Conquest Commendations Swtor (2025)

1. Conquest Commendation - General Discussion - SWTOR | Forums

  • 7 feb 2023 · Easiest way is to do conquest on more than one character. Each character which goes to 100.000 conquest points gets 200 commendations. Sometimes ...

  • Returning player here still trying to figure out 7.0. Been working on my armor upgrade but I get to the legendary implants I need 100 Conquest commendations. Thinking all I need to do is conquest to get more I found out that completing conquest task does not earn you any Commendations I still sta...

2. SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide - Swtorista

  • SWTOR How to Get the Best... · Legendary Implants · Level 80 Solo Gearing 7.3

  • Gearing up at level 80 in Star Wars: The Old Republic is entirely focused about what type of content you want to run - and what type of content you are skilled enough to run. In this guide we'll be going over what types of content you can do to get level 80 gear, what gearing paths exist, and some g

3. Conquest Commendations - General Discussion - SWTOR | Forums

  • 19 jun 2022 · Not true. The max comms you can get each week is 1500. That's 8 characters. You could do it in less if you get lucky on the comms dropping from ...

  • having a real problem trying to get these things, for some reason. advice? yes i am in a conquest guild that does conquest stuff, nightly. still can't get enough comms to upgrade gear.

4. SWTOR Conquest Guide -

5. hitting over 100k conquest before lvl 80 - General Discussion - SWTOR

  • 14 apr 2023 · You will never get Conquest Commendations on a character that hits conquest below level 80. You won't get the reward for this weeks conquest ...

  • So, ive just hit 100k personal conquest on my lvl 78 alt char. I was leveling him specifically to get the 200 conquest commendations as a reward for the personal conquest, i am wondering if i will get the reward once i hit lvl 80, i didnt receive anything yet. Thanks!!

6. Commendation Vendors Location Guide - SWTOR Spy

  • On starting planet (in this case Tython) you need to collect 8 Tython Commendations for buying light or medium armor chest. Specialty Goods Vendors are usually ...

  • While finishing the quests on any planets you will receive planet commendations as a quest rewards or monsters' drop. After completing a space mission and daily space quests you will receive Fleet Commendations which can be used for upgrading the starships. PvP players can earn two types of Commendations: Warzone Commendations from Warzones and Mercenary Commendations from open world which can be used for buying high level PvP gear with PvP Stats.

7. Conquest commendation not received - Bug Reports - SWTOR | Forums

  • 13 mei 2023 · Hello,i have been working on my conquest bar to reach 100k,and i was nearly there,but then all of a sudden it shows 1 million plus,and now i ...

  • Hello,i have been working on my conquest bar to reach 100k,and i was nearly there,but then all of a sudden it shows 1 million plus,and now i can't track it anymore.I don't know if i'm even able to get the rewards for reaching 100k,because the game thinks i am past that,and i wanted to get the rew...

8. Use tech fragments to buy conquest commendations - SWTOR | Forums

  • 20 apr 2024 · If i can buy tech fragments with conquest commendations, i want to do the same in reverse. For those times i got nothing i really want to ...

  • If i can buy tech fragments with conquest commendations, i want to do the same in reverse. For those times i got nothing i really want to spend tech frags on or sell. 200 tech frags = 200 conquest commendations or 500 tech frags = 250 conquest commendations. Something like that.

9. Easy 340 Gearing Guide - General Discussion - SWTOR | Forums

  • 2 jan 2024 · You can acquire by buying at the Conquest Gear Vendor, ear and relics of your choice are 10 Conquest Commendations and 16,500 credits. Then go ...

  • Been spending a lot of time on Shae Vizla lately and I've seen a lot of people don't know how to gear quickly, so I wrote this guide. Rest is copy/paste from Reddit where the guide was originally posted and written. Hey all I'm finding a lot of people are gearing the long way (especially on the n...

10. SWTOR Conquest Guide

  • 21 feb 2023 · Small Conquest Equipment Crate, contains a few pieces of Level 75+ legacy-bound Onderonian gear; 200 Conquest Commendations, a type of currency ...

  • Conquests are a way of completing rotating weekly objectives in Star Wars: The Old Republic to earn some great rewards by playing different parts of the game. You gain points by completing certain tasks like flashpoints or warzones, which change each week. Conquest is also a way for guilds to compet

11. Cost of Conquest vendor gearing 12/28/2023 - SWTOR | Forums

  • 28 dec 2023 · The other starts at 25 CQ and 21500 cr. The less expensive track by Rating/Conquest Commendations/Credits 326/25/21500 328/30/23100 330/30 ...

  • So, following some discussion on PVP as well as grouping to beat the Rakghoul Nightmare and getting close to tech frag limit again, I got to thinking about starting to gear up my toons. I wasn't planning anything too excessive since I rarely do group or PVP content but it did strike me that it mi...

12. Commendation vendor - Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki - Fandom

  • Commendation vendors sell specialty items in exchange for commendations. Idonia - Modification Commendations Vendor Merkus Foley - Equipment Commendations ...

  • Commendation vendors sell specialty items in exchange for commendations. Idonia - Modification Commendations Vendor Merkus Foley - Equipment Commendations Vendor Corporal Hurwell - Specialty Goods Shiden - Specialty Goods Dorsil - Specialty Goods

13. Purchase 500 tech fragments for 500 conquest commendations

  • 27 jul 2022 · I usually buy 20 to 30 bags of tech fragments with my conquest commendations. Can we please add an option to buy a larger amount, ...

  • I usually buy 20 to 30 bags of tech fragments with my conquest commendations. Can we please add an option to buy a larger amount, say 500 at one time. To buy the tech fragments, you have to click on the bag of tech fragments, you then have to agree to the purchase of the tech fragments, then you ...

Conquest Commendations Swtor (2025)


What do I do with conquest commendations in SWTOR? ›

Conquest Commendations and had credits to spare, you can trade them into the Conquest Gear Vendor! Tech Fragments and spend them on valuable crafting materials instead.

What is the max conquest bonus in swtor? ›

Stronghold Bonus

Fully unlocking 6 strongholds and all their rooms will get you a 150% bonus to your conquest points, and you'll get a partial bonus for every room you have unlocked. Your strongholds don't have to be decorated, just unlocked, to get the bonus.

How to get commendations in SWTOR? ›

A commendation is a type of currency which can be obtained by completing missions and looting mobs.

What to do with guild commendations in SWTOR? ›

Guild Commendations are needed to purchase Tier II-V Guild Perks. Every time your guild levels up, you get 5 Guild Commendations. You get an extra 5 Guild Commendations each time you hit a Guild Level that ends in a zero (Guild Level 10, 20, 30, etc.)

What can I spend Conquest Points on? ›

Conquest can be spent on Rated PvP gear at Zo'sorg in Oribos. The base item level available is based on the player's rank. Rated gear can be further upgraded with [Honor].

What are Conquest Points for? ›

Earned as a reward for Arena or Rated Battlegrounds and used to purchase the most powerful PvP armor and weapons. Conquest Points for completing their first random/weekend battleground daily, and 50 per win after. A player's Conquest Point cap is calculated based on best personal rating.

What is the 1000000 credit cap Swtor? ›

As a Free-to-Play player, you have a Credit cap of 1 million Credits. Anything you earn over that is held in Escrow. You're restricted in the number of active characters you can have as detailed above. There are also restrictions on endgame content, all of which are outlined in-game.

What is the max legacy level in swtor? ›

You can see your current Legacy Level at the top of the Legacy Panel, near your Legacy name. Some unlocks and rewards are only available for players who have reached a certain legacy level, and the max is Legacy Level 50.

What is the max credit cap in swtor? ›

The important factor here is that there is an Escrow facility, so that surplus Credits are not lost. However, a subscribing player can hold a maximum of 4,294,000,000 Credits in their inventory. If a player is selling items or moving Credits between characters by in-game mail, then they need to be aware of this cap.

What is the easiest way to earn credits in SWTOR? ›

Conquesting is an extremely easy way to earn credits and valuable crafting materials just by playing the game. Every week, you'll have a personal conquest point goal to meet, and you can get conquest points by doing the objectives listed on the Conquest panel, which is tab at the top of the normal missions panel.

Do commendations give reputation? ›

All commendations listed under a specific company will reward you a small amount of Reputation, for graded commendations this is rewarded once per grade.

How to go flagship in SWTOR? ›

To travel to your Guild Stronghold or Flagship, press U and select Guild. Then select the Travel Button on either the Headquarters or Flagship.

How do you get guild commendations? ›

Guild Commendations are a currency earned by participating in guild missions while representing that guild.

What is the role of the Jedi Knight in swtor? ›

Valiant, Determined, Guardian of Peace

Jedi Knights have served as generals, guerilla fighters, and warriors for generations, with few able to challenge their legendary combat prowess. Through years of disciplined training and meditation, the Jedi Knight hones body and mind into perfect harmony.

Where do I spend fleet commendations? ›

Can be used to purchase reward items from the Fleet Commendation vendor, or upgrades for your personal starship from the Starship Upgrades vendor. Both vendors can be found near the Galactic Trade Market on the fleet.

Can you exchange conquest for honor? ›

Unspent Conquest Points will be converted into Honor Points once the next tier of items becomes available. Please keep in mind that while Conquest Points have no 'cap', Honor Points do (4000), and any Conquest Points above that cap will be lost once the conversion takes place.

What are conquests in SWTOR? ›

Conquest is a daily and weekly reward system based on objectives that reward points.

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.