5 Vegan Kimbap Recipes | Cheap Lazy Vegan (2024)

5 Vegan Kimbap Recipes | Cheap Lazy Vegan (1)

These 5 vegan kimbap recipes are inspired by my childhood! You will find instructions on how to make vegan kimbap in five different ways and various versions! Make sure to watch the YouTube video below and scroll down to see the written recipes.

How To Make Vegan Kimbap 5 Different Ways

  • 5 Vegan Kimbap Recipes
    • Vegan Kimchi Kimbap
    • Vegan Kimbap (Standard)
    • Scrambled Tofu Kimbap
    • Spicy Tofu Kimbap
    • Veggie Kimbap

Kimbap (김밥) or ‘seaweed rice’ (literal translation!) is a traditional Korean dish made from cooked rice and other ingredients all rolled with dried seaweed sheets. Some say it’s the Korean version of Japanese sushi, but there are many differences (although not at first sight).

While sushi rice is typically made with a mixture of sugar and rice vinegar, making it sweeter, kimbap is usually more savoury. Sushi also uses raw fish ingredients (obviously unless speaking of vegan sushi!), while kimbap usually includes cooked or preserved ingredients. Both, however, are cut into smaller, cylindrical pieces (not all sushi, of course!).

In Korea, kimbap is a typical “on the go” type of food – often people will simply wrap a roll of kimbap in aluminum foil, making it super easy to carry wherever you go. It’s often eaten with fingers and Koreans often make kimbap for hikes, picnics or a simple lunch. I like to think of kimbap as a Korean version of sandwiches, except better (my opinion, of course).

The good news is that kimbap is super easy to veganize, and I’m excited to share how you can also make this delicious Korean dish in FIVE different ways!

5 Vegan Kimbap Recipes | Cheap Lazy Vegan (2)

5 Vegan Kimbap Recipes

For all these kimbap recipes, I’ll be using the same base ingredients (all vegan):

  1. Cooked short-grain rice (or sushi rice)

It is highly important to use short-grain or sushi rice instead of long-grain for one reason – the stickiness! Long grain rice will not stick to the seaweed (nori) sheets so make sure to use sushi rice or any short-grain rice.

  1. Toasted sesame oil (chamgireum)

This is what gives the rice its special savoury flavour! Do not even attempt to make kimbap without this because this is one of the key ingredients.

  1. Nori (seaweed) sheets

Nori sheets will hold all your ingredients together. There are different kinds of nori sheets, but make sure to pick the larger ones made for sushi rolls (not little ones in multiple packets) so you can make rolls like the ones I’m making in this recipe.

  1. Bamboo mat (optional but recommended)

While I don’t always use a bamboo mat to roll my kimbap, using one makes the rolling process easier so if you are new to rolling kimbap or sushi, I would recommend using one.

  1. A small bowl of water

This one serves as a dipping station for your fingers and knife (when cutting) so you can easily work the rice with your hands. As mentioned, short-grain rice is stickier compared to long-grain rice, and the water prevents the rice from sticking too much on your fingers. Also, the water is useful for dampening your knife (to make it much easier to cut your roll), and for sealing the kimbap after rolling.

5 Vegan Kimbap Recipes | Cheap Lazy Vegan (3)

Now that you have your base of rice, seasame oil and nori sheets to make Vegan Kimbap, let’s check out the FIVE different recipes below!

Things to remember before making the recipes:

  • Use 1 cup of cooked short grain or sushi rice for ONE roll of kimbap
  • Use around 1 tsp of toasted sesame oil per 1 cup of cooked rice
  • Add a generous pinch of salt into the rice
  • Use 1 seaweed (nori) sheet for each roll
  • If you’re planning to make more than one roll, prep the rice first by adding it into a mixing bowl and mixing with toasted sesame oil. This will save you from having to prepare your rice every time you start making the next recipe.
5 Vegan Kimbap Recipes | Cheap Lazy Vegan (4)

Vegan Kimchi Kimbap

Vegan Ingredients (makes 2 rolls):

  • 2 cups warm cooked short grain or sushi rice
  • 2 tsp toasted sesame oil (chamgireum)
  • Generous pinch of salt
  • 3/4 cup canned chickpeas, drained & rinsed
  • 1/4 onion, cut into chunks
  • 1 tsp oil
  • 1/4 cup vegan kimchi
  • Salt & pepper to taste
  • 1 tbsp vegan mayo
  • 4 long slices of pickled radish (danmuji)
  • 2 nori (seaweed) sheets


  1. In a mixing bowl, add cooked rice, toasted sesame oil and a generous pinch of salt and mix well. Set aside.
  2. Pulse onion and chickpeas in a food processor (or dice onion and mash chickpeas with a fork).
  3. Heat oil in a pan and add in the onion-chickpea mix. Add in the vegan kimchi (along with a small amount of kimchi juice!) and mix.
  4. Add salt and pepper to taste. Mix and let it cook for a few minutes until most of the juices are absorbed.
  5. Once cooked, transfer into a medium-sized bowl and mix in the vegan mayo. Taste and add more salt and pepper if needed. Set aside.
  6. Lay a piece of nori sheet flat onto a bamboo mat (shiny side down). Dampen your fingers with some water and place seasoned rice on the sheet and spread evenly, pressing down (leave a small one inch gap at the top of the seaweed).
  7. In the middle of the rice bed, lay out half the chickpea-kimchi mixture horizontally across (see video or visuals). Add in 2 slices of the pickled radish.
  8. Lift the bamboo mat and carefully fold the seaweed sheet over the insides like folding a burrito, covering everything. Lightly dampen the top end of the seaweed sheet with water and roll to seal. Repeat to make another roll.
  9. Spread a small amount of sesame oil on top of the rolls to make them shiny (optional).
  10. Dampen your knife with some water and carefully slice the rolls into roughly 1 inch slices. Serve and enjoy!
5 Vegan Kimbap Recipes | Cheap Lazy Vegan (5)

Vegan Kimbap (Standard)

Ingredients (makes 2 rolls):

  • 2 cups warm cooked short grain or sushi rice
  • 2 tsp toasted sesame oil (chamgireum)
  • Generous pinch of salt
  • 30g soy curls – soaked in water
    • 1 tbsp soy sauce
    • 1/4 tsp ginger
    • 1/2 tsp sesame oil
    • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp of oil (or more) for cooking
  • 1 carrot, julienned/sliced very thinly + 1/2 tsp sesame oil + pinch of salt
  • 1/2 bunch spinach (one handful) + 1/2 tsp sesame oil + pinch of salt
  • 1 Just Egg patty/square (optional)
  • 2-4 long slices of pickled radish (danmuji)
  • 2 nori (seaweed) sheets


  1. In a mixing bowl, add cooked rice, toasted sesame oil and a generous pinch of salt and mix well. Set aside.
  2. Rehydrate soy curls by soaking them in water until soft (around ten minutes). Drain and add in soy sauce, ginger, sesame oil, and sugar. Mix and allow to marinate for a couple of minutes while preparing other ingredients.
  3. Preheat a pan with a small amount of oil and cook carrots for 2-3 minutes or until slightly cooked. Season with salt and sesame oil. Set aside.
  4. Add spinach on the same pan with a small amount of oil and cook just until spinach begins to wilt and turn greener. Season with salt and sesame oil. Set aside.
  5. Add a little more oil on the same pan and add the marinated soy curls on one side and the Just Egg patty (optional) on the other. Cook the Just Egg according to instructions and cook soy curls until all the liquid is absorbed.
  6. Set aside and slice the just egg patty into thin strips.
  7. Lay a piece of nori sheet flat onto a bamboo mat (shiny side down). Dampen your fingers with some water and place seasoned rice on the sheet and spread evenly, pressing down (leave a small one inch gap at the top of the seaweed).
  8. In the middle of the rice bed, add half of all ingredients horizontally, one by one.
  9. Lift the bamboo mat and carefully fold the seaweed sheet over the insides like folding a burrito, covering everything. Lightly dampen the top end of the seaweed sheet with water and roll to seal. Repeat to make another roll.
  10. Spread a small amount of sesame oil on top of the roll to make it shiny (optional).
  11. Dampen your knife with some water and carefully slice the roll into roughly 1 inch slices. Serve and enjoy!
5 Vegan Kimbap Recipes | Cheap Lazy Vegan (6)

Scrambled Tofu Kimbap

Ingredients (makes 2 rolls):

  • 2 cups warm cooked short grain or sushi rice
  • 2 tsp toasted sesame oil (chamgireum)
  • Generous pinch of salt
  • 1 tsp oil (or more, if desired) for cooking
  • 1/2 block extra firm tofu
  • 1-2 tbsp Scrambled Tofu Seasoning
  • 2 tbsp vegan mayo
  • Salt & pepper to taste
  • 1/2 avocado, cut into long slices
  • 2 nori (seaweed) sheets


  1. In a mixing bowl, add cooked rice, toasted sesame oil and a generous pinch of salt and mix well. Set aside.
  2. Heat oil in a non-stick pan on medium-high heat. Crumble up the tofu with fingers and add into the pan. Cook for a couple of minutes, tossing frequently, until tofu starts to become golden.
  3. Add in the Scrambled Tofu Seasoning. Mix well and cook for another couple of minutes.
  4. Once cooked, transfer into a bowl and mix with vegan mayo. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Lay a piece of nori sheet flat onto a bamboo mat (shiny side down). Dampen your fingers with some water and place seasoned rice on the sheet and spread evenly, pressing down (leave a small one inch gap at the top of the seaweed).
  6. In the middle of the rice bed, add half of the scrambled tofu horizontally along with half the avocado slices.
  7. Lift the bamboo mat and carefully fold the seaweed sheet over the insides like folding a burrito, covering everything. Lightly dampen the top end of the seaweed sheet with water and roll to seal. Repeat to make another roll.
  8. Spread a small amount of sesame oil on top of the roll to make it shiny (optional).
  9. Dampen your knife with some water and carefully slice the roll into roughly 1 inch slices. Serve and enjoy!
5 Vegan Kimbap Recipes | Cheap Lazy Vegan (7)

Spicy Tofu Kimbap

Ingredients (makes 2 rolls):

  • 2 cups warm cooked short grain or sushi rice
  • 2 tsp toasted sesame oil (chamgireum)
  • Generous pinch of salt
  • 2 tbsp gochujang (Korean red chili pepper paste)
  • 1/2 block smoked tofu, cut into thin, long slices
  • 1/2 green bell pepper, sliced thinly
  • 4 long slices of pickled radish (danmuji)
  • 2 nori (seaweed) sheets


  1. In a mixing bowl, add cooked rice, toasted sesame oil, a generous pinch of salt and gochujang and mix well. Set aside.
  2. Lay a piece of nori sheet flat onto a bamboo mat (shiny side down). Dampen your fingers with some water and place seasoned rice on the sheet and spread evenly, pressing down (leave a small one inch gap at the top of the seaweed).
  3. In the middle of the rice bed, lay half of the smoked tofu, bell pepper and pickled radish horizontally.
  4. Lift the bamboo mat and carefully fold the seaweed sheet over the insides like folding a burrito, covering everything. Lightly dampen the top end of the seaweed sheet with water and roll to seal. Repeat to make another roll.
  5. Spread a small amount of sesame oil on top of the roll to make it shiny (optional).
  6. Dampen your knife with some water and carefully slice the roll into roughly 1 inch slices. Serve and enjoy!
5 Vegan Kimbap Recipes | Cheap Lazy Vegan (8)

Veggie Kimbap

Ingredients (makes 2 rolls):

  • 2 cups warm cooked short grain or sushi rice
  • 2 tsp toasted sesame oil (chamgireum)
  • Generous pinch of salt
  • 2 tbsp gochujang (Korean red chili pepper paste)
  • 1 tsp of oil for cooking
  • 4-5 leaves of kale, cut into long, thin slices
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 tsp toasted sesame oil
  • 1/2 green bell pepper, sliced thinly
  • 1/2 avocado, cut into long slices
  • 2 nori (seaweed) sheets


  1. In a mixing bowl, add cooked rice, toasted sesame oil, a generous pinch of salt and gochujang and mix well. Set aside.
  2. Heat oil on a non-stick pan on medium-high heat. Add the kale and cook lightly, tossing frequently, just for a couple of minutes. Mix in a pinch of salt and sesame oil and set aside.
  3. Lay a piece of nori sheet flat onto a bamboo mat (shiny side down). Dampen your fingers with some water and place seasoned rice on the sheet and spread evenly, pressing down (leave a small one inch gap at the top of the seaweed).
  4. In the middle of the rice bed, lay half of the cooked kale, green bell pepper and avocado slices horizontally.
  5. Lift the bamboo mat and carefully fold the seaweed sheet over the insides like folding a burrito, covering everything. Lightly dampen the top end of the seaweed sheet with water and roll to seal. Repeat to make another roll.
  6. Spread a small amount of sesame oil on top of the roll to make it shiny (optional).
  7. Dampen your knife with some water and carefully slice the roll into roughly 1 inch slices. Serve and enjoy!

5 Vegan Kimbap Recipes | Cheap Lazy Vegan (9)

Vegan Kimbap Recipes

These 5 vegan kimbap recipes are inspired by my childhood! I will show you how to make Korean-style vegan kimbap in 5 different ways!

5 from 13 votes

Print Pin Rate

Course: Main Course

Cuisine: Vegan

Keyword: kimbap, korean, vegan, vegetarian

Prep Time: 5 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes minutes

Total Time: 10 minutes minutes

Servings: 2


  • 1 Vegan Kimchi Kimbap
  • 1 Vegan Kimbap
  • 1 Scrambled Tofu Kimbap
  • 1 Spicy Tofu Kimbap
  • 1 Veggie Kimbap


  • Use 1 cup of cooked short grain or sushi rice per one roll of kimbap

  • Use around 1 tsp of toasted seasame oil per 1 cup of cooked rice

  • Add generous pinch of salt into rice

  • If you’re planning to make more than one roll, prep the rice first by adding it into a mixing bowl and mixing with toasted sesame oil. This will save you from having to prepare your rice every time you start making the next recipe.

  • Choose vegan kimbap recipe to make.

📌Enjoyed these Vegan Kimbap recipes? You might also like these recipes! 😀

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5 Vegan Kimbap Recipes | Cheap Lazy Vegan (2024)


Is Trader Joe's kimbap vegan? ›

Trader Joe's has an amazing selection of vegan frozen foods, including kimbap (which is amazing!). Here are some of the other plant-based things…

Can you make kimbap without a bamboo mat? ›

"Though the bamboo mats make things easier, you don't need to rush to a store in the middle of making kimbap for it," Kim states. Instead, she offers a simple and effective substitution: "Use a clean gallon-size Ziploc bag the same way you'd use a bamboo mat."

Can you make kimbap the night before? ›

Kimbap should be eaten fresh or at room temperature; refrigerating it makes the rice hard. If you want to prepare kimbap the night before and refrigerate it to eat the next day, the best way to heat it is by frying: dip the whole (uncut) rolls in beaten egg, then dredge in panko (Japanese bread crumbs, sold in bags).

What is the difference between kimbap and gimbap? ›

Kimbap—also known as gimbap—are Korean rice rolls that might look a lot like Japanese sushi rolls but, in truth, are nothing like sushi. Kimbap (from gim, a type of seaweed, and bap, the Korean term for "rice") is easy, portable, and adaptable to any palate, diet, or occasion.

Why is Trader Joe's kimbap so popular? ›

“It was almost like it was written into a commercial, they hit on every single selling point: it's made in Korea, it looks authentic, the flavor and taste are on point. Plus, it's super cheap. And it's just as good if not better than Korean market kimbap.

Can I use parchment paper as a sushi mat? ›

When a sushi mat is not available, plastic wrap and parchment paper can also be used. Prepare the plastic wrap or parchment paper in sizes larger than the nori seaweed and use in the same manner as a sushi mat.

What is veg kimbap made of? ›

Arrange 2 tablespoons of spinach, a few carrots, cucumbers and bell peppers across the center of the rice. Roll the sushi mat up and away from you, using your fingers to hold the vegetables in place as you roll the nori. Pull the mat forward, rolling the nori and rice around the filling. Continue rolling until sealed.

What is the difference between onigiri and kimbap? ›

Samgak kimbap was first introduced from Japan in the 1990s. Some people describe it as Korean onigiri (오니기리), owing to its similarity to the dish; Onigiri is a general term for Japanese rice balls. However, in Korea, samgak kimbap typically refers to the triangle rice ball fully wrapped with dried seaweed.

Why does my kimbap fall apart? ›

Brown rice or long-grain rice is not as starchy as short white rice and, as a result, the roll is more challenging to make. Rice grains tend to fall out or the roll falls apart altogether, as rice grains are often used as a “glue” to keep kimbap rolls in one piece.

Can you air fry kimbap? ›

Frying: 400F for 5 minutes. Break all pieces apart. Airfry another 2 minutes at 400F.

Can I eat leftover kimbap? ›

How to Reheat Leftover Kimbap!! 🍳 All you have to do is pan-fry them in hot oil, until they're sizzling and crispy! It's sooo delicious that sometimes we leave Kimbap out just so we can do this!

Who makes Trader Joe's kimbap? ›

Created by Korean food firm Allgot, the supplier behind the Trader Joe's hit rice rolls, the gimbap is rapid frozen at minus 50 degree Celsius so that it retains the shape and texture of a freshly wrapped roll during microwaving, E-mart officials explained.

Did Trader Joe's stop selling kimbap? ›

Some of the best viral TJ's moments come from new products that manage to meet, or even exceed, our wildest expectations. Such was the case with Trader Joe's Kimbap. After the product originally dropped in stores in August, it sold out quickly thanks to internet buzz. Now, it's finally restocked.

Are Trader Joe's crescent rolls vegan? ›

Like many pop-can doughs, Trader Joe's crescent rolls are vegan. Use them to wrap TJ's vegan hot dogs (or pieces of vegan hot dogs), then spray the dough lightly with olive oil spray and sprinkle with Everything but the Bagel Seasoning.

Are Trader Joe's Joe Joes vegan? ›

Just like Oreo's are accidentally vegan, Joe Joe's are too. But way, way better. All varieties of Joe-Joe's are 100% dairy and egg free (including seasonal favorites like Pumpkin and Candy Cane), with the Vanilla-Vanilla being the underrated superstar (trust us).

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.