Weiss tolerate him?” Ruby replied while Charlend changes into sweats while the huntress puts on a black t-shirt that says RWBY in red, white, purple, and yellow. “Good point, Ruby. Good point” Charlend replied as the two friends laughed.

Remnant Rumble vs Beast Brawl Wrestling! - Chapter 1 - KamenRiderAvenger2022 (2024)
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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.